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For everyone's amusement, I'd like to point out to @cnc74 that I've received way better threats on the internet. So you have a lot of catching up to do. This is someone on a ford truck forum I was a moderator on a long long time ago. In other words, I've been called worse by better.

View attachment 7692
Yeah, there's a LOT to be said about that post. I will say this and I'll make it brief.... the Headlights on my wife's 2005 Ford Ranger were replaced with a nice set of Angel Eyes headlights, however they were badly designed with short cables that eventually broke in a place where they couldn't be soldered. I would like to get her something better, so question is Matt. In your time as a moderator on the Ford Truck board, did you come across any Headlights that looked awesome and were really well designed?

Thank you.
Okay I'm I'm totally done I promise no more responses reply nothing hopefully somebody closes this thread..
Well.... Maybe cooler heads can prevail here. Thanks to this forum I have 5 Solo's that will rival anything a DJI can do except for flight time. I'm usually up and down in 12 minutes with my work done so its not a problem. Xanax anyone!!
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When I first read that the first post in this thread I thought of Matt and I thought of Philip... Dick head number one dick head number two.. as a public service announcement I fully encourage anyone still flying 3dr to go get a DJI my Inspire my fans home and my maevic are all vastly Superior to this hunk of s***.
All aircraft have pros and cons.
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But what a way to go, am I right?!?

It would certainly be memorable that's for sure............ damn......... I also meant to ask the former ford board member... " any idea how long cartoys takes to install a stereo and speakers? I want to upgrade my wife's truck while she's gone for the week..."
It would certainly be memorable that's for sure............ damn......... I also meant to ask the former ford board member... " any idea how long cartoys takes to install a stereo and speakers? I want to upgrade my wife's truck while she's gone for the week..."
Just get the elephant to do it before the enema.
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Enemas, elephants, drones in rectum. If my wife were to glance at my phone right now she'd probably have some questions!
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Okay I'm I'm totally done I promise no more responses reply nothing hopefully somebody closes this thread..

Good idea. Throwing fuel on the fire by calling them out for their arrogant attitudes was never going to help. Just vote with your feet. Seriously... There are friendlier and more helpful forums on the web. It's not worth it to hang around here if it spikes your blood pressure.
Matt is just butt hurt because I have more solos than he does..... And whose Search Foo is weak because every time we have interacted and we have we fight! The Man Child can't shut his mouth to save his own life.
  • I don't need more than the 3 I have. Mainly because I don't routinely destroy them by sawing them in half.

  • Every time we have interacted, we've had a fight? Well that's another lie. I conducted a detailed review. One is this thread where you made unprovoked threats of physical violence. Another was the click-bait thread you made to show off that you sawed a circuit board in half, and my only comment was that it now has no useful purpose. To which, you laughed. There were however two other threads related to Open Solo where you asked a question, which I answered.

  • More irony, he accuses me of not being able to shut my mouth, while he rants over and over threatening physical violence if he doesn't get his way. His profile says he's 43, but he seems to act like a UCLA college student.

Are there any other works of fiction you have for consideration?
I wish you all good luck. I’ve been a member for about a year-ish, and I’ve always looked forward to my monthly email updates. Alas, for the last several months all I see are people like myself who are relative “newbies” who ask a simple question who are then getting shot down by “experts.” Their responses range from patronizing to cynical. Once is awile there is an actual and useful reply. But the bottom line (and I challenge you to deny) is that for the most part, many questions and posts degrade into a sh-t fest of who is smarter than the next guy.

That’s not a smart way to run a forum, especially for people who want to support a “dead” platform, as do I.

So good luck everyone. I have two Solos which I fly with regularity. I train with a piece of crap toy drone all the time. I’ve flown my Solo upwards of 1600’ and outbound of similar range. I’ve made $$ with my drone, and IVE NEVER CRASHED, ever. I’ve lost GPS a few times and have flown her back manually every time. The Solo is great platform and hopefully it will continue to find support.
Good luck man!...for the most part there are a lot of good ppl here willing to help no questions asked and they won't automatically talk trash and tell you to go use the search function..lots have helped me when I needed it in the beginning..but there are a few who will so you have to overlook them..and it shouldn't be that way in a forum geared toward helping noobs but it is..its the internet..it's how it goes man..don't sweat it..just fly your drones safely and have fun..and yes most places it's dangerous to fly over a certain height..the rule of thumb is 400' but where I live I could fly at 1000 if I really wanted to (I haven't) and nothing would happen except maybe my battery dying.. generally speaking planes don't fly that low.. especially in a rural area..depends on where you are in the world I suppose..i feel sure a plane would obliterate a solo if it bumped into one anyway.. otherwise planes would be dropped left and right from the sky from bumping into "objects" ...anyway that's off topic,im not gonna fly my drone into a plane or anything for that matter...have a good one man!
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Actually, in all seriousness, that guy who wrote back on the ford post, there's a LOT to be read into that email, but I think everyone here can look at that and look at some of the comments here and realize, "ok, there's something wrong here...".
In fact any post where there's name calling or threats, can be treated in the same manner. As GROWN UPS we shouldn't have to feel we need to resort to such things.
Maybe we're all just feeling anger and frustration at being tossed out into the cold as a result 3DR's bad decision making process which led to their failure and a lack of the fully upgradable drone that we were originally promised (not me, I bought it after they went belly up so I can't cry too much. Maybe our anger and frustration is being misplaced and we're taking it out on each other. Or maybe some people weren't just dropped on their heads as a kid, but bounced like a basket ball. Either way, there's no good excuse.

I like the advice and help here, I like the fact we can have a laugh and frankly I don't need the associated drama and pissing contests (as amusing as they may be).

I'm not going to LEAVE because of it, nor am I going to grow up to the extent of feeling I should no longer use capital letters to MAKE MY POINT, however if I get into a pissing contest it's not because my feelings were hurt but more than likely I'm being paid an obscene amount of money to take part in a German golden shower movie (ie. $10.... hey, I need some beer first).

Point being, if you want to take out your anger and frustrations and want to get physical.......... hit the gym and get the threats and snarky comments off the boards.
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