Delayed Solo Release

I spoke with 3dr rep yesterday and confirmed that solo is ready for shipments but the gimbal isn't ready yet..they are purposely delaying the 3dr solo because without the gimbal we would not get a great photo or video experience since they are trying to sell the UAS as an aerial video rig.

They will start shipping the gimbal by the end of june and early july. So most of might start seeing unboxing video on our 3dr drone by late june early july.

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We'll see when an announcement is made but my money is on it being a software issue, 3DR won't release software until it's OK'd for release by the likes of Randy, certainly with Arducopter and that's a good thing, the last thing you want is to be an unintentional beta tester with your own expensive gear.

3DR were bitten getting the Iris+ software out for a date (3DR did a branch just for the Iris which was equivalent to 3.2rc10) and the response from Vu read to the effect that would never be allowed to happen again. Basically one critical bug got through and although it was patched quickly there were at least a few crashes as a result.

Given 3.3 is still in testing and I suspect 3DR would have expected it have completed by now, it even makes me wonder if the Solo itself will have a small delay, otherwise it means 3DR might need to risk a parallel version of firmware again.

Time will tell. My view is it's better to have it right rather than rush to meet a date, especially if we're only talking weeks.
My sentiments exactly
Honestly, I have to go by "no news is good news" and since the only thing I have to go by is my order status w/ BB which still says I'll have it on June 1, that's what I'm going to assume is going to happen. FWIW, I ordered the $999 version w/ out the gimbal since that's what was available on the US BB website. Everything I've seen indicates the Solo can be flown w/ the "Frame" and GP out of the box. No smart shots w/ out the Gimbal but I'll be happy to fly it for a while w/ out it just to get familiar with the app, control, flight characteristics etc. They were touting the fact that the $999 version would be RTF OOTB in the NAB videos and they're selling the Solo separate from the Gimbal (there really isn't a Solo+Gimbal "package") so I personally think they'll still ship the Solo's even if the Gimbal is delayed. That's just my opinion. Regardless, there's only a few days left until we'll know for sure. Either via an announcement from 3DR or the Solo's showing up on doorsteps as promised on June 1.
The bottom line is this...

Since DJI has the vast market share for consumer flying cameras... 3DR knows that if they want to successfully compete with The success of the P3P and win this. The Solo needs to launch as a functionally better product with more longevity. They don't currently have the same resources as DJI and are going to do everything they can to meet their goal of a superior product. They don't have to worry about the camera, since they have partnered with a proven system. All they have to do is make the flying part of the system better than the P3. If it means waiting and fixing it once, before its release, it's smart to do so, instead of failing on the release and doing it twice.

I'm a big fan of doing it right the first time.
I'm a big fan of doing it right the first time.

This is true, but more importantly I believe in doing what you say and if you can't do it then you communicate that you are behind and why. The argument with me really isn't about getting it right. it comes down to stop telling they people that have a significant investment in these things its on time end of May. And yes I have recent correspondence stating that.

I really don't know what the time frame it takes to go from final changes until it will arrive in US. But I know it involves.
  • Actual final change
  • Putting it in box and crating it.
  • Putting it on a boat that moves slower than most modes of transportation
  • Whatever customs BS you have to go through.
  • Trucking it to 3DR
There are probably more steps but that is the minimum.

So they have to know a couple weeks in advance its behind and are telling customers its on time.

Now that said we cant say for sure its behind. Could be bad info from a CSR just as easily as "end of May" could be bad info from CSR !

You can excuse the fact it is taking time to get it right. You cant excuse the rest.
There seems to be a lot more speculation than quadcopters flying around! At the risk of making things worse…

Have you considered that the “gimbal problem” and resulting delay may not be down to 3DR at all? This isn’t your run of the mill gimbal we are talking about. It has more functionality built into it than anyone anywhere has put into a brushless gimbal before. On the 3DR website it states that the gimbal is “optimized” for the Hero 3+ and Hero 4. It has been reported that the gimbal will only have “full functionality” once the camera receives a required firmware update from GoPro. It seems that all of the GoPros currently flying around on Solos are running a beta version of this firmware that is only available in-house at 3DR. Could the delay possibly be because GoPro is dragging its feet on releasing the official firmware (like that hasn’t happened before…) and that 3DR doesn’t want a bunch of gimbals out there that can’t achieve the advertised functionality until it does?

Speculation is easy and fun (albeit generally of limited merit) when dealing with two companies this adept at holding their cards close to their vests. The next month is going to be interesting…
There seems to be a lot more speculation than quadcopters flying around! At the risk of making things worse…

Have you considered that the “gimbal problem” and resulting delay may not be down to 3DR at all? This isn’t your run of the mill gimbal we are talking about. It has more functionality built into it than anyone anywhere has put into a brushless gimbal before. On the 3DR website it states that the gimbal is “optimized” for the Hero 3+ and Hero 4. It has been reported that the gimbal will only have “full functionality” once the camera receives a required firmware update from GoPro. It seems that all of the GoPros currently flying around on Solos are running a beta version of this firmware that is only available in-house at 3DR. Could the delay possibly be because GoPro is dragging its feet on releasing the official firmware (like that hasn’t happened before…) and that 3DR doesn’t want a bunch of gimbals out there that can’t achieve the advertised functionality until it does?

Speculation is easy and fun (albeit generally of limited merit) when dealing with two companies this adept at holding their cards close to their vests. The next month is going to be interesting…

Very good point.. And TBH, If the delay is coming from GP, it's not surprising.
This thread is a humorous. People are actually threatening to buy a Phantom 3 (with DJI's non-existent customer support and shoddy QC) if they have to wait 3-4 weeks longer for a far superior product? LOL.

This gimbal's functionality is like nothing we've ever seen before. I want mine to work correctly and flawlessly from the box. If it didn't, the Phantom threateners here would be complaining loudly about this new company shipping a crappy product before it was ready!
I'm fine waiting for the quality I've come to expect from 3DR (own an Iris+, Phantom 1 and Phantom 2 as well).

I was never promised a shipping date when I preordered my Solo last month, but was given a projected release of "the end of May." Being a technophile I always expect shipping delays on new technology - just seems par for the course. If the "end of May" becomes the "end of June" I can't complain.
I have no problem waiting for a tested and well constructed product that will live up to what the company is promising.

As far as the delays and dates given by 3DR, they also have to rely on schedules that may be held up by the manufacturer(s). I would assume that nobody is more pissed off than 3DR.

FWIW, no billing is charged to the purchaser until the Solo ships (at least credit card sales).


PS...Any truth to that free battery?
I'd suggest anyone considering bailing on the Solo take a little time to read through some of the posts on the DJI forums (on DJI's site/official forums). Especially the Inspire forum. Not even going to repeat or summarize, but reading from actual customers is a good way to get a feel for what you're getting into. Just sayin... I almost bought an inspire but decided to wait and see. I watched the DJI support forums and that was enough to convince me it was a bad idea.
Thank You 3D-flight my sentiments exactly
This thread is a humorous. People are actually threatening to buy a Phantom 3 (with DJI's non-existent customer support and shoddy QC) if they have to wait 3-4 weeks longer for a far superior product? LOL.

This gimbal's functionality is like nothing we've ever seen before. I want mine to work correctly and flawlessly from the box. If it didn't, the Phantom threateners here would be complaining loudly about this new company shipping a crappy product before it was ready!
I'm fine waiting for the quality I've come to expect from 3DR (own an Iris+, Phantom 1 and Phantom 2 as well).

I was never promised a shipping date when I preordered my Solo last month, but was given a projected release of "the end of May." Being a technophile I always expect shipping delays on new technology - just seems par for the course. If the "end of May" becomes the "end of June" I can't complain.
@ GoodnNuff, I agree..I'll fly my Phantom for now

FWIW, no billing is charged to the purchaser until the Solo ships (at least credit card sales).

I used my bank debit card. The money has been taken out. So it is in fact spent.
Awww, I just sold my trusty P2 and HD-3D in anticipation of the release of the SOLO.

I will however be waiting for the release. Honestly, getting it right is better than DJI's crappy way of doing things. Talk about disclosure? We are still within the release date window. I believe they are working around the clock to try solve it within this timeframe or reduce the delay. That's acceptable to me. It sure beats putting out a problematic product and then having shitty after sales service to tend to it... or delaying shipment numbers to reduce problems while they buy time to fix problems via firmware updates....

3Dr knows that they have made lofty after sales service promises. You can't honor that with a product that is faulty. This is their big break. I see this as the ONLY Phantom killer.... They CAN'T afford to mess this up. Even the rollout is staggered. Asia still has no dealers yet for the SOLO. I know many people asking to become dealers and they have had no success yet.

July isn't that far off. If I had jobs to do, I would buy a P3 and then resell it. No big deal. These things cost less than a DSLR and lens.... leads me to believe that most people whining about delays are just impatient. In that case, you can always run to DJI and not look over your shoulder at the guys flying a SOLO when it does get released problem free :p
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I used my bank debit card. The money has been taken out. So it is in fact spent.
I thought it was illegal to charge for a product prior to actually stocking the product? Perhaps it is different with debit cards?

I ordered mine without even a down payment, through my local hobby store. Downside is I'll get my Solo a few weeks after I could walk into the local Best Buy and purchase one. Upside is I'm supporting my local RC store who in turn provide fantastic customer service and treat me like family.
I actually did a screenshot of the purchase to verify with 3DR.

They wanted that or a picture of the CC used.
I actually did a screenshot of the purchase to verify with 3DR.

They wanted that or a picture of the CC used.
That is good to know.
I'll remember to use my CC from now when I pre purchase an item.
Been here before - Bleeding Edge Technology! Slow down everyone the price of rushing off to a DJI product with crap c/s is not worth it at this stage. If 3DR customer service lives up to its promises then the wait will be well worth it.
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Been here before - Bleeding Edge Technology! Slow down everyone the price of rushing off to a DJI product with crap c/s is not worth it at this stage. If 3DR customer service lives up to its promises then the wait will be well worth it.

I don't understand the differences in charges. I charged mine on line via my MC to 3DR and followed up with a phone call to verify that everything was A-OK. That's when I asked if I was to be charged immediately or when it would ship.Credit rating maybe? Just guessing.

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I thought it was illegal to charge for a product prior to actually stocking the product? Perhaps it is different with debit cards?

I ordered mine without even a down payment, through my local hobby store. Downside is I'll get my Solo a few weeks after I could walk into the local Best Buy and purchase one. Upside is I'm supporting my local RC store who in turn provide fantastic customer service and treat me like family.

If it's illegal to charge for a product (shown as a charge to ensure first delivery) then there are many, many companies out there breaking the law. Personally, I think it's perfectly legal and I've been there before several times. Every time it worked out and I'd never consider that 3DR would do anything to break the law.

FWIW, I've purchased everything directly from 3DR which includes several APMs and Pixhawks. I also purchased an APM (latest version) from HK and it only worked in Aircraft Mode. Anyone ever dealt with these clowns when you have a problem???!!!!! Viva con Dios!


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