Has anyone been successful in getting 3DR to honor their money back guarantee?

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I agree that 3DR has "World Class Support"

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  1. When I pre-ordered my Solo in APRIL the site specifically states that “Orders will be shipped in the order that they are received.” This legend still exists today on the Solo store. The reality is that customers who did not pre order were able to buy at retail stores weeks before my solo shipped AND they got their free 2nd battery at the time they got their Solo (I was told that I would have to wait until mid-July (per Jay Rodriguez) because they needed the batteries to fulfil other peoples orders. Yet they were able to re-stock Best Buy today – before stocking other existing customers). So much for any loyalty to their existing, excited customer base..
Have you stopped to think that maybe they did ship in order. That they probably made a deal with Best Buy Months before the announcement and that they probably signed a contract with Best Buy to provide a certain amount of units at certain intervals. In other words Best Buys orders were the first Far before any of ours. Best Buy is a customer as well. Just cause they turn around and re sell them does not mean that they are less of a customer. Besides this happens all the time. Have you ever order something from apple on pre order. If not, you might be told your order wont ship for 3 weeks but the on launch day there is product in the stores.

You have a point with some of your other issues, but the best buy pre-order one you just sound whiny.
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You have a point with some of your other issues, but the best buy pre-order one you just sound whiny.

Add me to the whiny list along with many others.

Anyone that ordered 2 1/2 months prior and gets it a week to ten days after the neighbor just happened to see it on the shelf at Best Buy has a right to be pissed Joe.

To add insult to injury 3DR further screwed up (their words) the extra battery that everyone was supposed to get for the 6 week gimbal delay while Best Buy fulfilled most the battery orders or discounted the Solo by $150 to compensate.

Taking a leap of faith and doing a pre-order means you should not have to wait until after its available retail. We were not just orders we were PRE-orders.
Add me to the whiny list along with many others.

Anyone that ordered 2 1/2 months prior and gets it a week to ten days after the neighbor just happened to see it on the shelf at Best Buy has a right to be pissed Joe.

To add insult to injury 3DR further screwed up (their words) the extra battery that everyone was supposed to get for the 6 week gimbal delay while Best Buy fulfilled most the battery orders or discounted the Solo by $150 to compensate.

Taking a leap of faith and doing a pre-order means you should not have to wait until after its available retail. We were not just orders we were PRE-orders.
Im not saying that the way it went down was ok. In fact I was angry about the B&H order I have talked about in other threads. What I find whiny is that he accused 3dr of flat out lying to him and and not being an ethical company because solo showed up at best buy before he got his. My point was that I am sure best buys orders came before any of ours and that they probably did exactly like they said they would and ship in the order they were received.
I was an early pre-order as well and felt very slighted as a customer when I saw Solos in Best Buy and still haven't received my free battery. But playing devil's advocate, as a business owner my self, the statement of shipping units out in the order received could very well include Best Buy. Best Buy is a customer and likely placed their order months ahead of the ability for individuals to pre-order. Then they got slammed with more demand than predicted (admittedly another 3DR fault).

Call them at 8am until you get through and return it for a refund.
Agreed - but as I stated they could still control pre-order customer expectations. They knew how many Best Buy ordered & they knew how may they can produce in x timeframe.

Point 1 above:
I would have fulfilled orders in the order in which they were received. Once I realized that I had sold out my production pipeline, I would stop taking pre-orders or at least inform my potential customers that they wouldn’t get their pre-order until after the units were available at retail (OK, I wouldn’t tell a customer that – would you?).
After making my 3rd request for an RMA to return for refund, I did not get the response that I expected :

"I do really understand your frustration, and I really apologize for this inconvenience that this has caused you. We are trying to do the best we could to fulfill all the orders that we received daily. And the truth it is that we ran out of motor pods last days, if you want I can check first hour tomorrow morning if we received the new batch of motor pods, if so, I will forward your information to shipping department so they can ship this to you as soon as we have the new ones.

Let me know if you have any questions or doubts about it.

Best regards.

Trent Scobs"

Apparently the answer is - they are not going to honor the MBG.

Buyer Beware
Im not saying that the way it went down was ok. In fact I was angry about the B&H order I have talked about in other threads. What I find whiny is that he accused 3dr of flat out lying to him and and not being an ethical company because solo showed up at best buy before he got his. My point was that I am sure best buys orders came before any of ours and that they probably did exactly like they said they would and ship in the order they were received.

There is no doubt they messed up and people have a right to be mad as they really have not done what they said yet.

But I think they will. As I have said before it's how they dig themselves out of a hole that will show what kind of company they are.

I think what a lot of people find frustrating is the priority. Here is my analogy of it.

If you buy a new car they have an obligation to deliver that car to you and have parts to keep it running before they:
  1. Put more cars on a dealers lot for future buyers
  2. Take money and deliver additional cars.
Their commitment to paid customers should be greater than their commitment to putting more product on Best Buys shelves. The right thing to do even if doesn't make the most financial gain is to tell Best Buy we are behind on manufacturing and can't deliver all the product at this time. If that screws up their deal with Best Buy then so be it. Lesson learned.

3DR has new BIG investors involved and I am sure this is steering decisions on what they do.
There is no doubt they messed up and people have a right to be mad as they really have not done what they said yet.

But I think they will. As I have said before it's how they dig themselves out of a hole that will show what kind of company they are.

I think what a lot of people find frustrating is the priority. Here is my analogy of it.

If you buy a new car they have an obligation to deliver that car to you and have parts to keep it running before they:
  1. Put more cars on a dealers lot for future buyers
  2. Take money and deliver additional cars.
Their commitment to paid customers should be greater than their commitment to putting more product on Best Buys shelves. The right thing to do even if doesn't make the most financial gain is to tell Best Buy we are behind on manufacturing and can't deliver all the product at this time. If that screws up their deal with Best Buy then so be it. Lesson learned.

3DR has new BIG investors involved and I am sure this is steering decisions on what they do.
True, however I think they probably have something with Best Buy they dont have with us.... a contract. Not knowing what is in the contract, there MAY be financial obligations that could cripple them if they dont deliver. I'm just saying it is possible. They may have had to promise the world to best buy to get them to give them a shot at precious shelf space.
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After making my 3rd request for an RMA to return for refund, I did not get the response that I expected :

"I do really understand your frustration, and I really apologize for this inconvenience that this has caused you. We are trying to do the best we could to fulfill all the orders that we received daily. And the truth it is that we ran out of motor pods last days, if you want I can check first hour tomorrow morning if we received the new batch of motor pods, if so, I will forward your information to shipping department so they can ship this to you as soon as we have the new ones.

Let me know if you have any questions or doubts about it.

Best regards.

Trent Scobs"

Apparently the answer is - they are not going to honor the MBG.

Buyer Beware
Not sure why you insist on contact by email. You will get the refund, but have to replace the motor 1st as their police states it must be undamaged. From their return policy..

If you don’t like your Solo, we’ll take it back. You may return your Solo in new or like-new condition within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. All Solo branded items listed on the same receipt as your Solo are eligible for refund. All items must be returned complete and in the original packaging. Associated shipping costs or fees will not be paid or refunded. All items must be in new or like-new conditions without cracks, dents or scratches to the body (except propellers).

To return a Solo under the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Solo, use the following process:

Step 1. Call Us
Contact 3D Robotics toll free at +1 (855) 982-2898 or direct at +1 (858) 225-1414.
Not sure why you insist on contact by email. You will get the refund, but have to replace the motor 1st as their police states it must be undamaged. From their return policy..

If you don’t like your Solo, we’ll take it back. You may return your Solo in new or like-new condition within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. All Solo branded items listed on the same receipt as your Solo are eligible for refund. All items must be returned complete and in the original packaging. Associated shipping costs or fees will not be paid or refunded. All items must be in new or like-new conditions without cracks, dents or scratches to the body (except propellers).

To return a Solo under the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Solo, use the following process:

Step 1. Call Us
Contact 3D Robotics toll free at +1 (855) 982-2898 or direct at +1 (858) 225-1414.
when this started, I didn't want the MBG - only the replacement part they promised to send.
Not sure why you insist on contact by email. You will get the refund, but have to replace the motor 1st as their police states it must be undamaged. From their return policy..

If you don’t like your Solo, we’ll take it back. You may return your Solo in new or like-new condition within 30 days of purchase for a full refund. All Solo branded items listed on the same receipt as your Solo are eligible for refund. All items must be returned complete and in the original packaging. Associated shipping costs or fees will not be paid or refunded. All items must be in new or like-new conditions without cracks, dents or scratches to the body (except propellers).

To return a Solo under the 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Solo, use the following process:

Step 1. Call Us
Contact 3D Robotics toll free at +1 (855) 982-2898 or direct at +1 (858) 225-1414.
I have an email record - for filing with consumer affairs.
There is no doubt they messed up and people have a right to be mad as they really have not done what they said yet.

But I think they will. As I have said before it's how they dig themselves out of a hole that will show what kind of company they are.

I think what a lot of people find frustrating is the priority. Here is my analogy of it.

If you buy a new car they have an obligation to deliver that car to you and have parts to keep it running before they:
  1. Put more cars on a dealers lot for future buyers
  2. Take money and deliver additional cars.
Their commitment to paid customers should be greater than their commitment to putting more product on Best Buys shelves. The right thing to do even if doesn't make the most financial gain is to tell Best Buy we are behind on manufacturing and can't deliver all the product at this time. If that screws up their deal with Best Buy then so be it. Lesson learned.

3DR has new BIG investors involved and I am sure this is steering decisions on what they do.
I can agree to this as well - BUT they can still communicate with their customers. Most enterprises have figured out that if you tell your customers what is going on, they will work with you. 3DR hasn't figured that one out.
Yea communication goes a long ways towards fixing issues.
Yea communication goes a long ways towards fixing issues.
Absolutely.. And for routine communications email is fine. But if you are trying to resolve an issue and as extremely frustrated as DV appears to be you have to have personal contact. We have seen several examples here and elsewhere when the customer called and talked to a supervisor and got excellent results. With the flood of people contacting them for a variety of reasons (remember, Solo is not their only product) by email, they are not going to put the best people with the most authority at the computer filtering emails. Just my .02..
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My negativity regarding the whole situation is wearing on me, I have to do better than 3DR.

So I will part out my Solo to try and get some of you back into the air. I started a new thread on Solo Help.
All in all, I started out as a truly excited believer – but now I cannot justify why I would ever do business with 3DR again. It is not about Solo launch glitches, those can be fixed – it is about the company’s integrity, not so easily fixed.

I have worked for a company that is notorious for bad product launches, but eventually gets the issues fixed, so as an early adopter of Solo, I was not expecting a glitch free launch. However, what I have gotten was not expected.

Honesty & Integrity (not).

  1. When I pre-ordered my Solo in APRIL the site specifically states that “Orders will be shipped in the order that they are received.” This legend still exists today on the Solo store. The reality is that customers who did not pre order were able to buy at retail stores weeks before my solo shipped AND they got their free 2nd battery at the time they got their Solo (I was told that I would have to wait until mid-July (per Jay Rodriguez) because they needed the batteries to fulfil other peoples orders. Yet they were able to re-stock Best Buy today – before stocking other existing customers). So much for any loyalty to their existing, excited customer base.

  2. I was told that replacement parts are not available because all available parts were going toward production of new units to fulfill existing customer backorders (by Israel in 3DR customer Service). Yet today Best Buy got new Solos in for retail distribution.

  3. I was told on June 27th by Trent Scobs that an order was placed for my part and that I would be “receiving the tracking number from FedEx shortly”. That was over 2 weeks ago and no tracking order has been provided.
Communication/Responsiveness (not)

  1. After Trent’s email of 6/27 there has been no response at all ( point #2 above)

  2. On July 3rd, a week after not receiving the FedEx tracking number, I sent an email reply expressing dissatisfaction and indicating that I either need to have the tracking number and the part – or – I needed an RMA to return the unit under the 30 day MBG. To this point I have neither.

  3. I have tried calling Solo numerous times, only to sit on hold for 20 min. and finally get dumped off the line.

  4. In a final attempt, I have sent emails to everyone that I have communicated with, every alias I could find, and even to Colin – and all are unanswered (although it hasn’t been 3 days J)
World Class Support (not)

  1. Read 3DRs own description of their support and contrast to points 4-7 above. Do you think that is world class support…or even mediocre support?

  2. 3DR launched a new product and apparently didn’t reserve any spare parts for support (see point 2 above). At worst case their launch plan didn’t account for massive failures and reserve enough parts…but if that is the case, then why ship more units to retail channels before fixing existing customers issues?

  3. Calls don’t go through to the support center. Emails don’t get responded to – even in the 3 day timeframe that the automated response system claims. (a pretty low bar for “world class”
So, how did I get to this point?

When I finally received my Solo, during its second flight, on auto, it suddenly took off at its highest speed and ran into some trees, breaking 3 blades and burning out a motor. The logs were went to 3DR and they determined that it was a loss of GPS lock and offered free repair. So far, so good. I had purchased additional blades because I am realistic enough to expect to lose some. I wasn’t expecting my Solo to continue to drive its motor at the highest speed possible after it became stuck and was not making any movement in any direction. And realistically, I would even pay for the motor – if I could actually get one.

When it became apparent that 3DR couldn’t provide the replacement part until well past the 30 day window – I asked Israel for an RMA to return it. Instead of issuing the RMA, he asked for some time to talk to someone who could get me the part. That was 6/25 or 6/26.

Instead of issuing the return RMA, Trent replied with the email stating my tracking number would come “shortly”.

When the tracking number didn’t come in a week, I once again asked for either the tracking number – or – an RMA to return under the 30 day guarantee.

Since then it has been nothing but crickets.

So, what would I have done differently if I were 3DR?

  1. I would have fulfilled orders in the order in which they were received. Once I realized that I had sold out my production pipeline, I would stop taking pre-orders or at least inform my potential customers that they wouldn’t get their pre-order until after the units were available at retail (OK, I wouldn’t tell a customer that – would you?).

  2. I would have reserved spare parts from the initial run. If 3DR didn’t that is a rookie mistake.

  3. When I realized that I had a much higher demand for replacement parts than I had stocked, I would divert some of the parts for new production to support the people that had already paid along with setting an honest delivery date to those still ordering (see point A)

  4. If I didn’t actually have replacement parts, and a customer wanted his money back guarantee honored, I would have honored that request on the spot – not led him to believe he was going to get a replacement part.

  5. If I failed to deliver on something that I told a customer, I would pro-actively reach out to that customer and let them know and re-negotiate.

  6. I would respond to all emails in the timeframe that I (or the automated system) said that I would.

  7. If I could not respond, then I would adjust the automated reply to a realistic response time (in 3DRs case that seems to be about 10 days).

  8. If I can’t answer the phones in 20 min…WOW

  9. If I can’t answer emails in 10 days, I need to hire more people

  10. I would respond to the customers 2 and 3rd request for an RMA to return under the 30 day money back guarantee.
I have all the emails and screen shots to back this up.

Next stop, the bank to reverse the charges on my Visa. Maybe that will get a response.

Dude, you sound like a total crazy person.
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I think your frustration stems from thinking that ALL people communicate exactly the way you do. I find this in my business. I have clients that ONLY text, OR ONLY call, or ONLY communicate via (facebook, LinkedIn, etc.).

The fact is that not all people OR companies communicate effectively on ALL platforms. I think maybe you should heed some of the advice here and CALL THEM and talk to a supervisor and get things going again. Stop with the email as it will only frustrate you more.

Ryan G
Dude, you sound like a total crazy person.
He lost all credibility for me.
Broke your engine and want to return it? Well you can just destroy a product and give it back and ask for your money.
They seem to be getting back to this dudes emails just fine. Get the pod fixed then return it. As quoted above, the policy clearly states the procedures. Some people think they are exceptions because the are more apoplectic than the average customer
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Keep in mind he did not break it. 3DR determined the part failed in mid air based on logs.
Add me to the whiny list along with many others.
@rrmccabe Old, unstable, playa and whiny... Maybe I have the order messed up, but it's a work in progress....;)

I think the point made to replace the motor pod was valid for the Solo's return or the resolve to the OP's request for the part. Further, why would anyone be on this forum if they had taken up 3DR's MBR....just saying.

The BB theory I would have to agree to as well, they were the first pre-orders, well before anyone else. 3DR even stated that they didn't anticipate properly the level of pre-orders by the users. Meaning you and me...

I like big words, "apoplectic", first usage I've seen in my lifetime. But sure, angry people tend to get their way...like children and teenagers. It does sound like the OP is taking a cue from others and trying to have their way by public display...I'm only hearing one side of the story however....an apoplectic one at that.
IF their product failed and they confirmed it, why would they make someone wait to replace the part that failed IF they want to return the drone? What's the point of a money back guarantee?

Now IF it was pilot error I DO believe that he would have to replace it to LIKE new condition first.

Ryan G

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