New Solo Battery @ Amazon $49.99 + free shipping

Thanks for the heads up. Could sure use a few more. Funny you are still waiting for yours coolhand. It says that it ships from CA......... I also read that it comes in a plain box but plastic wrapped but that it is OEM. I also read that the writing on the bat. has Chinese lettering vs English on the original 3DR battery.... Not sure what to make of that.
Yeah..I hear you. As much as I like my two, too many things to do to them and, still no important mods, like object avoidance. As much as I cringe ( :) ) I am seriously thinking about the DJI Phantom 4 Pro. When I bought my first 3DR Quad (IRIS +) I was ecstatic. Told it would be supported forever (sic) R-I-G-H-T! Then, less than a year they came out, 3DR released the SOLO, and support for the IRIS + flat ended!

Been flying SOLO, but, it is short on some capabilities, extremely long time to acquire the Sats, short flight times with the gimbal and GoPro,Black 4 on-board, etc. Always promised upgrades, but when queried, always the same answer, in development. Then, suddenly, no more phone support. Only email support. Many times, no answer for days, nee, weeks.


What to do? Now refurb crap is being sold as new. (At Best Buy, no less!)

Yeah..that DJI Phantom 4 Pro is looking might good, even though the $1700 for the package setup (or so) bucks with the extra battery and gang charger [Amazon] is a heart stopper.

I feel like a real traitor to 3DR/SOLO, but they have not been supporting me, in the direction I want to go. Too bad, as I really like the SOLO.
I have been reading a lot and hear what you guys are saying. I don't know how much more $$ I will invest in Solo. I love flying it and it's easy to fly (which is good for me right now) but that Phantom 3 and 4 do have some good features. The price on these Solo's are dropping, which is good. For us first timers anyway. Might be a newbie thing to say but I wish that the 3 and 4's had a larger leg spread when landing.
Been in touch with Owen at 3DR about the Batt Crap. Was told that the Chinese inscript batts are NOT An Authorized batt By 3DR. They were sent out with the Best Buy bundles. Been roundy round with those A-Holes about this. Sent them a NEW Unflown "B" bird for TX batt charging issue & they sent me back a Refurb with Chinese Batt. Have 6 of them. Still at my wits with those pricks. Sellin All my stuff & gettin something else. See way Too many issues with these birds. Mod this, mod that, Etc. Forkem!!!

I have my doubts about their claim that the Chinese fine print were not an authorized 3DR battery. It's not just Best Buy, but also B&H that people are getting them from. It also seems people who are getting those batteries are also getting REV B GPS's.
I seriously doubt that these dealers are breaking open the packages and swapping out a lesser battery. The packages all seem to be factory sealed anyway.
My guess is that the REV B GPS and battery with the Chinese fine print are from the last production run.
I have my doubts about their claim that the Chinese fine print were not an authorized 3DR battery. It's not just Best Buy, but also B&H that people are getting them from. It also seems people who are getting those batteries are also getting REV B GPS's.
I seriously doubt that these dealers are breaking open the packages and swapping out a lesser battery. The packages all seem to be factory sealed anyway.
My guess is that the REV B GPS and battery with the Chinese fine print are from the last production run.
I got about 3+ hrs chattin with these pricks. Can't call them or get them to call me. Haven't even flown one of the 2 I have for more than 2 minutes hoovering & it tried to take my head off cuz it lost GPS & went to Man. Put a Hole in my Vinyl siding Don't need surprizes like that. Sellin all I got!!! Maybe a Mavic???
Sorry about your vinyl siding solobird. That would sure suck. I have read some good things about the Mavic. I know someone that has one and he loves the portability. I have also read that some folks don't think that the wear points on the arms will hold up over time?
Here's a copy on the 2nd attempt that I sent last week. Have copies of ALL msgs back & forth. Emails & chat. They just don't give a Rats Ass. All my stuff is for sale for $1100.

Well, I'm resending this. Got No response from the last one!! WTF is the deal with you people.
Well Anthony,
Thanx fer your response. But, Unfortunately, once again, it is Still Totally Unexceptable for me . You are Totally NOT grasping the facts that I've been trying to get across to you people!!!. Evidently y'all just don't care!!! Let me put this issue into perspective for you to understand!! Obviously I can't Explain it to you, so, I will try to Understand it to you!!!
I sent you a Brand New Unflown Bird (ser# S111A5B01793) for a TX battery issue according to Owen Torres. You stole my new bird and sent me back a Used Reburb POS supposedly with a upgraded GPS shield? And a SoCalled Unauthorized Bird Battery according to Owen. You know, if I had even thought for a second that I was going to have to go through all this garbage with you people, I would taken it back to Best Buy & gotten a Full refund & bought a Refurb for $100 less. I can't even Sell this bird as new, because it's not & IS worth less. Haven't even done anything with it yet until this matter is settled. Plus the other one I bought at the same time that was flown for a minute or so & tried to take my head off! I'm very Leary of your products now & have read a lot about bad experiences that other people have had with them doin erratic stuff.
I think someone at 3DR wanted my bird for their own because they didn't make too many B birds for whatever reason. You told me that you didn't have any B birds to send back. BS, you had mine that could have been sent back with a repaired TX.
I just got the GPS B board y'all sent a little bit ago today via FedX. What should I do with it. Put some antennas on my head & shove it up my A-hole!! I guess you think that will satisfy me since I have the parts to make a refurb B bird now. I think NOT!!! I shouldn't have to deal with it.
Then, on the other hand, we have the issue here about the Bird Batt with Chinese Inscription on it that was sent with the Refurb. I was told by Owen that these Batts are NOT AUTHORIZED BY 3DR. They were Distributed by Best Buy for bundle sales. So Why did this Refurb come with one and Where did BB get them from in 3DR Boxes? Now I'm leary that maybe it Will Burn My house down while charging or sitting. If it does I WILL OWN 3DR. I already sent You a pic of it!!
OK, I've wasted Way too many hours typing back & forth on a simple ordeal here. My Blood Pressure is through the roof dealing with all this garbage! I'm 66 years old, Not a youngster. I bought these to help settle me down & have some fun & a good time!! NOT!! Nothin but a headache so far with your product that I've hardly used. You have Lied to me twice about sending me back a New B bird & about the Batteries. I'm At the end of my rope here!!
Well, I've about had it with 3DR. Used Solos are getting sold all over the Net for issues. Probably won't be able to get my $$ back out of these birds if I were to try to sell them.
I read the article about 3DR in Drones360 today. I think I will contact them & let them know how you people really work. Also going to contact the local news stations that do Investigative Reporting for matters like this and let them know. Also sites on Facebook & there are quite a bunch!
And finally above & all. I live in Austin Texas about 20 minutes from the Attorney Generals Office downtown, which I WILL utilize if it gets down to it! And I think this issue is positively headed in that direction.
I know why you people don't have phone support. Or any phone contact as far as that goes. Because you don't want to have to live up to the fact that y'all are very Deceptive about your products & don't want to put your foot in your mouths about problems & issues you are having!!!
Only thing I can say is send me 2 NEW birds with good batts to compensate me for my troubles & I'll write this off. Otherwise I'm ready to smoke ya down with both barrels. We don't pussy foot around in Texas.
Sorry, but you have Ruffled the Wrong feathers here!!
PS:: Please send a copy of this to the Upper Managers & or Owners of 3DR & see what they may have to say about this issue. Bet they might think different than yourself! They might be interested in knowing why there company is goin down the tubes!!
Have somebody call me that might care!! It's in yours hands now to make a decent decision!! Please don't send me back another response that there's nothing else you can do!! Wrong Answer, I Assure You!!!
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Wow. Remind me not to piss you off. Hope things get worked out to your satisfaction. Please keep us informed.
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What is the story about this 'B Bird" Will 3DR replace the GPS unit at no charge...this s new to me....

How can I tell which GPS module I have?

I sent them them a new unflown B bird for a TX batt charging issue. Has B in ser #. They kept it & instead of repairing the TX, they sent me back a Refurb with a Mod Shield. And then a "B" board seperate!! NOT to my liking!! "A" brd is green & has rev A on it. "B" is black. Both POS. NO, they wont replace it free!! This fiasco has been goin on way to long!!! Just gonna sell all my stuff & be DONE with 3DR. $1100 Lot
Plus the fact that I blew out my shoulder & had to have it replaced. Can't fly, hand & fingers numb!!. Got Med bills.
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Bummer Mr bird. Hope you get feeling well soon.:) Thanks for the A, B, info. Will have to check on mine now.
Bummer Mr bird. Hope you get feeling well soon.:) Thanks for the A, B, info. Will have to check on mine now.
Wouldn't waste ur $ on a 3DR board. Get one of M2N? boards. Supposed to be guud. Just TOO many Mods to do to the Solo to make it right. Gonna get Me sumptin thats guud new outta da box!!
Wouldn't waste ur $ on a 3DR board. Get one of M2N? boards. Supposed to be guud. Just TOO many Mods to do to the Solo to make it right. Gonna get Me sumptin thats guud new outta da box!!

Well, I am in electronics, as you have a B board that was sent to you, how about considering sending it on to me. I don't mind taking things apart. Heck, I did a great job trashing my IRIS+ controller with betterment mods and colored, lit, display screen! **GRIN**
How do I get to the GPS board to see what Rev I have, remove the leg plates?
What did you do with your B board 3DR sent you? Still have it? If yes, I'd be interested in it. Don't know how to send a private email here. perhaps I will go to the Craig's List ad and send you an inquiry from there. Then you'll have my email address.

In the mean time, I will 'YouTube' for a dissassembly vid.


What did you do with your B board 3DR sent you? Still have it? If yes, I'd be interested in it. Don't know how to send a private email here. perhaps I will go to the Craig's List ad and send you an inquiry from there. Then you'll have my email address.

In the mean time, I will 'YouTube' for a dissassembly vid.


Just bettin that if the Ser# doesn't have "B" in it, then it would prob be an "A" board. Will be interested to know!! 3DR was havin a sale on a bunch on parts, but can't find it today. Only the shield.
By serial number, you are referring to the GPS board, or the SOLO serial number?
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