3DR Parts Help Wanted - X8

Apr 5, 2016
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I have a 3DR X8+ and I need parts for it. The 3dr website gives 404 errors left and right, and I can't seem to find a supplier with the parts I need. The chat on 3dr's website is constantly unavailable and email's don't get answered. I don't even know the specs of the parts I need.... Can anyone help me?

I need the following replacement parts:

Propeller washers and bolts for the stock motors for the X8+
An Arm/Disarm button with the cable for pixhawk
The nylon spacers for spacing around the PixHawk
uBlox GPS Mast

Thanks in advance (sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread)
3DR isn't going downhill fast. Your subject and complaint is presumptive and just shows you don't actually know what you're talking about. 3DR is no longer in the DIY product business, and they haven't been for quite some time. I don't know what website you're going to, but you're obviously screwing that up too. The remaining DIY products they have left in stock are quite clearly listed n their website.

Pixhawk - 3DR and DIY & Parts - 3DR

For the things they don't have, you will need to purchase them from other sources.
3DR isn't going downhill fast. Your subject and complaint is presumptive and just shows you don't actually know what you're talking about. 3DR is no longer in the DIY product business, and they haven't been for quite some time. I don't know what website you're going to, but you're obviously screwing that up too. The remaining DIY products they have left in stock are quite clearly listed n their website.

Pixhawk - 3DR and DIY & Parts - 3DR

For the things they don't have, you will need to purchase them from other sources.

Chat is never available
They have no live support
Their website is riddled with 404 errors

I have checked DIY Parts, and Pixhawk parts on the 3dr website, neither have the replacement parts I'm looking for. I purchased this drone from 3dr less than a year ago, they should have parts or be able to tell me where I can get the parts. I am sticking to my original post, 3dr is going down hill fast.
3DR does not have live support, they work off of a ticket system. This is also not breaking news and everyone knows this. Your incorrect assumptions reflect poorly on you, not 3DR. Their website works fine. I've browsed every page, including the support pages, and they all work just fine. Your personal computer malfunctions are your problem, not 3DR's. You want products that 3DR doesn't sell. Buy them somewhere else, like everyone else does
3DR does not have live support, they work off of a ticket system. This is also not breaking news and everyone knows this. Your incorrect assumptions reflect poorly on you, not 3DR. Their website works fine. I've browsed every page, including the support pages, and they all work just fine. Your personal computer malfunctions are your problem, not 3DR's. You want products that 3DR doesn't sell. Buy them somewhere else, like everyone else does

I'm not trying to argue with you, i just need replacement parts, if anyone can help i would appreciate it.
I have a 3DR X8+ and I need parts for it. The 3dr website gives 404 errors left and right, and I can't seem to find a supplier with the parts I need. The chat on 3dr's website is constantly unavailable and email's don't get answered. I don't even know the specs of the parts I need.... Can anyone help me?

I need the following replacement parts:

Propeller washers and bolts for the stock motors for the X8+
An Arm/Disarm button with the cable for pixhawk
The nylon spacers for spacing around the PixHawk
uBlox GPS Mast

Thanks in advance (sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread)
tokm, Your a nervous little guy? LOL
Take another Toke, chill out. 3Dr isn't going anywhere.
Bad of you to bring up rumors like that.
I have a 3DR X8+ and I need parts for it. The 3dr website gives 404 errors left and right, and I can't seem to find a supplier with the parts I need. The chat on 3dr's website is constantly unavailable and email's don't get answered. I don't even know the specs of the parts I need.... Can anyone help me?

I need the following replacement parts:

Propeller washers and bolts for the stock motors for the X8+
An Arm/Disarm button with the cable for pixhawk
The nylon spacers for spacing around the PixHawk
uBlox GPS Mast

Thanks in advance (sorry if I posted this in the wrong thread)

Just wanted to come in with a bit of advice here, looking for 3dr help you definitley came to a great place, but you went about it all wrong.

There have been a lot of folks with competing birds joining and day one coming in with 3dr is going out of business, failing or the sky is falling so a lot of folks get annoyed as you've seen. The site works fine for me, if they don't have your parts sorry I don't have an X8 so I'm not sure, but if you'd try again without a title not trying to get the rumor mill going you'll have better luck.

3dr has impressed me at every turn with new free features, e books, web seminars, updates and the list goes on and this is all just the last month. They are doing great, however are more focused on consumer crafts like solo now and I've never seen a company go above and beyond after the sale like this.

I'd say your best bet would be maybe another less abrasive thread or maybe diy could have the info you need somewhere if you look or ask around. There's a few x8s here, but most of the info I see at least is like any other site about their newest product.

Good luck
The X8 Y6 and Iris have all been discontinued
3DR announced a while back they were leaving the DIY market and focusing on Solo enterprise.

Check out the X8 owners page on FB. they have a buy sell listing.
I just got an X8 and have plans to move it over to a Iron Man 650 Frame. So I may have some parts soon.
Dont hang out here much lately but you can catch me over on FB
Man, some people take offense too easily, the man was expressing his opinon not trying to start a rumor. This type of crap is why I do not venture to this site very often. It is too often "loyal" 3DR's against those who are expressing their dissatisfaction with the route 3DR has chosen to take and for those of us who choose the DIY route, we are basicly SOL. Lighten up and try to help people instead of takeing offense. By the are you a 3DR employee per chance?
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Welcome Quest. I have edited the title to reflect the topic.

Also, lets all dial it back a couple notches in here. If you took offense to the title, just ignore the post. If you want to help him out and maybe let him know that 3DR is still breathing in a nice, friendly way, that is fine but don't spit fire at the guy. Educate him, don't alienate him.
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