ChibiOS and Solo.

I believe we are. From what I've seen on the ArduPilot discussion board as well as the ArduPilot github issues list, it looks like the Cube 2.0 Black for the Solo is getting really close to being integrated with AC Master and ChibiOS.

These are what I believe to be the outstanding issues preventing Solo integration:
New ChibiOS IO DSM goes haywire with Solo's Spektrum RC #9763
Copter: gimbal twitch only in Chibios (Copter 3.6) #9181
Oreo LEDs not working in ChibiOS #9076
Solo Slew Rate software fix for ESC signal issues #5988
Copter: Add thrust slew time #9569
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Tridge is working on the LED driver now, so I think that will be fixed pretty soon. The RC channels thing is something new that just happened since there is a new IO with a new decoder. Earlier, the DSM decoder was using the existing PX4/Nuttx decoder. So Tridge needs to work on that too next and he said will be a fairly high priority.

The gimbal is troublesome and still a mystery. You can just barely see that twitch happening in the Nuttx builds if you watch closely. So it isn't something new, it's just masked and not super noticeable in Nuttx. In ChibiOS, it is clearly a big problem.
What's your feeling on the state of the slew rate code, Matt? I know you and Leonard have been iterating on that for a bit.
Is the twitch the problem when the Solo is on the ground and you can see it move around a little? Video from the air has always been good I think but this problem would not be noticed then.
What's your feeling on the state of the slew rate code, Matt? I know you and Leonard have been iterating on that for a bit.
Waiting on Leonard to rework still, so nothing new to report. He's a busy man both within ArduPilot and at home. So it's still "soon". My feeling is good though.

Is the twitch the problem when the Solo is on the ground and you can see it move around a little? Video from the air has always been good I think but this problem would not be noticed then.
It is the same on the ground and in the air. I'm surprised you aren't noticing it in the air. It seems to be all three axes twitching really quick like they're getting a loss of comm or some false data. But there is no obvious cause yet. ChibiOS can do nearly everything faster and more efficiently, which is why issues like this are popping up now even though the underlying subsystem didn't change.
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With AC 3.6.1 ChiBiOS, the gimbal twitches are barely noticeable in flight. I did some video over the WE and I would say that as long you are not looking for production-ready quality it’s ok.
But it is annoying to watch it with Solo sitting idle on the bench. Also the max/min tilt angle doesn’t work properly, when hitting 0 or 90 degrees, the gimbal sometimes moves further resulting in a limp gimbal.
On the upside, I noticed that my Gopro now turns properly on and off again.
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The twitch may be totally irrelevant to still photography and just fun flying around. But certainly if you're trying to produce video, it is an impediment.
After tinkering, I've found the twitch is definitely being caused by intermittent fraction of a second communication delay between the cube and gimbal. If the gimbal gets no communication after X time, it goes limp. So what you're seeing is the gimbal going limp for a fraction of a second and coming back. Some changes to serial communication were made in Chibios (DMA for example). So it's like something in that change is causing the problem. Tridge sent me some custom firmware that will log the serial communication between the cube and gimbal. I ran them and sent the logs back to him this morning. We'll see what he finds.

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