Leaving the group

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When I first read that the first post in this thread I thought of Matt and I thought of Philip... Dick head number one dick head number two.. as a public service announcement I fully encourage anyone still flying 3dr to go get a DJI my Inspire my fans home and my maevic are all vastly Superior to this hunk of s***.
Sigh. I guess I'm in the minority when I expect a user (any user, new or established) to put in time reading, researching, and educating themselves before posting. I consider it a simple matter of respecting the time, effort, and space of the other members of the forum.
But as I said I guess I'm in the minority here.

Totally agree with you. When I entered the RC hobby back in 2014 buying my first drone, Walkera X350Pro, I'v read whole 200 posts at RCGroups at that time to learn about this quad. Later I was active member of 350Pro group and later FB groups. So first learn something and after when you have some knowledge, ask questions. Today, when we have internet and google search it is really easy to find answers. Only if you want to.
Every time I interact with you this is the kind of response I get you know you're a dick right? I stick around this forum despite you thanks for the new version open solo but let's be truthful you can't shine a turd. Feel free to p.m. me I'd love to speak with you directly because this is b*******.
if you live anywhere near the Chicagoland area ill happily drive to your location so that I can punch you in the face!
When I first read that the first post in this thread I thought of Matt and I thought of Philip... Dick head number one dick head number two.. as a public service announcement I fully encourage anyone still flying 3dr to go get a DJI my Inspire my fans home and my maevic are all vastly Superior to this hunk of s***.

He's complaining about me apparently not being puppies and kittens nice. And in doing so, literally threatens violent physical harm.

I rest my case.
I should also point out that after reviewing this person's post history on the forum, it doesn't appears we've ever even had a single interaction. Yet he wants to violently assault me and ram aircraft up my rectum. Does this guy actually think anyone takes him seriously at this point?
Geez Piddlepaddle I sort of knew you’d be behind this heinous act of estrogenized fecaltude
But even as one to experience your taste for fine whine... it’s what to be expected - sorry ladies
Geez Piddlepaddle I sort of knew you’d be behind this heinous act of estrogenized fecaltude
We'll never know since the person who created this thread has apparently left. But I can tell you I've never interacted with the guy who started this thread either.

But none the less, my estrogen levels were checked and they're normal. Thanks for asking.
First of all, anyone who announces "I'm leaving, shutting down my account, I won't be back" whether it's on Facespace, mybook, snawitter or whatever is just looking for attention. Maybe we're supposed to beg "oh no, please don't go...." but in all fairness, you're probably better off shutting down your pc and getting a life. Good luck!

Secondly I've also dealt with with various people here and as a newbie, I found nothing thye've said insulting or even personal, all I ever got was plain straight advice from someone who didn't have to help me out at all, wasn't being paid to do so, isn't tech support. Yes people can be blunt but by god, I'm here to learn about my solo, upgrade/,modify my solo and fly my solo, I'm not here to gain everyone's approval and get hugs. If you feel you need that, I feel you need a therapist to deal with your issues. Learn to get approval from yourselves, not from other people, trust me, you'll be happier in the end.

I've also asked the questions that have been asked a hundred times before (but usually only if there's no clear answer to be found or if I think the answer may be out of dates based on what I find in the forum). Hey, people have been straight forward with those answers too and for that I thank them.

However when people join the forum and immediately start a pissing contest with members who've been here longer then they have? I say the issue lies with the new person, everyone else already knows the story with our long time members here (and guess what, we can deal with them, we accept them... hell, we know the risks!). So maybe the newbies need to grow up, accept that maybe they're taking everything as a person insult when it actually isn't and stop whining and acting pissy, because when you do that, you'll find that there's some good advice and lessons to be learned from here.
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For everyone's amusement, I'd like to point out to @cnc74 that I've received way better threats on the internet. So you have a lot of catching up to do. This is someone on a ford truck forum I was a moderator on a long long time ago. In other words, I've been called worse by better.

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Dear, dear, dear. There is absolutely no doubt that this individual is representative of a bottom feeding troll. As aforementioned why we respond these folks will never cease to amaze me.

Matt, this thread is a waste of good space and has no place in this Forum. I implore you to douse it lighter fluid and set it aflame! We will all be better for it especially the guy that started this mess.
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Dear, dear, dear. There is absolutely no doubt that this individual is representative of a bottom feeding troll. As aforementioned why we respond these folks will never cease to amaze me.

Matt, this thread is a waste of good space and has no place in this Forum. I implore you to douse it lighter fluid and set it aflame! We will all be better for it especially the guy that started this mess.
Matt is just butt hurt because I have more solos than he does..... And whose Search Foo is weak because every time we have interacted and we have we fight! The Man Child can't shut his mouth to save his own life.
Matt is just butt hurt because I have more solos than he does..... And whose Search Foo is weak because every time we have interacted and we have we fight! The Man Child can't shut his mouth to save his own life.
Well it's skip past all this b******* and play guess what's in that box?? Hint #1: it's not a solo....
Dear, dear, dear. There is absolutely no doubt that this individual is representative of a bottom feeding troll. As aforementioned why we respond these folks will never cease to amaze me.

Matt, this thread is a waste of good space and has no place in this Forum. I implore you to douse it lighter fluid and set it aflame! We will all be better for it especially the guy that started this mess.
Please don't close this thread yet, I haven't had the chance to make jokes.... damn... must think... oww... head..... hurting......
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Really guy?
Every time anyone has anything to say the runs counter to his delicate opinion he shoots off with all of his b******* and wants to be the smartest guy in the room.. he is continuously setting the tone here since the beginning and the sentiments of the original thread creator echo this fact. We all know people like this some of us are unfortunately unlucky enough to work with just that kind of guy I'm here to tell you if you don't already know Matt is that guy.
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