Personal legal liability while flying solo

Jul 15, 2015
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I've been reading the posts on this forum for several weeks now and I must say it is super valuable for new pilots. There are some very smart people here and I've learned a lot. My concern is our legal liability if something goes wrong. Solo is kind of a tank. It has a lot of mass. At terminal velocity it will pack quite a punch. I'm not an attorney but I am an owner of a risk management company and my opinion is we've got a boat load of risk flying this puppy around objects or living things. If you are the pilot you are strictly liable for anything Solo does unless you can prove the problem was cause by the manufacturer. I think it's a real pickle. And I don't think 3dr will come rushing to our defense. Personally, I am not modifying Solo in any way so I don't have that liability. I'm also only flying Solo where I can see it at all times so I can testify in court that it did not leave my sight. I'm not flying over people. For now, I'm only using Solo within the parameters set by 3dr because that's the safest legal place to be. I know this sounds so restrictive but I see a big dollar liability suit in some pilots future with the way some are using this machine. I would be very careful fellow pilots and if you have questions or doubts, I encourage you to contact your legal council. I have.
Jubair, I am now a proud new insured member of the AMA! This is great advice. And very helpful for paranoid people. Thanks again.
Does anyone know if this can give you coverage outside of the USA too? I'm interested.
And I don't think 3dr will come rushing to our defense.

No.. They won't be coming to our defense, so you definitely want to make sure you have some coverage.
IANAL, But....I would think that they (3DR) would have some liability to bear in some cases as well. (ie; your Solo flies off or drops out of the sky causing property damage or even bodily injury, 3DR looks at the log data and determines it was a software issue.)

Doesn't seem any different than what some auto manufacturers have gone though.
I know there are plenty of scenarios (crashes) out there already and 3DR has replaced the product saying the previous had issues.
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