Solo Controller (Artoo) AT11A - Schematics / Pinouts

Nov 17, 2018
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Does anyone have any information about the Solo Controller's I.MX6 schematics?

Attached are photos of the board - in particular I see

J9: - Labelled as Power
Vin 7 to 24 V dc

J3 - The connector that goes to the STM32 board, which has 10 pins. We can probably make a guess that this has
- Ov and 5v
- At least one Serial RX. TX to the STM32
- Maybe another serial to the IMX RX,TX, CTS, RTS on the STM32 board

Those are not the mystery...I'm really more interested in

J10 - 6 pins
J1 - 5 pins
J5 - 5 pins

In 2015, The FCC filings for the controller where submitted. As per the link below, the schematics were part of that bundle - but kept confidential. Given the Solo is no longer in production, and the code that runs on this is open source, I'm hoping someone (maybe someone who has a contact who was at 3DR back in 2015), might be ok say what those connector pinouts are. The FCC page is at FCC ID 2ADYD-AT11A Handheld Remote Control Transmitter by 3D Robotics, Inc

I'm thinking the 6 pin connector could maybe consist or such as:
Serial - Ov, V+, TX, RX, CTS, RTS

I wonder if the one of the 5/6 pin connector could be USB OTG. .. We know the the main chip on the board is a IMX6 (arm SoC) running linux and has both as USB OTG and USB host capability. The info for that is at MCIMX6Q6AVT10AC Product Information|NXP data sheet =
However those pins could be other things - e.g. GPIO, Canbus, UARTS.... .. Only someone who's seen the schematic would probably know this (unless someone could x-ray the circuit board and trace back the pins to the SoC's ball pads!)

Can anyone help with info around the artoo IMX6's pinouts please?


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IIRC the i.MX6 boards are the same on the Solo and on the Artoo. Might be wrong though...
Great news! On the off chance, I emailed Jordi Muñoz of mRo (mRobotics, and formerly one of the designers of the 3dr solo), and not only did he answer my question (J8 on the artoo IMX.6 board is in fact an USB OTG port), he also gave me the schematics for the artoo and solo boards and said it was ok to share these with the community, as they are now public. So I attach some files here. I think it would also be great if these could be put on the opensolo github pages along with the open source solo software, as I think could be useful for a number of solo/artoo modding project endeavours. Many, Many thanks to Jordi for helping out here!!!!

I will try over the next couple of days to get the USB 4G LTE dongle working on the artoo (just as I've got it working on the solo) - and see if I can create a 4G link between them instead of the wifi.


  • Solo Main Board REV A Schematic.PDF
    383.9 KB · Views: 223
  • Solo HDTC_HDMI_REV_A Schematic.PDF
    3.9 MB · Views: 214
  • Artoo HDTC_HDMI_REV_A Schematic.PDF
    4 MB · Views: 222
  • Artoo IMX6 schematic - J8 USB OTG pinout.png
    Artoo IMX6 schematic - J8 USB OTG pinout.png
    58.2 KB · Views: 221
  • Artoo IMX6 pcb - J8 diagram extract.png
    Artoo IMX6 pcb - J8 diagram extract.png
    159.6 KB · Views: 222
Great news! On the off chance, I emailed Jordi Muñoz of mRo (mRobotics, and formerly one of the designers of the 3dr solo), and not only did he answer my question (J8 on the artoo IMX.6 board is in fact an USB OTG port), he also gave me the schematics for the artoo and solo boards and said it was ok to share these with the community, as they are now public. So I attach some files here. I think it would also be great if these could be put on the opensolo github pages along with the open source solo software, as I think could be useful for a number of solo/artoo modding project endeavours. Many, Many thanks to Jordi for helping out here!!!!

I will try over the next couple of days to get the USB 4G LTE dongle working on the artoo (just as I've got it working on the solo) - and see if I can create a 4G link between them instead of the wifi.

Dearest Matt... Would it be possible to get these very, very useful files hosted on the OpenSolo Github?
Pretty Please?
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Dearest Matt... Would it be possible to get these very, very useful files hosted on the OpenSolo Github?
Pretty Please?
The Solo PDFs are uploaded onto opensolo's github - Thanks to Matt. The Artoo stuff is only in the post above for now (but I hope can be put on the github as well)
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I've already looked thru them and now that I know what all those connections are, I may try to hook a RasPi up in place of the i.MX6....if the ole life-on-hold situation stretches out much longer....
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I've already looked thru them and now that I know what all those connections are, I may try to hook a RasPi up in place of the i.MX6....if the ole life-on-hold situation stretches out much longer....
I'm finding that the arm binaries between the solo/artoo IMX6 and those from Raspbian on a Pi are compatible (so no need to recompile opensolo to run it on a Pi), as long as you copy the required libraries too. So you could hook up a Raspberry pi to the STM32 artoo board, and run (e.g. in a chroot jail is what I had in mind) the artoo imx firmware (e.g. just loopback mount or extract the artoo imx squashfs image). It could make hacking much easier as would have a hardware lan port, wifi, lots of USB ports (inc USB3), and lots more Ram. A bit of fiddling would be needed (e.g. to make the wlan and wlan-ap interface names align exactly as per the imx firmware expects, and do the right startup things in the right order)... But the modding possibilities are endless. So do let me know how the pi hookup goes.

As an aside. I have never liked having to link my tablet (for solex) or a PC (mission planner) to artoo via wifi. I am considering a mod, where the artoo's IMX usb OTG/host can connect via a usb cable to my tablet (and provide charging power from the artoo to the tablet - via a small internal 5v switching regulator connected to artoo's lipo battery so as not to overload the imx6 board itself ). Then I could usb tether between the android tablet and the artoo. This would result in a similar wired controller <--> tablet connection option that the DJI and Parrot controllers offer. I have more confidence in a wired link than relying (unnecessarily IMHO on a wifi link to connect between devices that are always less than a few inches apart!)
I'm finding that the arm binaries between the solo/artoo IMX6 and those from Raspbian on a Pi are compatible (so no need to recompile opensolo to run it on a Pi), as long as you copy the required libraries too. So you could hook up a Raspberry pi to the STM32 artoo board, and run (e.g. in a chroot jail is what I had in mind) the artoo imx firmware (e.g. just loopback mount or extract the artoo imx squashfs image). It could make hacking much easier as would have a hardware lan port, wifi, lots of USB ports (inc USB3), and lots more Ram. A bit of fiddling would be needed (e.g. to make the wlan and wlan-ap interface names align exactly as per the imx firmware expects, and do the right startup things in the right order)... But the modding possibilities are endless. So do let me know how the pi hookup goes.

As an aside. I have never liked having to link my tablet (for solex) or a PC (mission planner) to artoo via wifi. I am considering a mod, where the artoo's IMX usb OTG/host can connect via a usb cable to my tablet (and provide charging power from the artoo to the tablet - via a small internal 5v switching regulator connected to artoo's lipo battery so as not to overload the imx6 board itself ). Then I could usb tether between the android tablet and the artoo. This would result in a similar wired controller <--> tablet connection option that the DJI and Parrot controllers offer. I have more confidence in a wired link than relying (unnecessarily IMHO on a wifi link to connect between devices that are always less than a few inches apart!)
I like the idea of an optional wired connection - but is the i.MX6 a USB2 connection? It would need at least that to have the bandwidth needed for the video to cross in anything resembling real-time. This is one of my tiny nitpicks with the Anafi - The video has a noticeable delay versus the Solo. I don't know if it is the transmission from the bird to the GCS, or the USB to device connection.

I was thinking I might go more native on the Pi if I do it. Compile a Gentoo kernel and minimal utilities, then get the python files working for sololink and such. Mapping the hardware pins is easy enough. The only problem I see [at this moment] would be an HDMI-In source. This might be an alternative to the somewhat complicated APsync and another way for Solo to live on... If we could move to something that uses a vanilla linux kernel that would be even better....

However, for quick-n-dirty hacking on the Solo, chroot jail and some hardware passthru with some small glue-files is an enticing option
I think using the USB host in expansion bay + Huawei E3372 would be the nicest/cleanest solution, Parrot Disco 4G mod does that, and have fine video.
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I think using the USB host in expansion bay + Huawei E3372 would be the nicest/cleanest solution, Parrot Disco 4G mod does that, and have fine video.
Yes - that's my inspiration.. I have the UAVPAL 4G LTE working on both my Disco and Bebop2 using a E3372 (which i have connected successfully to the solo - see the cellular solo thread for details on this). I'm in touch with the creator of the Parrot 4G mod and using some of his code. However, the way the Parrot drones talk to their controller, and the tablet is slightly different to how the solo, artoo, and solex connect together - so it not 100% transferable. Right now I'm struggling to find time to work on this at all... But I will keep trying!
Hi, I've successfully modded my artoo to:

- Add a UART1 serial debug connector (you get the usual linux console, just as would see via ssh to - note is 3v3 level logic only, at 115200 baud. I use a cheap FTDI cable to look into my PC, and is very handy when messing about with wifi settings, to have a console that always keeps working.
- Added a USB host connector - and successfully got my USB 4G dongle working (this requires a artoo kernel rebuild to get the necessary modules added - see separate 'cellular solo' thread on this if interested)
- Added a USB device connector - going into the USB OTG port (this is configured by default to show up as a g_acm_ms gadget: Composite Gadget (ACM + MS) so can be a file share, a serial port etc). I plugged this into a PC and it worked.

Hence I've got the 4G LTE module working now on the artoo controller, as well as the solo itself. I will attach some photos of the mod, but for now here is a cheat sheet that might help others - based on the info that Jordi Muñoz of mRo kindly shared with me (and is linked earlier in this thread)...

I can think of other uses here:
- E.g. to add a GPS?
- To have a wired rather than wifi link to a Solex tablet or Mission Planner (as a more robust ground station).
- To feed an antenna tracker


  • Artoo pinout cheat sheet.pdf
    958.2 KB · Views: 108
Last edited:
I can think of other uses here:
- E.g. to add a GPS?
- To have a wired rather than wifi link to a Solex tablet or Mission Planner (as a more robust ground station).
- To feed an antenna tracker

Following this with interest.

I will add a slightly off topic anecdote, that I personally wouldn't spend any effort chasing a wired ground control system link.

The Solo Wifi, via Solex and stock App, has been absolutely rock solid for me.

As a contrast- the Parrot Anafi with a wired link, is non-stop problems. Extremely finicky connection sequence, that only sometimes works if you do it right. That is, if you have the correct cable (which varies by day) , an undamaged USB port on your phone/tablet, and do the correct dance at the correct time; pointing the right direction.

Seriously- it is very frustrating. The trouble free wifi link GCS actually one of the things that keeps me using Solo.
Following this with interest.

I will add a slightly off topic anecdote, that I personally wouldn't spend any effort chasing a wired ground control system link.

The Solo Wifi, via Solex and stock App, has been absolutely rock solid for me.

As a contrast- the Parrot Anafi with a wired link, is non-stop problems. Extremely finicky connection sequence, that only sometimes works if you do it right. That is, if you have the correct cable (which varies by day) , an undamaged USB port on your phone/tablet, and do the correct dance at the correct time; pointing the right direction.

Seriously- it is very frustrating. The trouble free wifi link GCS actually one of the things that keeps me using Solo.
I'd agree vis-a-vis the Anafi. I like it's size and flight duration, but the finicky GCS/App is a downside.

I think I was imagining an Ethernet connection, though, not USB. Which should be relatively robust using the existing connections setup with the slightest of modifications
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I'd agree vis-a-vis the Anafi. I like it's size and flight duration, but the finicky GCS/App is a downside.

I think I was imagining an Ethernet connection, though, not USB. Which should be relatively robust using the existing connections setup with the slightest of modifications
I don't have an anafi, but I do have a Bebop2 and a Disco. I've not had problems with the skycontroller to iphone connection over USB, but maybe I got lucky. Quite interesting now it was implemented as a custom muxed-usb device (rather than as a USB ethernet gadget).
My interest in having a wired connection between artoo and solex (table), or Mission Planner (PC) means I can play with the Wifi config on the artoo+solo (trying to get a 4G LTE link working), without upsetting the other connections.
I agree - in normal use I've never had a problem linking artoo with my Nexus7 tablet running solex over wifi.
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I'm also working on the solo link and artoo boards I have to figure out a way to make the wifi mini pcie 3.3v line more robust I've already burnt two solo link boards up with the mikrotik R11E-2HPND is drawing to much current and popping the 3.3v only at the pcie port if any body has power distribution circuits of both boards I would appreciate it
I'm also working on the solo link and artoo boards I have to figure out a way to make the wifi mini pcie 3.3v line more robust I've already burnt two solo link boards up with the mikrotik R11E-2HPND is drawing to much current and popping the 3.3v only at the pcie port if any body has power distribution circuits of both boards I would appreciate it
Do the files here have what you need? If not can you be more specific which board diagrams you need? Solo Controller (Artoo) AT11A - Schematics / Pinouts

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