How much wind have you flown your solo in?

Jan 1, 2017
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The manual states max crosswind figure of 17 mph. I'm curious to hear you windy flying stories both successes and failures! Always seems to be 15-25mph around here and it's mind numbing having to wait for calm days.
Solo handles wind quite well, however video suffers from the constant aggressive corrections. Landing a bird in high winds is another issue for most. I use the nose-in approach to landing and use what ground effect to stick the landing. Wind shear is another concern when flying up and around objects that block some winds.

I flew an incoming storm the other night, supposedly +20mph sustained winds. My position (hover) was solid considering, but the alt suffered as the barometer was getting pressure variances by the gust loading. For the thrill factor I'd do it again, I love thunder storms.
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My copy of the Service manual states 17mph max, but the User manual states 25mph.

Regardless, I've been able to fly in steady winds between 25 and 30mph, and gusts of at least 35. Now I can't fly full throttle in these winds, but partial throttle works fine. When reaching the speed limit for the mode that you are flying in, the Solo seems to rock up and back. As @RichWest mentions, the Solo will lose altitude when it works too hard to maintain speed and with high wind and wind gust. Video doesn't look good when moving fast in the high winds.

I do fly it in the high winds just to get some flying time. I also practice flying and landing with Fly:Manual in the high winds. Whatever orientation the Solo is in, have it move into the wind and just as you bring it to a stop set it down quick!

I did have the stuck accelerometer once after flying in the high winds. Not certain that the winds contributed, but likely.

Of the three times I've had one of my Solos flip over on landing, all were caused by me. Once coming in too hot and not letting the Solo stabilize before touching down. The second when GPS signal was too bad just before landing under a tree (should've been landing in Fly:Manual, but did the same landing many times before the dang leaves were on the trees). And last time was a false report of battery at 1% when it still had 65% - I brought it down too quick as I thought it was ready to drop on its own. High winds didn't cause any of my three landing failures.
Nice to hear the stories!!
I've been too chicken to take it up when I see the trees blowing in the wind.
I also worry about if it's 10-15 on the ground how much more wind may be up there at 200ft. or 400 ft.

If there's too much it won't be able to fly back.
I flew in 20+ winds at a park near my house. I wanted to see how the 3DR would handle the winds. It flew very good, but made a lot of corrections vis GPS due top the high winds. I used 2 batteries, and trounced around the park for a good 30 minutes. The battery depleted faster than normal, but that was to be expected. All-in-all, i wouldn't hesitate to fly my SOLO in high winds. I doubt it will get carried away in the winds...unless your flying in Hurricane gusts.
Wind 20mph with gusts 35-45mph on the peak of Okemo Mountain. That was exciting! Needed the speed sliders on full rabbit to have enough lean angle. It was flyable but it was not pretty or cinematic of course. And landing was an exercise in patience combined with force. Wait patiently at about 3ft above ground hovering in manual fighting the wind. The moment there is a break in the wind and gusts, mash it into the ground and disarm.
I'm totally comfortable with manual controls once I have them.
Flying on GPS assist is new to me.
I should be good with landing in the wind.
My primary concerns were how much wind can it overcome and still fly back without going away
along with in flight flipovers due to wind if that ever even happens.
In full rabbit, the Solo can do about 30-35mph top speed without altitude decaying. A headwind will undercut that. So if you're fighting a 20mph wind, you can fly into at about 10mph before it starts to lose altitude. And that 10mph will be at full throttle balls to the wall. Battery life will suffer immensely. In a wind stronger than 30-35 mph, the Solo will get blown away.
Any experience how much the wind picks up at 400FT above ground.
If it's 15mph on the ground I wonder and worry if it's 60+ further up there :)

Sometimes it's only 10-12 on the ground and you see some low clouds really hauling butt.
I typically like to go up to 200FT or 400 to get a good look around.
Any experience how much the wind picks up at 400FT above ground.
If it's 15mph on the ground I wonder and worry if it's 60+ further up there :)

Sometimes it's only 10-12 on the ground and you see some low clouds really hauling butt.
I typically like to go up to 200FT or 400 to get a good look around.

Wind differences at altitude varies all the time. Without actually measuring it, there won't be a way to know for sure.

An app like AUV Forecast can be used to estimate the wind at a given altitude. It must take current weather conditions into consideration because the wind estimates at different altitudes change - sometime very similar to ground winds and sometimes drastically different. You will need to go into settings to change the altitude and then return to the Conditions or Forecast screen to see wind speed for the new selected altitude.
Flying out by the wind farms near Palm Springs is a trip. The worst that has happened to me was when the wind gusts caused the gimbal to basically collapse, just hung straight down, and so in effect flying back only with a view of the ground below. Return to home didn't want to work and flying back manually was against the high winds, made it back with less than 10% remaining on the battery.
Ive flown planes and quads in 35+ mph winds. Being an old fixed wing guy, i would suggest you try and keep it up wind from you until you get comfortable with how it handles. You dont want to find yourself with a sagging battery and fighting a headwind trying to get back.
Wind 20mph with gusts 35-45mph on the peak of Okemo Mountain. That was exciting! Needed the speed sliders on full rabbit to have enough lean angle. It was flyable but it was not pretty or cinematic of course. And landing was an exercise in patience combined with force. Wait patiently at about 3ft above ground hovering in manual fighting the wind. The moment there is a break in the wind and gusts, mash it into the ground and disarm.
I skied Okemo many times every winter when I lived in MA. Beautiful area you live in...
I stay out of anything above 15-20mph. While the Solo can handle it fine, your video won't look very good. I feel your pain in having to wait for good weather. Constantly having too much wind on my days off to fly planes and drones, its super frustrating. Then all week when i have to work its beautiful and 1mph wind
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Steady 10-12 MPH and gusts up to 20MPH Winds last week at St Pete Beach in FL. Bird looked absolutely stable in the wind, Held true to the smart shots. Will check out the video later this week.

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