Refurb GoPro 4 Black for $329

decent if you need one now
i'm sure we'll see brand new ones under $300 once hero5 is announced on the 19th
Ebay has refurbished Hero 4 Black @ $309 today, certified GoPro store - 1 yr warranty. (10/12/2016)
Yes, it did. Today they are 289, I bought one at 309, because they ran out last time I looked at them and then went up to 364. Prices are all over the place. I hope at least it has 3.0 firmware, I won't have to downgrade.
Deal of the Day @ best buy has them @ $329.99. but that will be just today.
The last two (Hero 4 Blacks) I bought on ebay were 225$ and 260$ respectively. Be patient and you can easily score them for around 250 including shipping...

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