Where's the stuff....

Aug 9, 2018
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So when 3dr open-sourced the solo, didn't they not only release the code but also drawings for parts, board layouts, schematics, etc.?

I'd like to take a peek at board layouts and schematics, where did they wind up? I don't see them so my googlefu must be weak :\

Well, I did look in the opensolo github and wiki. I did not see gerber, dxf, or even cad files which were my primary target mentioned above. I'll keep looking.....
No such stuff was ever open sourced or otherwise released by 3DR. They only turned over the source code and tools.
ah ok, my mistake. Years ago when I read chris andersons "we're opensourcing solo" announcement, I thought he had said they were releasing not just software but hardware as well. I didn't realize that only the software was released, bummer!

That does kinda give an EOL date to it then, once the last piece of hardware is dead. So I assume that designing replacement boards and similar activities would violate IP rights?
I'm not saying it's not open source or that they are maintaining those rights. I'm saying they never gave any of those documents or files to the Open Solo group.
I'm not up on the solo architecture yet like you folks are, so I'm not sure what I'm looking at but.... More googling finds the link below which seems to show actual schematics, gerber files, and pick & place files for the FMU, IMU, PWR, etc:

I can't yet tell if these are the identical boards used in the solo or not. Rather than sacrificing a bird for educational use, I was hoping to grab a development i.mx6 board with the A9 (solo) chip to start playing around. I don't see any cad files for body, legs, trays, etc. I know some of these have been done on thingiverse, but no clue if they come from 3dr released drawings or if they are later scans by hobbyists.
No. That is for the software. I'm looking for the opensourced hardware, which I think I found at the link I posted above but I am not yet positive that the schematics there are for the boards as they were used in solo... but I think they might be. Will advise what I find.
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The schematic PDFs that are on the open solo github are to my knowledge, not final production schematics. Most of it is correct or close from what I can tell.
PDF's of schematics are close to useless.... no one distributes them that way. Normally when I see a company release "schematics" they are full schematic cad sources (which are most definitely not in the opensolo/opensolo link), along with gerber files, along with etch artwork for each layer of the board. In order to reproduce boards (I think solo boards are 7 layer, possibly plus shields), you don't submit schematics to manufacturing. You give them a gerber file and board layout artwork that is used to actually etch the boards.

What I see in the opensolo/opensolo repository does not appear to my (non-solo experienced) eyes - complete schematics. Most of it looks to be pinouts and some of the driving circuitry. Definitely no gerber files. Definitely no board layer artwork. If these things are really there, I'm missing them - please show me where they are. I can tell you all those things ARE in the link back at 3drobotics I gave.....

Long story short, I want to have the ability to produce new boards for solo, and possibly provide enhancements to the boards. The 'schematics' in opensolo/opensolo are not sufficient for that, at least not without a lot of additional work.
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Solo Hardware Development

I had posted a separate thread on this, but not sure if I accidentally deleted it - it's not there.

Long story short, if anyone has interest in the 3dr altium designer files but couldn't open them without altium - and altium is very expensive... be aware that kicad beta version now has an import function for altium designer files. Hopefully I'll be able to import the files into something allowing board reproduction....
Those PDFs are the only thing anyone has ever given out on this matter. Nothing you're asking for has been provided to anyone by 3DR.
Understood completely. Have you looked at the altrium designer source files I linked from the 3dr github? Are those for some completely different project despite being labled 3dr solo?

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