Anyone else thinking about returning Solo?

3DR Solo Gimbal ?

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and this discussion is solving what? Send it back
I agree with you 100 percent. Stop the whining and send it back. If DJI can just work out how to do all of the Tower type moves and tricks, an Inspire 1 or 2 or 3 will be my next purchase and I'm not looking back. However, in the meantime for all the painfully unsatisfied folk, SEND IT BACK! SEND IT BACK! SEND IT BACK! SEND IT BACK! SEND IT BACK!✌
When "every good place to go and have constructive conversations about the solo" is filled with angry purchasers who are voicing legitimate complaints, or as you call it, "crying" what does that tell you about the company and product?
We need a forum for devoted owners, this consistent crying is ruining every good place to go and have constructive conversations about the solo

It's unfortunate that it's come to this but doing what you say creates a Fan Boi mentality with little value. The 3DR solo has huge potential but acting like everything is OK is not going to make it better.

I am hoping they get there because the solo "should" do what no other consumer drone does.
It's unfortunate that it's come to this but doing what you say creates a Fan Boi mentality with little value. The 3DR solo has huge potential but acting like everything is OK is not going to make it better.

I am hoping they get there because the solo "should" do what no other consumer drone does.

Exactly rmmccabe. Well stated. But it won't end there. The fan boi force is strong with this one.
Just imagine the expense of having to drop ship 3day air from china... its got to be ridiculous...
That is a huge cost related to not having the product available at launch. Investors are going to kick them in the pants for doing this... Have they never watched Shark Tank...?
That is what has me thinking. Air shipped from China, probably the first shipment or two. Now they are probably putting these latest shipments on a boat which would take a week or more.
That is what has me thinking. Air shipped from China, probably the first shipment or two. Now they are probably putting these latest shipments on a boat which would take a week or more.
Good point. Or, the Chinese manufacturer is having difficulties after their currency devaluation...

We're seeing lead times on commodity electronic parts stretching back out to 26 weeks ARO...
calling someone a fan boy because they are tired of the constant belly aching is just as bad a crying about things you cant change. I case you have not noticed many folks dealing with the same problems you are have chosen instead to use this time to help each other out, learn more about the product and improve the ownership of the product. So if that makes me a dreaded fan boy in your books so be it. My opinion stands, it would be nice to have a forum that was a bit more upbeat
It's unfortunate that it's come to this but doing what you say creates a Fan Boi mentality with little value. The 3DR solo has huge potential but acting like everything is OK is not going to make it better.

I am hoping they get there because the solo "should" do what no other consumer drone does.
I try really hard not to jump into these threads/vent sessions, but while I agree with your statement in general, there are already other threads in other forums that are perfect areas to complain about all the issues and delays.

It's one thing to voice issues with the product and carry out constructive discourse while looking for practical solutions. It's another to turn it into a massive vent session. The drama that ensues in some threads for Solo is no more relevant than the "marketing" that we were so "shamelessly fed".

I don't need a forum to tell me if I need to return a product. If it doesn't suit my needs, and the manufacturer or retailer allows it, take it back and move on.

It's not being a "fan-boi" when you don't need to hear the same reasons repeated to you over 2 months on multiple forums on why you shouldn't like using the product that you own and know you like especially when there is a very easy way to rectify the situation if you actually don't like the product.

Other "owner's" threads on other forums have become so rediculous, I don't even go on anymore. It's impossible to find useful information there even though I know some very smart/experienced contributors do post. People looking for online entertainment to watch people sling insults can keep their negativity there.

This site so far has been generally very reasonable. As a moderator, please keep this place useful for owners who are trying to work with the product. No disrespect intended. Thanks.
Lamda, I agree 100% with what you said.
But then the name of the thread we are all commenting on popped into my head...
i.e. If I'm going to vent, belly ache, lament, or whine about the Solo, the delays, the marketing, the elusive gimbal, etc., a thread titled "Anyone else thinking about returning Solo" would seem like an entirely appropriate place for my post.
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Lamda, I agree 100% with what you said.
But then the name of the thread we are all commenting on popped into my head...
Oh I know :D hopefully it all stays contained in this thread? People tend to drop comments elsewhere tho. I would also pose the question, why would we need a thread like this on a 3DR Pilots site? If not for entertainment value alone? LOL

As I said, I try to not even open these. But it just keeps popping up! :confused:

It did allow me to voice what I do like about this site however, and it's why I replied to rrmccabe, he being a moderator.
i.e. If I'm going to vent, belly ache, lament, or whine about the Solo, the delays, the marketing, the elusive gimbal, etc., a thread titled "Anyone else thinking about returning Solo" would seem like an entirely appropriate place for my post.

Exactly right Kip.
especially when there is a very easy way to rectify the situation if you actually don't like the product.

I really wish it was as easy as you make it sound to rectify the problem. In actuality I paid $47 to ship my Solo back to B&H for a refund and now I am waiting for my credit to post and stuck trying to figure out what to do with over $1500 worth of accessories which are long past being returnable due to the multiple gimbal delays. You know what would have made it easy? If 3DR had delivered what I paid for when they said they would deliver it.
Simple solutio . All of you that have had enough, return the Solo. 3DR will have a bunch of slightly used but perfectly good craft on hand. Then, they will announce a "garage sale" and those of us that stuck with them can buy a slightly used Solo for $200.

I just got off the phone with 3DR before I started reading this thread. My gimbal will ship tomorrow (no notification tomorrow and I will blow up their phone/facebook/email and whatever else I can) I still have my flamewheel with the H3-3D gimbal (which was seriously disappointing because of an annoying twitch) but it has been in storage since the Solo arrived. I don't have room in my truck for both.

I will say that I am extremely happy with the Solo itself. It is by far the best quad I have flown covering several brands and a few builds. I will not deny my extreme frustration over the delay . But if the gimbal performs as well as the Solo, it will be well worth the wait.
I really wish it was as easy as you make it sound to rectify the problem. In actuality I paid $47 to ship my Solo back to B&H for a refund and now I am waiting for my credit to post and stuck trying to figure out what to do with over $1500 worth of accessories which are long past being returnable due to the multiple gimbal delays. You know what would have made it easy? If 3DR had delivered what I paid for when they said they would deliver it.
$1500 in accessories? What did you do, buy your Solo a Phantom?
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calling someone a fan boy because they are tired of the constant belly aching is just as bad a crying about things you cant change. I case you have not noticed many folks dealing with the same problems you are have chosen instead to use this time to help each other out, learn more about the product and improve the ownership of the product. So if that makes me a dreaded fan boy in your books so be it. My opinion stands, it would be nice to have a forum that was a bit more upbeat

My definition of a fan boi would be someone who sees a thread titled "Who's thinking about returning their Solo" and thinks to themselves, "I'm definitely not," but instead of just passing it by decides to jump in and try to start fights. Are you thinking of returning your Solo? No? Then why exactly are you here? Let those of us who are or already have discuss the topic. Buh bye. This is not a thread for the "devoted" owners
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My definition of a fan boi would be someone who sees a thread titled "Who's thinking about returning their Solo" and thinks to themselves, "I'm definitely not," but instead of just passing it by decides to jump in and try to start fights. Are you thinking of returning your Solo? No? Then why exactly are you here? Let those of us who are or already have discuss the topic. Buh bye. This is not a thread for the "devoted" owners
Yet the OP decided to wait it out because of responses by those of us that are waiting it out or have received their gimbal. ANY thread on this board is for open discussion. Perhaps some that were going to wait decided to return it just because of this thread. Perhaps some more that were going to return decided to wait. That is what discussion boards like this are all about. If you want a bunch of idiots that think exactly the same way and have their heads so far up their @$$es that they will block anyone that doesn't agree 100% with their kool-aid mindset, then go to

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