DJI's secret testing to match Solo's features 100%

<snip>...everyone knows about it is depressing. And it prevents people who have chosen 3dr from having a place to experience the community of 3DR.

Sounds like if he and others continue they will have accomplished their goals to displace users from sharing in the Solo discoveries that we all came here for... I believe the Solo will prevail in the end, in spite of it all. Good luck!
All joking aside, I see a real reason for you to be its just a decision of what to do with that. Move on or help fix the problem.

Once they have a inspire with 3DR's customer service and the solo software I see a clear choice that we can all jump on.
Now that is funny, what makes you think
Sounds like if he and others continue they will have accomplished their goals to displace users from sharing in the Solo discoveries that we all came here for... I believe the Solo will prevail in the end, in spite of it all. Good luck!

tell me of your discoveries please, and site your sources
Certainly you have your free speech here. Others also thave the right to ignore you.

I have watched dozens of launches and products. In my experience, there are two types of people. Those that dig in and try to make things better, and those that whine. Finding problems is about 1% of the process of making things better, and it is the part whiners want to obsess on. Contrary to their belief however, it doesn't generally make things better. And that is the underlying psychological problem with whiners... They don't actually want things to be better. They want to whine.

What really amazes me is that most of the vocal detractors of the Solo (here and elsewhere) are people that don't own one. Most of the supporters, are the opposite. They are positive (in general) and help others. The repeated vocal detractors are perplexing to me. The idea of spending large amounts of time hanging around a store that you (for whatever reason) don't like, telling others not to buy their products, and not doing anything to make them better, doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Certainly it is their right to do it, but it just seems like an odd use of time and effort, and smells a little like people trying to justify (in their own head by trying to get it validated by others) the decisions they have made, especially since most of those people started off with DJI and espouse their products on the complaints. If yiou hate Solo

I own both and I see clearly that DJI has both technical and service problems. Different problems, but no less serious. I understand the psychology of "fanboy" as people want to validate their decisions, but I personally don't sunscribe to it. Have I had problems with Solo? Sure... but I work to solve them, and help other to solve their problems. There is a difference between being supportive (positive) and being a fanboy of a product and dissing all others (negative).

Again, my thoughts are that if I am so unhappy that I don't like any product or company and either the product or the relationship can't be fixed, then it is time to move on. That is exactly why you don't see me on the Phantom Pilots site rehashing the problems I have had with my Phantom and DJI. If I had not decided to move on, I would be over there digging in to make it better.

Either way, don't just sit around in a puddle and complain your butts wet.

Just my 2 cents...
I'm glad I read this post-

rewinding my tapes I may have been a little whiney meself.
Fact is even with GimbelGate (I'm a B&H 4/16 preorder no gimble in site kind a guy) I love this thing.
Really love the help all the smart guys on this forum are able to bring to the table.
Other forums on similar products seem a wash with bickery..

I'm sure the Phantoms fun , maybe just as or better but the one thing that I can speak with some knowledge about solo from experience?

Man, can it take a beat'n

I'm not a very good pilot , add to that the early GPS glitches and I would have been better off throwing this thing against a wall a half dozen times.

AND... after a couple of orders of props and me getting a little smarter where I try and fly?
Flys like new.

Read about the guy with the upside down landing full throttle from 30ft into mulch and a few others here... yea, maybe it's a good thing they don't send my gimble yet...

Ok , maybe not a constructive comment, but @ least I stopped whining..
Certainly you have your free speech here. Others also thave the right to ignore you.

I have watched dozens of launches and products. In my experience, there are two types of people. Those that dig in and try to make things better, and those that whine. Finding problems is about 1% of the process of making things better, and it is the part whiners want to obsess on. Contrary to their belief however, concentrating on it doesn't generally make things better. Working on it does. And that is the underlying psychological problem with whiners... They don't actually want things to be better. They want to whine. You can tell these people, they are the ones that yell and scream but don't do much work.

What really amazes me is that most of the vocal detractors of the Solo (here and elsewhere) are people that don't own one. Most of the supporters, are the opposite. They are positive (in general) and help others. The repeated vocal detractors that either don't own one or are constantly threatening to send it back, are perplexing to me. The idea of spending large amounts of time hanging around a store that you (for whatever reason) don't like, telling others not to buy their products, and not doing anything to make them better, doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

Certainly it is their right to do it, but it just seems like an odd use of time and effort, and smells a little like people trying to justify (in their own head by trying to get it validated by others) the decisions they have made, especially since most of those people started off with DJI and espouse their products on the complaints. If you hate Solo, send it back and move on. If you keep it, dig in and make it better.

I own both and I see clearly that DJI has both technical and service problems. Different problems, but no less serious, and one could argue more systemic. I understand the psychology of "fanboy" as people want to validate their decisions, but I personally don't sunscribe to it. Have I had problems with Solo? Sure... but I work to solve them, and help others to solve their problems. There is a large difference between being supportive (positive) and being a fanboy of a product and dissing all others (negative). Apparently some don't get that. Whatever you do, do something positive.

Again, my thoughts are that if I am so unhappy that I don't like any product or company and either the product or the relationship can't be fixed, then it is time to move on. That is exactly why you don't see me on the Phantom Pilots site rehashing the problems I have had with my Phantom and DJI. If I had not decided to move on, I would be over there digging in to make it better. I am here digging in to get problems solved (my own and others) which makes things better. I believe that is why most are here.

Stay or go. Either way, don't just sit around in a puddle and complain your butt is wet.

Just my 2 cents...
And the winner is... Earldgrayjr!! Seriously, a well thought out retort.
Oh please! That is not how the "ignore" feature works.

Just ignore them and let it go. If you insist on pasting their post with your reply of "ignored" then you will be on ignore as well. All your doing right now is trying to incite the person you are pretending to ignore.
Last edited:
Oh please! That is not how the "ignore" feature works.

Just ignore them and let it go. If you insist on pasting their post with your reply of "ignored" then you will be on ignore as well. All your doing right now is trying to incite the persone you are pretending to ignore.
I believe 3dr is getting better and will continue to do so. I've had my complaints but I do believe all current Solo issues will get sorted out. Many of the issues reported here have been the result of new pilots not understanding the nuances of RC devices using Wifi. I still believe Solo is the future. My real problem is moron pseudo pilots and crack pots who are driving the FAA and State legislators into action to ban UAV's altogether. Read the news about Solo at the U.S. Open. These high flying, long distance and out of sight flyers all need some heavy fines and some jail time because they are ruining this great activity for the rest of us that love it. I'm sticking with Solo and will see what happens.
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I paid the price of admission by laying down $1400 for a product that has still not materialized. If that doesn't entitle me to my opinions in an owners' discussion group I don't know what does. If only positive comments are welcome it's not really an objective discussion.

It's not that only positive comments are allowed but be real here you've been saying the same thing over and over in every thread. You've made your point, so it's time to return it or sell it or like I've done now with solo and my p2, and every phantom owner since they released has done repeatedly, deal with the problems we face, fix them and move on. Yes I'm upset by some of what 3dr has done and yes I was upset with dji at times but I kept them so I'm trying to work with what I got, all your doing is attempting to turn this into RCG which sucks and that's the last thing anyone here wants.
It's not that only positive comments are allowed but be real here you've been saying the same thing over and over in every thread. You've made your point, so it's time to return it or sell it or like I've done now with solo and my p2, and every phantom owner since they released has done repeatedly, deal with the problems we face, fix them and move on. Yes I'm upset by some of what 3dr has done and yes I was upset with dji at times but I kept them so I'm trying to work with what I got, all your doing is attempting to turn this into RCG which sucks and that's the last thing anyone here wants.

This forum is almost usable again, after about 9 ignores
It's not that only positive comments are allowed but be real here you've been saying the same thing over and over in every thread. You've made your point, so it's time to return it or sell it or like I've done now with solo and my p2, and every phantom owner since they released has done repeatedly, deal with the problems we face, fix them and move on. Yes I'm upset by some of what 3dr has done and yes I was upset with dji at times but I kept them so I'm trying to work with what I got, all your doing is attempting to turn this into RCG which sucks and that's the last thing anyone here wants.
Oh poor JonW, he is on the PhantomPilots forum now tellin' all the DJI pilots how many problems the Solo Gimbal has. Maybe he will develop a following there and his life will be filled with happiness.

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