Brand New Solo $129 at B&H

Well that didn't last long, now I know why this quad wasn't very popular. It was flying perfectly fine in open field, with GPS lock, fresh IMU cal, compass cal, etc. Went into sport mode... it just went full tilt past 45 degree and crashed into ground. It's smashed up pretty good, and 1 motor is toast. I couldn't get it to stop going full tilt forward, it's almost like the controller disconnected. Tried going back into GPS mode but it still wouldn't stop. I flew exact same spot yesterday in sport mode and it was fine. I'm not new to this either, have flown DJI Phantoms and Inspires since 2014, never had anything like this happen. This is the first time I've ever crashed a non-toy grade quad.
Not even the pause button would work? That's suppose to be Solo's failsafe mechanism to stop it. Odd.
I didn't even get to try it happened so fast. I actually think it might be able to fly still, the motor is free now. They spin up fine with no props, and everything seems to be in check. It's just dinged up pretty good and I broke 3 props. Comes with 2 spare props, so I'm down one. Still waiting on spare parts lol.
No was using Solex. With the 3DR app, even though I was connected to WiFi it wouldn't connect with app.
I'm still new here so I'm curious. Could it have anything to do with the controller issue you had posted earlier? I still haven't made my maiden Solo flight yet and now I'm wondering if I need to check it out more before I do. Keep us posted on any possible cause you find.
Might be. Trying to understand the logs. I keep seeing Err.Failsafe Radio and GPS, but that was in GPS mode and it seemed to fly fine. I see Err. FlightMode 14 about when it went haywire. Literally had zero control and it went beyond 35 degree AoA. Was about 50 feet in the air and looked more like 45 degrees or more and it dropped like a rock and went full throttle. Yesterday it flew perfectly fine, same spot in Sport, Manual and Acro.

The error when it crashed. ERR Subsys=10 ECode=14
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ADDED: I just noticed you said you too off with GPS lock.

ERR Subsystem 10 is "failed to enter flight mode." Double check that you didn't take off in sport mode? If you did take off in sport mode and then at any point tried to switch to fly mode, then you could get some crazy flight characteristics. You must have GPS lock before flying but you obviously know this.

With DIY Pixhawk builds it would be standard practice to obtain GPS lock, take off in a GPS mode and switch to sport/across. This way, if a failsafe kicks in it will know where to go.

The right thing to do would be to build a non-gps unit to fly in acro/sport. The Solo was never really intended to fly in sport mode. You can do it because it is built on the Pixhawk but it's more of a video craft.
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Well that didn't last long, now I know why this quad wasn't very popular. It was flying perfectly fine in open field, with GPS lock, fresh IMU cal, compass cal, etc. Went into sport mode
I haven't crashed any of mine and I've got a quite a few solos, a mavic, a P3, and a spark. Most everyone on the forum who's been flying these for a while will attest to how robust the solos are. I don't do any calibrations unless it asks me to or there is a related error message. Since I'm assuming you just bought this from B&H it is new and under warranty by 3DR. They are still supporting the fleet. Contact them, they'll ask for your data log. Folks here can look at your data log too. If you had a hardware/sensor/firmware failure (and not pilot error) 3DR is still providing warranty. Not sure on Solex, did you do the update before first flight and use the 3DR solo app for your initial test flights or was your first flight with Solex?
I guess I err on the side of caution. All the birds I have flown for first flights have been on 3DR app, I know all new solos require an update and not sure what comes up on Solex if thats what you are using on a brand new bird. I have flown using Solex but it was after warranty was over. Does anyone know if 3DR warranty covers their bird if you are using Solex? I know with 3DR app you can send a support ticket with data log right from the app. A friend of mine just got a B&H bundle before thanksgiving and had issues with bad motor bearing after a couple flights, he sent the data log to 3DR and they told him there was some power control issue they saw in data log. They sent him a new bird. He was using 3DR app.
I guess I need to stay with the 3dr app right now. What about the Mro GPS mod? Would that void the warranty?
I am guessing that the mRo GPS would void warranty. I have an mRo GPS in my oldest Solo, but waited until warranty expired (did not want to risk at original price ~1500). I got that Solo when they released in July 2015 and it still flies great. No issues. It also has an FPVLR antenna mod and the GPS V2 shield (which won't void warranty).
I bought a few 'parts only' birds off of eBay and thought I'd strip them for parts, but when I powered up and paired with a controller they all worked just fine. At $60 each and no warranty, I don't mind using them to test mods and spare parts. I love my Solos. I have a Mavic and I like the 4k video and the range, but I hate putting up with DJI crappy updates and poor support. The only issue warranty issue I've had on a Solo was with a new 3DR gimbal which had a twitch. I opened a support ticket, and sent link of video to 3dr, swapped gimbal to different solo for troubleshooting but got same twitch. They sent me a new gimbal.

Seeing how the price of these clearance bundles was so low, if it's under your 'pain' point (i.e., you can stand to lose one) do the mods. Certainly the mRo is a great mod, picks up lots of sats fast. Definitely do the GPS V2 shield if nothing else.
I haven't crashed any of mine and I've got a quite a few solos, a mavic, a P3, and a spark. Most everyone on the forum who's been flying these for a while will attest to how robust the solos are. I don't do any calibrations unless it asks me to or there is a related error message. Since I'm assuming you just bought this from B&H it is new and under warranty by 3DR. They are still supporting the fleet. Contact them, they'll ask for your data log. Folks here can look at your data log too. If you had a hardware/sensor/firmware failure (and not pilot error) 3DR is still providing warranty. Not sure on Solex, did you do the update before first flight and use the 3DR solo app for your initial test flights or was your first flight with Solex?

Same here, no cal unless asked. But it was same spot as the day before. Luckily it still fly's ok, and I put it back into sport (nervously) and it was fine this time. I did initial flight with 3DR App and Updates, but none of my phones/tablets would connect easily to 3DR App, hence why I was using Solex since it worked.
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9Franko9, yes that is the one. Originally 26 bucks from 3DR, but they did offer occasional sale at 15. You have to remove battery tray to get to motherboard and GPS board. Not hard to do, there is a good youtube video showing the process. It replaces the copper shield that is on stock Solo. Might also be a thread or 2 on shield here if you search forum.
I did initial flight with 3DR App and Updates, but none of my phones/tablets would connect easily to 3DR App, hence why I was using Solex since it worked.

I had occasional connection issue with app too. Usually works as long as you boot controller, then Solo, let them connect and then launch app. I found that my phone was causing an issue while I was trying to connect to my tablet. I had used both at one time or another, and the phone connected automatically (in my pocket) to solo before I could connect with tablet. I put phone in airplane mode now. Sometimes I just reboot everything and it connects fine. I used a Nexus 7 (2013) tablet originally, but since then I've got a iPad 4 mini which I prefer. Solex only runs on Android. BTW, glad your Solo is still flying - it is a very robust bird.
I had occasional connection issue with app too. Usually works as long as you boot controller, then Solo, let them connect and then launch app. I found that my phone was causing an issue while I was trying to connect to my tablet. I had used both at one time or another, and the phone connected automatically (in my pocket) to solo before I could connect with tablet. I put phone in airplane mode now. Sometimes I just reboot everything and it connects fine. I used a Nexus 7 (2013) tablet originally, but since then I've got a iPad 4 mini which I prefer. Solex only runs on Android. BTW, glad your Solo is still flying - it is a very robust bird.

Couldn't even get Wi-Fi to come up when I first got it. And it would always say "Looking for Solo". Unplugging the controller battery for a while I think is what fixed it. I have an iPhone 7 plus, iPhone SE, Nexus 5 and some cheap Digiland Android tablet. Can't get the apps on my iPhones to work at all anymore. Of course, old faithful with custom ROM and Kernel Nexus 5 works perfect!
I'm not sure why Solex would void warranty when you can fly the solo without a mobile device at all, once it's updated and calibrated. I still fly with 3dr app.

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