Drone went down - how to find last know GPS co-ord?

Jul 22, 2015
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Long story short, drone went down during a 'follow me' flight, either lost sync and RTH or low battery and was trying to RTH. I can email logs to 3DR, but how do I email them to me, or find the last know GPS position so I can try to locate it myself?
OK, thank you - I'm downloading WINSCP now - but how and where do I find the last GPS co-ordinates so I can go find my drone please!?
That is not a simple and easy answer. You need to load the log file into an app like Mission Planner to examine it. It will take some getting used to and you'll have to do some research on what parameters to look for in the logs.
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If someone knows the actual log and parameter to look for, it should in fact be very easy to locate.
All I know is to load the log and play through it. There is a map that shows the current gps location as it progresses through the log file. So just go to the end of the file and that will be the last known location.
What log file to load? I appreciate your help, but if you really don't know this stuff, why wouldn't you let someone else answer who does?
Or you can use the search feature. Your question has been asked and answered a lot here. No need to do it all again because you don't search.
I had searched, but not very effectively. Thank you for getting me on the right track, got Mission Planner installed, extracted logs, got the telemetry data, GPS co-ordinates, and FOUND my drone an hour ago. Stoked. Now to find out what happened.
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Or you can use the search feature. Your question has been asked and answered a lot here. No need to do it all again because you don't search.
I am just going to invest in a marco polo drone finder. I believe it's worth it and you can put one on your dog as well.

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