Any reliable info from B&H?

Nope. Not from my 15yrs ordering from them.

Sucks for them when it's "free shipping"

So guys, I actually experienced this as well.. I, like many others, ordered the Solo w/ Gimbal and got a free battery out of the pre-order.

2 weeks ago I noticed they had batteries in stock, so I ordered one and it arrived at my hotel. It arrived 2 days later.

I then spoke with their online chat folks, inquiring where the pre-order battery was. I was told they didn't have stock of the battery and that they were "Out of Stock"

I called them out on this, and stated I had ordered a battery 2 days ago, and it arrived... Seeing that I had a pre-order, how could it be that B&H didn't honor that before they sold out???

I provided both order numbers to "Adam" from their online customer service.

A few minutes later he said that my battery would be shipped out to me ASAP. I received it 2 days later... In Canada no less.

Im still sitting here thinking "WTF?!?" If I hadn't of pushed them.. I probably still would not have that battery.

(This made me want to come out of my "lurking" status).

BTW I regularly am in contact with them about gimbals... They still haven't confirmed the receipt of a shipment :(
Yikes-- you're really taking all this very personally I see. Lots of ALL CAPS and bold words. No need for the personal attack. I'm very sorry to upset you so. Take a deep breath.. calm down...

Of course you're right. It's settled. Your... (uh, I mean "you're") right, I'm wrong.

Feeling better now??
actually.. yea .
but hey, not taking anything personally, just feel better about straightening out your shipping info ala B&H.
Upset? deep breath? Calm DOWN? ... personal attack?

ya mean like this:?? Nahhh.. spelled my handle wrong. must be someone else...

"So I called them and they said they have a picture of this RickMiddle guy in their warehouse and whenever he places an order they make sure all the parts of the order are scattered around to different bins! :D"

actually.. yea .
but hey, not taking anything personally, just feel better about straightening out your shipping info ala B&H.
Upset? deep breath? Calm DOWN? ... personal attack?

ya mean like this:?? Nahhh.. spelled my handle wrong. must be someone else...

"So I called them and they said they have a picture of this RickMiddle guy in their warehouse and whenever he places an order they make sure all the parts of the order are scattered around to different bins! :D"


Placed my order for the Solo and gimbal on May 28th
Called B&H earlier today to find out what is going on with the gimbal and was told they would look into it.
Just got this email back from B&H
order # 5454xxxxx
Yankel Jacobowitz [[email protected]]


To: Marvin Sanders

Please be advised that the 3DR SOLO GIMBAL you have on backorder is expected to arrive at our warehouse mid October. As soon as we receive it from the vendor/manufacturer we will promptly ship it to you. We apologize for this delay and for any inconvenience.

B&H Customer Service
212-239-7765 = 800-221-5743
[email protected]

HOLY CRAP!!! This is just way beyond ridiculous now! We are actually moving backwards. With each passing week the promised delivery date is another month away. This is like a kickstarter campaign run by grade school students. I really think the time has come to pack Solo back up and return it all to B&H. If and when 3DR ever gets their act together and can deliver a complete product I will consider reordering. But for now I feel like they are acting like a company that is going under. If 3DR goes out of business I don't want to be stuck with half a product and have no way of completing it and no customer support.
Ditto... ordered mine the same day.
what happen to the guy who called 3DR a couple of days ago and he said they sent enough gimbals to fill April's Pre orders @ B&H?


Yup. Unfortunately that guy was me. And either B&H lied to me or 3DR lied to them. I highly suspect the latter. I think the time has come to pack up Solo and return to B&H. It's sad, really. It seemed like such a great product. I had no idea it was only an idea with no tangible basis in reality.
I've called B+H 10 times since first ordering the Solo.

I got my free battery a month ago with my solo bundle pre-order.
I had to call them a couple times to make sure they send the product as it becomes available.

Last time I called them before receiving the free battery, the operator said "We should be getting a shipment this week, hopefully tomorrow"
I called them on a Monday.
As soon as I hung up and checked my e-mail I had a notice of shipment from B+H.

So even though I provided my order number, etc, they didn't see that my free battery was already shipped out, probably before I ever chatted with the CS representative.

The gimbal is the more pressing issue, obviously.
From all the other calls I've made, it simply sounds like 3DR is changing the story on them. Or being secretive with the information or misleading, dare I say.

I bought my Solo via paypal, which gives me 6 months to pay it off, though it charges me the day I PRE-order. Meaning April 16th.

So October 16th, I will have to pay off my Solo in full. Let's say I get the gimbal September 16th. A whole 5 MONTHS after pre-ordering it at NAB.
I get one month with the product before having time to extensively use and test it?

I really want to return my Solo and buy it again so I have another 6 months so I can actually MAKE MONEY with the product, which is why I bought it in the first place (I'm in film production).
As a freelancer, I offer my services, and often times my gear is what gets me hired, and having an incomplete drone while I see other professionals flying inspires/phantoms on gigs, is making it impossible for me to simply defend my Solo purchase.

I'm trying to hold off on lamenting about some crappy gimbal performance videos, because I've seen some excellent videos as well.

The BEST thing 3DR can do, is realize that a good portion of B+H pre-orders came from film professionals, who plan to create fantastic content that will make their product look great.
The fact that we've been given little spurts of news and info has been unacceptable.

I'm not sure what recourse I have except to wait or return the entire package, (I've already purchased extra propellers a GPC hard case, and an extra battery on top of my free one.)
So jumping ship completely would take some effort to sell off my items.

I am almost at the breaking point though.
I think people are especially troubles because it feels stupid to try and hold on to hope and have patience when it is not even rewarded with any sort of real update.
Instead WE have to CALL and find out ourselves that there are even MORE delays.

The only silver lining at this point is that they have a Customer Service team that is attentive and will take care of issues in a timely fashion for the majority of folks who have had issues.

The second I see a gimbal available, and in stock elsewhere, though -- if I haven't received any shipping info from B+H, I will request an RMA, return my Solo. Buy the gimbal just to have it, then re-purchase a new Solo.
The fact that I am even entertaining that as an option is ridiculous.

I'm pretty much in the same boat. This morning B&H said, rather unconvincingly, "September 17". He quickly added that he really doubts that even this date will hold as they've been beat up by 3DR broken promises over, and over, and over...

I've called B+H 10 times since first ordering the Solo


The second I see a gimbal available, and in stock elsewhere, though -- if I haven't received any shipping info from B+H, I will request an RMA, return my Solo. Buy the gimbal just to have it, then re-purchase a new Solo.
The fact that I am even entertaining that as an option is ridiculous.

More from the random answer generator!

Called this morning regarding a different order and figured I'd ask about my gimbal order. Response then was "we expect to get the gimbals from 3DR on 9/21."

Decided to chat with aerial imaging department shortly after and they stated that they already had approximately 100 gimbals on hand, but "were not able to provide me with the information" regarding when they would start shipping them or if I if I would be in the first shipment ordering 4/14.

2 Days ago I called 3DR regarding my extra battery charger and they said they would be fulfilling all direct orders before any resellers got them.....such a clusterfuck.
Here is the response I got on live chat:
I am sorry about the delay with this. We hope to have them shortly, but unfortunately we did not get any of them yet. We hope to fulfill most of the orders this month.
Here is what i got this morning....

Welcome to Live Chat at the B&H Customer Service Department. Please wait while we connect you to an agent who will be able to assist you...
You have been connected to Jacob Le.
: Status of 3DR Solo Gimbal
Jacob Le: Unfortunately, we have not yet received the Gimbal allocated for your order in stock. Although 3DR has started shipping these out , unfortunately, they are still being shipped in limited quantities by them. Unfortunately, there is no specific date that I can estimate that we will have yours to ship to you due to that. I am truly sorry for any inconvenience this delay may have caused.

A friend of mine ordered from 3DR direct probably 2 weeks after i ordered mine from B&H and he received his gimbal already. :(
Ii have no good news. The same answer ever, next week, next week, please be patience, nexxt week...
I preordered gimbal and Solo on June 28th. They shipped me a Solo.
I test flew it once but couldn't get a live feed from the Solo to my iPhone.
Tried everything....still no go. Returned it directly to 3DR. They sent me
a brand new one. Opened it up one time and it too would not send me a live
feed to iPhone. So this is one issue that I have not been able to resolve yet.

Second thing. Today, I just talked to B&H. They told me that they would not
be getting in gimbals until 9/21. With the issues I have been having with live
view (still have not once got the video from my Hero 3 to show up on my iPhone)
and the delays waiting for the gimbal, I'm honestly just not having a good
experience here. So I'm done waiting. I got an RMA number and am sending it back
to B&H to exchange for another brand that they are shipping right now with a gimbal.
I'd like to support 3DR, I really would. It looks like a great product. And I'm not even
complaining about waiting in general. It's just that when I preordered, it said July 17th
for ship date on the gimbal. That obviously changed. And I was willing to
was changed to July 31 and then mid August, and then end of August. Now I'm being
told end of September. If it would have said end of Sept. from the start, then maybe someone
could accuse me of scheduling shoots with no info on the ship dates....but I ordered this back
in June for a shoot that starts on Sept. 23. I honestly wish 3DR nothing but the best, and hope
all you guys get great video from the platform. I wish I could support them with my money
as well, unfortunately I'm at a point where I have to cut my losses and go a different direction.
I pre-ordered my solo w/gimbal on 4/16 from B&H while standing in 3DR Booth at NAB. Should be in the first batch of shipment. Aaand just got this email from B&H. Anyone else?

"Please be advised that the 3DR SOLO GIMBAL you ave on backorder is estimated to arrive at our warehouse late this month. As soon as we receive it in stock we will ship your order to you, and e-mail you with the tracking information.

We apologize for the delay to your order and any inconvenience it has caused you.

Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Thank you, we appreciate your business. "
I pre-ordered my solo w/gimbal on 4/16 from B&H while standing in 3DR Booth at NAB. Should be in the first batch of shipment. Aaand just got this email from B&H. Anyone else?

"Please be advised that the 3DR SOLO GIMBAL you ave on backorder is estimated to arrive at our warehouse late this month. As soon as we receive it in stock we will ship your order to you, and e-mail you with the tracking information.

We apologize for the delay to your order and any inconvenience it has caused you.

Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Thank you, we appreciate your business. "
Yeah, I got that one too, along with about 5 other stock replies. When you press them for details, and I mean press them, you finally get the "we have no effing clue" reply. Good thing they're not selling stents, I'd be 6 feet under by now.
I pre-ordered my solo w/gimbal on 4/16 from B&H while standing in 3DR Booth at NAB. Should be in the first batch of shipment. Aaand just got this email from B&H. Anyone else?

"Please be advised that the 3DR SOLO GIMBAL you ave on backorder is estimated to arrive at our warehouse late this month. As soon as we receive it in stock we will ship your order to you, and e-mail you with the tracking information.

We apologize for the delay to your order and any inconvenience it has caused you.

Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

Thank you, we appreciate your business. "

The email was in response to an inquiry you made, or just sent by B&H directly?
No, this was unprovoked. I did follow up with a call to B&H and they said they basically have no idea what is going on with 3dr shipment.
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... no idea what is going on with 3drQUOTE]

That seems to be what a whole lot of people are saying. It will take them a long time to get over this gimbal fiasco and who knows how many potential customers that they've lost.
B&H's 'stock' answer now is 9/21 for when they will receive gimbals. When talking with them, I get the impression that they are a bit frustrated themselves....which is totally understandable. I think they are caught in the middle of this and are ending up with dissatisfied customers through no real fault of their own as 3DR ships gimbals to those who directly ordered from them....and B&H waits for gimbals which were originally supposed to be at B&H by July 17th. So people who got on 3DR's site and ordered a couple weeks ago will be getting gimbals before those who ordered back in May from B&H. And those who ordered back in May, were not able to order from 3DR (at the time, the only way to 'reserve' a copy was to preorder from a reseller.) It's a big mess and I hope 3DR learns a lesson from this.
B&H's 'stock' answer now is 9/21 for when they will receive gimbals. When talking with them, I get the impression that they are a bit frustrated themselves....which is totally understandable. I think they are caught in the middle of this and are ending up with dissatisfied customers through no real fault of their own as 3DR ships gimbals to those who directly ordered from them....and B&H waits for gimbals which were originally supposed to be at B&H by July 17th. So people who got on 3DR's site and ordered a couple weeks ago will be getting gimbals before those who ordered back in May from B&H. And those who ordered back in May, were not able to order from 3DR (at the time, the only way to 'reserve' a copy was to preorder from a reseller.) It's a big mess and I hope 3DR learns a lesson from this.
"It's a big mess and I hope 3DR learns a lesson from this." I hope their investors get fed up and demand answers. Management at 3DR clearly did not anticipate the demand for this product, were painfully slow to respond and/or formulate a manufacturing/delivery strategy, and have profoundly botched the PR effort. The only lesson here is for us early adopters - sometimes waiting is the best bet.

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