Read it and Weep......

For me the Solo was a 'step in' drone. I was sure later on there would come a bigger 3DR drone that could hold a bigger camera (the forbes article mentions a project just like that). In the mean time I would start with the Solo and get used to the smart shots. But then 3DR turned that page. I can't understand why Anderson thought he could blow away DJI or even compete with Yuneec in the consumer market. Yes the Solo is superior, I still think so, but it is one product, not a product line, let alone a catalogue. They should have kept it a lot smaller in the beginning. Keep the price high and production low. Make 2 other products (a smaller and a bigger version) and then grow sales. After one year, maybe get the price down, but also look for payed upgrades (software and hardware - gimbal for other camera, bigger battery, motor; new smart shots). Just my 2c.
I just bought a second Solo and hopefully get it shipped to Europe (I wonder why 3DR is still trying to keep us foreigners from buying them straight from Best Buy...) - for spare parts mostly since 4 motor pods cost $400 over here. And for the future, I hope the Pixhawk 2.1 will get me where I want: bigger drone with smart shots like Solo. I guess I'll have to build it myself then...
Part of me thinks 3DR should have become a Solo-only business. Just make Solo itself plus the most absolutely killer accessories - gimbal, camera mounts, customizable motor options (a speed kit with different motors and props, an endurance kit,... maybe a "cargo" kit that'd lift half the county).
Think a sec: how absolutely cool would it be to log onto a site and customize your own camera drone to your exact needs. Let's see, I need looong flight time. So, I'll just go with the heavy-duty 12 inch props, the Mach 2 motor pods, and the X-Tra extended batteries. Oh yeah, and I'll take the lexan vacuum-molded "Lightshell" body. Saves quite a bit of weight.
Now, let's see... this is gonna hit the ole wallet hard! Think I'll add on the SoloSafe ballistic parachute system. Adds to the cost but cheap insurance.
OK, hit "Order Now" and it'll be at my door in a guaranteed 2 weeks. Cool beans!
Oh yeah... make it in florescent orange. Ten bucks extra, big deal.
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If there were enough delusional morons who bothered to actually think for themselves and knew a diamond from a lump of coal, DJI would have been given a massive bloody nose as Solo sales shot through the roof at launch.
Alas, most current - and seemingly potential - drone pilots worship at the altar of Lord Phantom just like the good little sheep they are. What a pity - basically, this whole affair merely illustrates the boundless nature of human stupidity.
Solo could - and would - have been every inch the product it was intended to be... had there only been enough of us "delusional" enough to leave the beaten path and strike out elsewhere.
As one of the "delusional morons" that tried the solo and got rid of it soon after, I have no regrets. I am not sitting on a $1200.00 turd that's not even worth $500.00 new now. 3Dr's mistake was aiming the solo at a the hobby market and pricing it too high, especially for what was delivered at launch. My personal experience with the solo was that it was a pain in the ass to just get it flying. Mine took way too long to get a GPS lock(5 minutes compared to 30 seconds with my p3 pro) and once flying it would not stay locked if there was anything like hills or trees anywhere near it. If you are going to put your sights on someone like dji, your product had better be 100% when you launch it or you won't stand a chance. So, you can call me a delusional moron if you like but you are the delusional one if you think in today's business world you can launch a product like 3dr launched the solo and survive. So I guess I will stay with dji until something better comes along, at least they are still in business. Have a great day.
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As one of the "delusional morons" that tried the solo and got rid of it soon after, I have no regrets. I am not sitting on a $1200.00 turd that's not even worth $500.00 new now. 3Dr's mistake was aiming the solo at a the hobby market and pricing it too high, especially for what was delivered at launch. My personal experience with the solo was that it was a pain in the ass to just get it flying. Mine took way too long to get a GPS lock(5 minutes compared to 30 seconds with my p3 pro) and once flying it would not stay locked if there was anything like hills or trees anywhere near it. If you are going to put your sights on someone like dji, your product had better be 100% when you launch it or you won't stand a chance. So, you can call me a delusional moron if you like but you are the delusional one if you think in today's business world you can launch a product like 3dr launched the solo and survive. So I guess I will stay with dji until something better comes along, at least they are still in business. Have a great day.
Annnnd that's exactly the kind of post I knew would follow mine.
If they delayed the launch of solo until the gimbal was complete, I think we'd be looking at a different 3DR right now. I think that single point was the biggest failure and set the tone. Bad press for months until the gimbal came out, and when they did it the software was buggy and DJI hit them with a double whammy by dropping prices. Due to those 2 main things, they were never able to get any sort of real traction in the market. After refusing to sell 3dr to DJI just before the solo launch (that's interesting), they should have known that DJI would come at them hard, and the only real way to do that is via pricing. To DJI, it was about the same options. They could buy 3dr and spend money that way, or drop prices and basically spend money that way by not getting as much and driving another nail in 3dr's coffin. 3DR should have anticipated that and dropped prices a bit more than they were initially planning. To the Chinese, business is an art like war, and they treat it like war. They don't just go away after you don't sell to them. That's just the "let's see if they will surrender before we attack".

amazing post

thanks for not posting blind fanboy crap that i read too much of on here

You're absolutely right...DJI net worth over a billion before Solo launched knew it was not gonna take a no as answer from a startup and let it eat away at its North American market. It was very personal, especially because it's in the form of team Colin.

Not a pretty reality. What the story doesn't mention are the amazing groups like this one that will take the Solo well into the future with a parent company or without one.

I don't see the "read it and weep" part here. I believe in the Solo and its ability to stand up to any product out there in this part of the UAS industry. I don't know the full story behind the company and why they are failing if they are, but as you state here we are one group of many that will keep Solo's flying for sometime to come. I for one will use this as a test bed for ideas and improvements for as long as the Pixhawk is around and beyond. Let us not forget from many garages across our great country there have come oh so many amazing ideas, built on others failures.

So with my little rant and not meaning to step on anyone's toes lets grab the Solo by the props and ride this b!*ch into the ground. I for one will be acquiring more to add to the 3 I have now along with any parts I can get my hands on. So Best Buy drop the price I dare you! I TRIPLE DOG DARE you!!

peace out!
If they delayed the launch of solo until the gimbal was complete, I think we'd be looking at a different 3DR right now. I think that single point was the biggest failure and set the tone. Bad press for months until the gimbal came out, and when they did it the software was buggy and DJI hit them with a double whammy by dropping prices. Due to those 2 main things, they were never able to get any sort of real traction in the market. After refusing to sell 3dr to DJI just before the solo launch (that's interesting), they should have known that DJI would come at them hard, and the only real way to do that is via pricing. To DJI, it was about the same options. They could buy 3dr and spend money that way, or drop prices and basically spend money that way by not getting as much and driving another nail in 3dr's coffin. 3DR should have anticipated that and dropped prices a bit more than they were initially planning. To the Chinese, business is an art like war, and they treat it like war. They don't just go away after you don't sell to them. That's just the "let's see if they will surrender before we attack".

Amen to the Chinese way of thinking. I worked in the automotive industry for many years. I have seen first hand their way of handling business and industry, and I can tell you they are ruthless! We had dealings with a big player in the tooling industry and while touring their facility in Harbin China, we saw a machining center that was easily $400K and admired the fact that they would invest in a quality product. Well you can only imagine our shock when we walked into the next area of their plant and saw one just like it in primer. When asked the lead engineer told us they had reverse engineered the first one and were built two more just like it so much for international copyrights!!!

So Steve, you have just scratched the surface of what the Chinese will do to stay ahead in business. Oh by the way I totally agree with you, and well written.

As one of the "delusional morons" that tried the solo and got rid of it soon after, I have no regrets. I am not sitting on a $1200.00 turd

Please do share some of the video work you've used your Phantom for. If you found the Solo such a turd for it's intended purpose (aerial cinematography), your skills must be impressive. I am but an armature, so seeing professional work is always valuable and inspirational. Thanks!
While there is no defending 3DR as a company and the decisions they made during and after the Solo launch, the Solo is still unmatched for it's cinematic abilities. There was a whole thread at RCG dedicated to DJI pilots trying to duplicate the Solo MPCC with 3rd party apps Autopilot and Litchi but after a while gave up. It is these moves that gives the Solo it's strong following for those that appreciate and need that type of video, as it can not be duplicated on another machine yet with only 1 pilot. Those that had a bad experience and frustrating wait times for GPS I can understand you feelings of the product. But fortunately you are in the minority and the vast 1000s that use the Solo and never sign on to forums are enjoying it for what it can do. .I was a pre-order of Solo and received mine in the first shipment. While some experienced long waits for a GPS lock, many others including myself did not. I don't think I ever had to wait more than 1.5 minutes in a fringe area. I have since upgraded to Jordi's M8 mod and have been pleased with the results. I installed it and indoors I got 9 sats and ready to fly in 35 seconds. The next morning I drove 10 miles to a site and got 12 sats and ready to fly in 8 seconds.

Every product from Mercedes to Sony has a failure rate and unsatisfied customers, and maybe Solo's is larger than average, but it is what it is and many are more than satisfied. And it is for Solo's unique abilities that I am taking the Solo guts and putting it in a large quad for a GH4.
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While there is no defending 3DR as a company and the decisions they made during and after the Solo launch.

I can defend them in respect to their warranty policy. That was no small part of why I chose the Solo, I just wasn't comfortable dropping $1500+ on a drone that could fly away or destroy itself because of a software glitch and be left with nothing. I never had an issue, but their willingness to replace the whole drone and camera gave me the reassurance to spend the money. That's also why I'm not terribly upset about spending $1500 for my first Solo - the premium bought the warranty policy as much as it did the drone.

Things have changed now, but that's likely the result of their financial situation, which is understandable.

And it is for Solo's unique abilities that I am taking the Solo guts and putting it in a large quad for a GH4.

Exactly what I have planned for one of mine!
I can defend them in respect to their warranty policy. That was no small part of why I chose the Solo, I just wasn't comfortable dropping $1500+ on a drone that could fly away or destroy itself because of a software glitch and be left with nothing. I never had an issue, but their willingness to replace the whole drone and camera gave me the reassurance to spend the money. That's also why I'm not terribly upset about spending $1500 for my first Solo - the premium bought the warranty policy as much as it did the drone.

Things have changed now, but that's likely the result of their financial situation, which is understandable.

Exactly what I have planned for one of mine!

Maybe sony a6500? Should be definitely lightest than gh4 and probably gh5

Sony a6500 adds 5-axis stabilization, touchscreen and processing power
The WARRANTY was the best part of the purchase for me. How many other brand drones crashed or disappeared due to equipment failure with the cost of replacement left to the owner. As a first time pilot this was a big selling point for equipment of this caliber and cost. I did have to use the warranty and am grateful for it.
I had to send back my new solo from BB, because of a faulty GPS board. The customer service has been top notch including prepaid shipping to CA. While it will be a refurbished unit, I am still very happy I chose the solo.
Lets all step back from the keyboard and take a breath. You guys need to chill a bit in here and stop with the personal attacks.

Use the report button if you see an issue. Thread cleaned, carry on.

Be Nice.jpeg
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Please do share some of the video work you've used your Phantom for. If you found the Solo such a turd for it's intended purpose (aerial cinematography), your skills must be impressive. I am but an armature, so seeing professional work is always valuable and inspirational. Thanks!
That is my point, when 3dr launched the solo it did not perform as intended, a camera/video platform needs a gimbal, with out one it is just another toy. And with the dismal GPS it didn't perform very well as a toy. Customers had to wait month's to start getting a return on their 1200.00-1400.00 investment. All of this proved to be more than 3dr could over come. It ended up being too little too late in a very competitive market.These things are supposed to be fun, also, and at first the solo was not dependable with it constantly losing gps and taking 5-6 minutes to get it off of the ground. That is all water under the bridge now but it is too late for 3dr and the solo now. The solo will soon fade away and something new and better will replace it, but it won't be a 3dr product. Hopefully someone with the same level of customer support as 3dr.
That is my point, when 3dr launched the solo it did not perform as intended, a camera/video platform needs a gimbal, with out one it is just another toy. And with the dismal GPS it didn't perform very well as a toy.

The gimbal was delayed, what, 2 months? The whole package has been available for over a year now, and performed as intended. Throughout the year, 3DR expanded it's capabilities with updates adding things like multipoint cable cam, which no other drone *to this day* can match. You're either an outlier or exaggerating when it comes to the GPS performance. I'll admit occasionally long lock times and less than stellar satellite counts, but even with that, I never once experienced a loss of fix while flying.

You're correct in saying that the delays and initial issues didn't help 3DR capture market share, but you're claim that the Solo is a "turd" is baseless, especially considering your admitted limited experience with it. The on-board computer allows smoothness that no other drone can match as effortlessly, if at all.

And I'll again ask for you to share some of your video work so we may decide if your critique of the Solo is based on it not meeting the exacting requirements of a seasoned professional, or simply the baseless criticism of someone who's skills are so lacking that the Solo's unique features are lost upon.
That is my point, when 3dr launched the solo it did not perform as intended, a camera/video platform needs a gimbal, with out one it is just another toy. And with the dismal GPS it didn't perform very well as a toy. Customers had to wait month's to start getting a return on their 1200.00-1400.00 investment. All of this proved to be more than 3dr could over come. It ended up being too little too late in a very competitive market.These things are supposed to be fun, also, and at first the solo was not dependable with it constantly losing gps and taking 5-6 minutes to get it off of the ground. That is all water under the bridge now but it is too late for 3dr and the solo now. The solo will soon fade away and something new and better will replace it, but it won't be a 3dr product. Hopefully someone with the same level of customer support as 3dr.
Dude, you're so screwed up in your reasoning.
First, a great many of us never had GPS issues - I never did. Lock times could be quicker, but oh well.
No one denies Solo had a screwed up launch. Yep, the gimbal was late. So, while we were waiting for our satellites to comply and dealing with fixed camera mounts, DJI users happily went about their business with frequent, completely random flyaways and virtually nonexistent customer service. Sure, they were and are happy - ain't they flying DJI Phantoms? The "in" drones?
Never mind anything else - just get in fifteen minutes or so of air time (I won't say "flight time" as often no truly controlled flight is achieved), so you can claim experience as a "pilot". Then hop onto the Internet and proceed to troll anyone flying anything else. Classical liberal thought.
Tell me something. All of us here buying multiple Solos - there are great deals right now - are we doing it because we're insane, investing in a soon to be defunct, worthless product? I mean totally out of our freaking minds?
Or is it possible that:
We know what we want, how to do it, and won't settle for anything else...
No other platform is capable of delivering what we want...
That therefore we are, in effect, stocking up for a rainy day - rather than throwing that money at another idiot-approved drone that owns the hearts of the unwashed masses but completely sucks compared to our chosen drone.
Solo bashers and just plain asses in general, listen up:
We like our Solos.
We don't want a bird just like yours (or at least the one you claim to own).
The proof is in the pudding, after all... and the simple fact is that Solo is far and away the best drone in its class for videography on the market.
We're keeping our Solos, warts and all.
I was a Solo early adopter as I needed what Solo could do for a project that didn't have time to wait for every bug to be worked out and all the reported fly-aways with the Phantoms and lack of support out of China left me very uneasy. I realized Solo was not going to be perfect from the start but trusted the fact that it was a U.S. based company that promised a warranty nobody else in the business would consider. The warranty covered my first Solo after a crash due to a failed motor pod and their customer service was excellent. As an example, I just emailed them last week as they didn't send the small rubber leg extensions as part of my solo replacement and they responded in just a few hours offering to send me out a pair at no charge. When I mentioned that I purchased a 2nd copter at Best Buy they said they would throw in a 2nd set of leg extensions at no charge. The reality is that we are in a world where price drives the vast majority of purchase decisions and I am happy to see there is a significant community of folks that supported the Solo from the beginning and continued to back Solo even as DJI started a price war. It is just unfortunate 3DR shifted gears toward becoming essentially a software development company... I wish the 3DR Team the best and hope they eventually offer the new Sony and gimbal/camera package so you don't have to sign up for their pro-services.
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Dude, you're so screwed up in your reasoning.
First, a great many of us never had GPS issues - I never did. Lock times could be quicker, but oh well.
No one denies Solo had a screwed up launch. Yep, the gimbal was late. So, while we were waiting for our satellites to comply and dealing with fixed camera mounts, DJI users happily went about their business with frequent, completely random flyaways and virtually nonexistent customer service. Sure, they were and are happy - ain't they flying DJI Phantoms? The "in" drones?
Never mind anything else - just get in fifteen minutes or so of air time (I won't say "flight time" as often no truly controlled flight is achieved), so you can claim experience as a "pilot". Then hop onto the Internet and proceed to troll anyone flying anything else. Classical liberal thought.
Tell me something. All of us here buying multiple Solos - there are great deals right now - are we doing it because we're insane, investing in a soon to be defunct, worthless product? I mean totally out of our freaking minds?
Or is it possible that:
We know what we want, how to do it, and won't settle for anything else...
No other platform is capable of delivering what we want...
That therefore we are, in effect, stocking up for a rainy day - rather than throwing that money at another idiot-approved drone that owns the hearts of the unwashed masses but completely sucks compared to our chosen drone.
Solo bashers and just plain asses in general, listen up:
We like our Solos.
We don't want a bird just like yours (or at least the one you claim to own).
The proof is in the pudding, after all... and the simple fact is that Solo is far and away the best drone in its class for videography on the market.
We're keeping our Solos, warts and all.
Sums it up nicely
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I believe the future of this drone lies within its modifiable capability and particularly the development of a standard 1/4" adapter for the gimbal bay so that we can send up different cameras that shoot raw. The solo has the payload capacity to support small micro 4/3rd cameras . As a photographer this alone would be worth keeping the solo around for a while. The trend seems to be smaller / sealed unit drones and if we don't mod the solo for standard cameras we might not be able to in the future.
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