How to tell the difference between new solo and old solo

Nov 27, 2016
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I just recently purchased A solo November 28th 2016.
I've been reading up Onnit and it has come a long way since it first came out.
by that I mean there has been a bunch of issues that seem to have been resolved I would like to know how do I know I have a new version versus the old one is there a way to tell just by looking at it or by the serial number? Or do I have to open it up?
there was only ever 1 version of solo
firmware and app was updated
they did a GPS update but never made it available, though some were found around.
There was also a shield for the GPS that you can buy on the 3dr website I think.

But the best GPS upgrade was not an official one, it is sold by mrobotics
I thought there was also a cable an HDMI cable that you can purchase which keeps the shaking in the video to a minimum
there is, but personally, It does not work that well. I went through a few still have one in my backup.. But I fly the original cable in my prime bird
yesterday my stock hdmi cable had an issue the whole display screen horizontally going up and i i decided to change relish flat ribbon because i have a spare then the problem gone
Gps units changed through out production from rev A to rev B
blue board for A and black board for B
The rev B board includes saw filter and a shielded low noise amp LNA. I've got two solo's one of each A&B both work well with simple modes.
Gps units changed through out production from rev A to rev B
blue board for A and black board for B....
Rev B boards have been found largely in Solos that came with pre-installed gimbals. The thinking is that when 3DR mounted the gimbal, they also took the opportunity to install the Rev B. So Rev B in a bird may have less to do with 'age', than opportunity.

BTW, most would agree that Rev A boards are green.
Green, your right! now about the rev boards A was first production B were on the newer solo's so yes maybe they where sold with the pre-installed gimbals because solo first runs had no gimbals. Until a later release when the gimbal was available. so to say they aren't new just makes no since! I'm sure most would agree rev b is the latest release on the solo's. seeing how I just bought one two days ago with the rev b just goes to prove that! by the way no gimbal was pre-installed! But both suck! compared to the mRo m8n. I believe at this point they are selling old and new stock alike so its hard to tell.
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I just bought one two days ago with the rev b just goes to prove that! by the way no gimbal was pre-installed! But both suck! compared to the mRo m8n.

I thought the rev B boards improved GPS sensetivity. Is it recommended to upgrade the board regardless of which version you have?

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