Constant beeping alarm and magnetic interference

Sep 24, 2015
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My 3DR solo keeps beeping at a very high rate. The controller message indicates magnetic interference. I tried to re-calibrate level and compass no joy.
Should I reset to factory settings? or any other solutions

My 3DR solo keeps beeping at a very high rate. The controller message indicates magnetic interference. I tried to re-calibrate level and compass no joy.
Should I reset to factory settings? or any other solutions

I think magnetic interference is caused when trying to take off to Close to steel structures around the your vehicle,Steel Fence,building and so forth! you get the same results in a very open area.. Like a very open field with absolutely no metal objects around the Solo?
Thanks for your comment but the problem persists when I am far way form all structures
Thanks for your comment but the problem persists when I am far way form all structures

Why am I receiving magnetic interference alerts?
Solo has two internal compasses and an external compass nested in leg #04. Solo relies on these compasses to determine direction, and sometimes these compass readings can get thrown off by nearby metal objects or magnets that have gotten too close. If this is the case, you may receive a ‘Magnetic Interference’ alert.

To troubleshoot for magnetic interference:
1 Check your surroundings for nearby metal objects
Nearby metal objects are the most likely causes of magnetic interference. If you have checked your surroundings and still can’t see any metal objects that could be causing the interference, try moving Solo to a new take-off location. Metal can sometimes be tough to spot, like steel rebar in concrete and pipes running underground for instance.

2 Move away from radio frequency emitters
Make sure you are not near power lines or radio frequency emitters like cell and radio towers. These emissions can interfere with the electronic device performance and/or alterations on magnetic field readings.

3 Try performing a compass calibration
If you have checked your surroundings and you are confident Solo isn’t close to anything metal, it is possible that the compasses has been demagnetized by a magnet that came too close to Solo. Try performing a compass calibration to check for this possibility.

If a compass calibration didn’t solve the issue and you are still receiving a Magnetic Interference alert,
Thanks for your comments

I have tried
1) Changing the battery
2) Re calibrating compass and accelerometer
3) I tried different locations away form any interference
Nothing works..........
Kevin, did you get it working? Mine started doing this after re-installing the gimbal and trying the cardboard GPS trick.
oh man - this just started for me today. and i have most definitely tried all of the above. although i haven't tried a different battery. same place i always use on my roof - well shielded portion of the roof - all my flights from there so far... today - i can't it to stop telling me to move away from metal etc... baffled.
I had the same problem... After changing out the leg mounted compass, and a few resets, I sent it to 3DR. The problem was the pixhawk, which they replaced, under warranty. They also did a full check on it and found two bad motor pods.... Replaced...... AND..... the turn around was 5 days.. Sent it out on Monday, it was back Friday same week.Granted, I am in Northern CA and the service center is in SanDiego,. but the solo was in the shop less than 24 hours.... Gotta love their customer service...
check it out.

i had a small and lo energy forced landing over the weekend. props took all the damage luckily. however, something was definitely wrong as i kept getting magnetic interference - and it didn't matter where i went or how many times i re-calibrated.

today i learned through Javier at 3DR after they checked my flight logs, that somehow the controller settings had been altered... turned out i had opened tower and and also switched to the android version of the SOLO app and my controller settings had changed.

the controller joysticks had been switched as well a couple of strange changes deep in the settings tree responsible for how the compass reads the SOLO. we reset the controller using Tower - and ran ground checks without the props.

ps. there is an important distinction between the iOS and Android version of the SOLO app - the difference is (if you don't already know) the Android version allows you to switch the joysticks on the controller. it's easy to miss and may lay at the root of peoples' issues. :)

also Javier was very clear about even opening and connecting to apps other than their SOLO app while the controller and SOLO are running. i didn't know that and maybe others may not.
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If it's an alarm like beep (that keeps on going) shortly after turning on the Solo, that's usually a sign the GPS puck has been unplugged from the Solo or one of the wires on the GPS lead has come out
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That alarm is your GPS wire being unplugged, either it's not plugged in or one of the individual wires has come loose.
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And how it is that then grabs 9 satellites and allows me to take off in fly mode? i take a look inside and no cable is out or cut

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