Leaving the group

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I suspect that my words have had a deep impact and the human race will now reach a higher sense of enlightenment... no wait, I typed that wrong.... I suspect my words have had no deep impact and the human race will now reach a higher sense of entitlement......

Next thing I know the US Govt will be asking me if I wanna save the world....
I must say I find a lot of good stuff on this site just by doing a little looking and scanning the weekly email of highlights... Im not sure this thread would qualify as a highlight, however... :) I must also say that CNC74 sounds a bit like Senator Booker from NJ: a tad too much hot air and someone who likes to hear himself talk. That said, have a spiffy day all!
Once is awile there is an actual and useful reply.
Sorry but I disagree, everything I have gleaned or read here has made me more the wiser when it come to the 3DR Solo. When I first joined this forum I didn't have a clue? A Greenhorn so to speak, so I asked questions and I received great advice and heeded it. I really never questioned anyone's answers whether right or wrong, if I felt they are clueless I would research further. This is the interwebz you can do that..

Yes some people are a bit arrogant but whatever happened to "Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never ever hurt you"?? Huh Huh. Don't be so fragile, If this forum bothers you I'm afraid you are going to have a big problem getting through this life, you need to get over the fact that some people are flat out A-Holes.
One thing I'm sure of if somebody has the time and patience to answer a question they can't be all that bad and do care. Otherwise why would they bother answering the same questions over and over ad nauseam think about that for a moment?
Another thing this thread is not about Matt so attacking him and threatening him is Bull-shit, I'm shocked not because he was threatened but that the person that threatened him should know full well that the Admins here have his IP address, unless he was smart enough to be behind some VPN Thats a problem. And NO I'm not defending anybody here (Matt has personally ripped me because of my ignorance, I had it coming I assumed something and I myself were pretty arrogant about it at the time) But big friggen deal wah, wah, wah... I'm still here, my head didn't explode I didn't have to retreat to my safe space, as a matter of fact I chuckled that he yelled at me in front of everyone. I said to myself "what a dick Jeff Spickoly style" and laughed. Listen people everyone here we are all guilty of being asswipes at one time or another I know I have. Nobody is perfect get over it.

So Mr. Jaun Peinado if you wish to leave that's your choice, but in reality there is more to gain by the wealth of knowledge right here at you fingertips then there is leaving just because you feel hurt at some peoples attitudes, just relax have fun it's a drone that's all it is....
Of late? I thought of late this place was getting boring and the posts were getting less and less. Suddenly, the entertainment arrives! Tell you what we need, a bunch of enterprising individuals to come along with a bunch of new hardware upgrades...... semi plug and play lets say. Then suddenly we'll have a forum full of fun "I installed this and now I'm having issues....". Then we'll all get back into the stride of providing either accurate or misleading technical advice and the forums will be full and alive again for months to come.

So if anyone, blame the lack of new products, parts and software for this. Yeah, it's P2P's fault for sure, he made things too easy with the open solo upgrade. We need the good old days of when we could botch the installs, ground our drones and have to jump through hoops to get them to work. Back in those days we all pulled together. Now look at us.........

... that's it... I'm leaving this forum and never coming back................. until there's a new post...
You generally don't 'grow the herd' by attacking and killing off the weaker, or less informed young. Except in the animal kingdom. I hope we're better than that. There are a few here that can rub people the wrong way, or at least that is the tone in some of their replies. I've learned to ignore them mostly. I can usually guess exactly how they will come off too. The argument that this forum is better than most to support some of the arrogance claims is simply indefensible. What do other forums have to do with this discussion and validating the OP's complaints?
hat's it... I'm leaving this forum and never coming back................. until there's a new post.
New post here

Anyway from now on if I offer up any advice they will have to sign a NDA and I will plead the 5th, and disavow any knowledge of providing any information...I don't want to get punched in the face or worse yet a Solo shoved up my "Wait what did he really say that"?
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I always look to the great Kiwi philosopher Jermaine Sinclair for guidance on how to behave towards 'a person' (I hope this is an "off-topic" thread).

PS welcome back IrishmanPDX! [emoji3]
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Actually considering some of the posts in the past, I think part of the T&C of the forum that you sign should be a liability waiver should you follow advice on here, the other should be an anger management course that you have to take called "Not everyone is out to get you".
Actually considering some of the posts in the past, I think part of the T&C of the forum that you sign should be a liability waiver regarding drone damage and hurt feelings.
I always look to the great Kiwi philosopher Jermaine Sinclair for guidance on how to behave towards 'a person' (I hope this is an "off-topic" thread).

PS welcome back IrishmanPDX! [emoji3]
Yeah, who am I kidding....... I couldn't stay mad at you guys.

BTW: I think it's spelled JEMAINE
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Hey! Don't pick on me...maybe I'm dyslexic?!

I'm not actually...but that won't stop me feeling offended!
I would say there are many confrontational and rude responses to threads in this forum. He is not necessarily speaking about threads he has participated.

Yes 1600' is not responsible but that is a different topic.
yea kinda did tell on himself, better not run into me AT CLOSE TO TPA...
I hate know it alls who put down other people - I always believed if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all you don't have to be rude to anybody in fact it takes more effort to type and be rude that it would just to be to skip it smart fools love them all.
I hate know it alls who put down other people - I always believed if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all you don't have to be rude to anybody in fact it takes more effort to type and be rude that it would just to be to skip it smart fools love them all.

The problem is certain types of people today interpret anything that isn't agreement and complementary as a "not being nice".

For example, if someone does something incredibly stupid and dangerous to themselves or others, and I or someone else them that what they just did is stupid and dangerous, why, and how not to do it again, we get lambasted for "not being nice" to the stupid and dangerous person. Boo hoo. You posted on the internet telling the whole world publicly how you did something stupid.

Another example: I post detailed instructions on how to do something. The user does the opposite of those instructions. Or the user doesn't even read them at all. Or the user reads them then asks a question that is blatantly answered in huge bold text in the instructions. They are going to get a very blunt response from me on the matter. No, I am not going to coddle that kind of stupidity. It is not required, and it should not be expected. If you want to give them a hug to console them for being a dunce and enable the behavior, have at it. Not my job. If you're publicly an idiot on the internet, you get what you have coming.

But I do recognize that my realistic an blunt approach to life can be very traumatic to special snowflakes who think the world revolves around them. So I've added a second link in my signature to help them.
But I do recognize that my realistic an blunt approach to life can be very traumatic to special snowflakes who think the world revolves around them.
Bravo...sometimes some people need to be offended. If it causes them to collapse and melt...then the better for the rest of us. Some people need to grow up and thicken their skin. There...I feel much better.
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