Follow me shots in 2.4 upgrade problems


Mar 15, 2016
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Since updating to 2.4 on ios I have had various issues. The one that seems to be the worst is the follow me features. When I set follow me shot, Solo counts down from 3, then pans to the left of me (and controller) having me out of frame slightly. Then when I move around, Solo sporadically jerked around. I've logged a ticket with 3DR. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing problems with these smart shots or 2.4 update for that matter.
I assume IOS
what mode?
orbit, look at me, leash?

I just tested it for the first time using IOS yesterday, it worked great
Hi Pyrate,
Yep IOS.
Leash worked ok, but still panned to the right before locking on (after the countdown). It followed me ok - still a bit shakey though I thought.
Look at me and Free look both acting very strangely. I didn't try orbit as I was not confident that the outcome would be great!
that is all dependent on where your device gps says you are
initializing it can be twitchy
depending on device and gps signal at the time
Thanks pyrate, i was only about 5 metres away so i would have thought the gps would be ok. Using an iPhone6 plus and there were plenty of satelites connected
Cool, thanks, I'll try it again. I am not sure why though it is panning to the right after it counts down.
What do you think of the 2.4 update? It would be really nice if there was some documentation with these new features. I did notice this one came through this morning on pano:
Pano Mode for Solo — Deep Dive — 3D Robotics
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2.4 firmware seems solid enough fixed a lot of issues on Android,
the IOS 2.4 app is great but I hate apple, I own a company phone 6s Plus so I get to use one.
On the fence as to if I will invest in an IPad, think I am going to wait on the android 2.4 app before I decide
I use tower a lot, and I have a custom build too.
Yeah I'm looking at using my works ipad to see how that goes. Maybe I should delete the iphone app and re-install?
Thanks mate, I did send in a ticket so we will see what happens. I love the Solo, I'm only fairly new to it, so lots to learn. I've managed to get some really cool footage of surfing and mountain climbing and it is now become a part of my role in my job, which is super cool.

Thanks for your time and advice. This is a great forum. Much appreciated.
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2.4 firmware seems solid enough fixed a lot of issues on Android,

I have held off updating firmware waiting for the Android App. I got cold feet when the reports on unstable hovering starting coming in.

Are you suggesting that it is worth updating even without the app being available? With out a clear rollback path it seems to be risky?
I had bad MPCC and tower service crashes
so the firmware seems to have helped that
as far as the drifting, I did a complete set of calibrations and mine is steady, a little twitchy in the wind.

Its a choice you have to make but both of mine are updated
on android but working on 2.3 android app
I'm a bit late to the discussion (was on vacation), but I have the exact same problem with Follow Me mode (in general, it just doesn't perform well). It follows, it's a bit less jerky, but it's never accurate with where I am. I did notice that hard reset of my iPhone 6S+ got my phone to report a more accurate current location, but I haven't flown again since this reset.

I'll likely do another reset of my phone and check my GPS location before ever powering Solo or the controller up on next flight. I'll be sure to test the results and share, as I'd really like to get these features working well enough to be use for something... or anything really.
I took the Solo out this morning and did just that pyrate. I went through 3 batteries and gave all the smart shots a good run through. Everything did seem to work a bit better and smooth out, other than the exception of leash follow mode. It was all over the place. I noticed that if I moved even a foot to the one way Solo overcompensated and was not stable or smooth. Very erratic actually. Most times I would end up hitting pause just for safety.
Version3, thanks for your feedback. Sounds like we have similar problems. I was happy this morning other then the Leash mode, and actually - whats the point of leash mode when I did the exact same thing with free look.? I like free look out of all of them, the orbit follow is cool too.
There seemed to be some app failure a few times with transitioning from Pano (in photo mode) to video mode - the record circle was blank and not working. I went back to the home screen on the app and back to solo and it was ok - so thats ok, but a few times now it was just frozen and the only thing to fix it was to land and reset the GoPro. So maybe a combination of GoPro failing too.
Overall - I love this drone!
Thanks guys
Just received info back from my ticket to 3dr support. It was stated that yes there has been some issues with 2.4 update and that a factory reset and reinstall of software was recomended. Anyone done a factory reset? I see that premature factory reset can create more problems, but if support have said to do it I might give it a go.
Uugh.. seriously wait a minute before you do that.
So everything works but FollowMe Leash?
In leash mode you have to move. If you stand still and just make a few steps Solo will believe that you changed direction and may swing several meters from one position to the next.
Run slowly and check again what happens.
I use follow me leash with iOS and I am super happy with the performance, especially with the new altitude follow.
After all, FollowMe accuracy depends heavily on the GPS reception of the phone.

A GoPro freeze unfortunately can happen from time to time when switching back and forth through pano modes.
Thanks fpvsteve, I will give that a go first. Yeah I may not have moved around enough for leash mode, I'll try again. Everything else is good.
The GoPro freeze can be annoying, but yeah it seems to be consistent with going from pano back to video.
Cheers mate
Just received info back from my ticket to 3dr support. It was stated that yes there has been some issues with 2.4 update and that a factory reset and reinstall of software was recomended. Anyone done a factory reset? I see that premature factory reset can create more problems, but if support have said to do it I might give it a go.

I went through this process shortly after the 2.4 upgrade. It was not a big deal. I did have to through the remind process before everything was kosher again.

In my case, the controller stopped accepting connections from vehicle and tablet.
I had the exact same problem upgrading to 2.4.0. Never had any issues with solo upgrades in the past. This time solo would never connect to the app. Waiting on Solo and vehicle not found bullshit. I logged a ticket and after trying many reboots I just figured I'd do the factory reset which fixed the issue but I am noticing that on occasion when I first power up solo and controller I don't get video on the screen and then it's on to rebooting the GoPro, solo app, etc.

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