Noob question

Mar 21, 2019
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Hi, I've got no prior experience and am looking for open source linux based drones (I want to be able to control 4 drones autonomously). Would you guys suggest the Solo drone? or what other options are there? It seems like 3DR is no longer selling Solo on their website so would I purchase the product from Amazon?
Sorry if these seem like obvious questions, I'd appreciate the help.
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The 3DR Solo is not a linux based drone it is nuttx based. IT does have a linux based co-computer. It is not , at this, point a good choice for a newbie. There is no factory support. The product is not for sale, except surplus. You need to do more reading. Try or
The 3DR Solo is not a linux based drone it is nuttx based. IT does have a linux based co-computer. It is not , at this, point a good choice for a newbie. There is no factory support. The product is not for sale, except surplus. You need to do more reading. Try or
Ah ok thank you for your response. Sorry, so while it's not linux based can it run linux? Yeah, I will need to do more research, thanks once again
It is, however, one of the only RTF birds which are capable of being controlled from a python program. In fact, it is the only one i know of, but I am not all knowing in this area.
I said RTF bird. Which other RTF birds come with a companion computer and a Pixhawk? I'm honestly asking as I'm looking for inspiration.
I think you would be surprised how many RTF products have Ardupilot under the covers. Very few of any kind have companion computers.
You've subtly changed your statement. I'm interested in RTF products with a Pixhawk and a companion computer that allows python or other programmatic control from a remote ground station running linux. I thought that required an onboard companion computer, but would be happy to learn otherwise
Every time I boot the controller I'm controlling Solo from a GCS running Linux.
The controller is a GCS by every definition I know.

However, we've threadjacked this poor thread quite terribly. Still happy to discuss but let us take it to a PM or separate thread.

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