Updated firmware, seems to have broken it more?

Mar 30, 2021
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Hello, I have been trying to get my stock 3DR Solo up and running after a few years. I started out with some ancient firmware and updated it to OpenSolo 3.0.0 over SSH before updating it to the latest version of OpenSolo. When I did that, it was able to connect but I was having some trouble with video feeds and the gimbal, as well as connection issues with SidePilot. As a result, I attempted to downgrade back to 3.0.0 to see if it would resolve itself, and from there, issues started popping up. I was unable to connect with the controller anymore, and it was unable to pair. After some various troubleshooting steps, I decided to factory flash the SD cards manually.

When I did the copter SD card, the Win32 imager application indicated there was not enough space on the disk for the image, but I pressed on regardless. After flashing both the controller and the copter, it now just sits there with the main lights all showing green, and after several seconds, the orange LED on the board starts flashing about once per second. I do not hear any beeps or any other form of feedback, the drone is now completely silent. Thinking the SD card might be corrupt, I tried again with a larger card I had lying around, and the same issue occurs. I have attempted to factory reset by holding the button for 10 seconds while powering on, re-pair by pressing for several seconds, checked every connection I could find, and nothing has made it make a noise or do anything but sit there with the green lights on.

Additionally, when I plugged the cube into my computer and connected to the COM port on 115200 baud, nothing appeared in the console. I have the settings as 8N1, but I'm not sure if that's the correct settings.

I'm at a loss for what's going wrong here, and I haven't been able to find any useful information about this. Does anyone have ideas for where to look?
The attempt to downgrade seems like the source of your problems.
I was worried about that. The downgrade was only because there wasn't an SD version for 4.0.0 to reset to. Unfortunately most of the information I see on how to reset to 4.0.0 relies on 3.0.0 being able to connect the controller and the copter and doing an over-the-air update.
Try this link for re-flashing the cube and troubleshooting connection issues

If we make sure that the Cube has firmware on it then we've got a good start at troubleshooting from there
Thank you, that helped get somewhere. I wasn't getting any response from the board now but after flashing 4.0.3 onto it, I was able to get it to connect in Mission Planner. However when I open up the COM port, I'm seeing it continually fail to boot:

2021-04-02 11:51:00 AM : Frame: UNKNOWN
2021-04-02 11:51:00 AM : CubeBlack 00340041 31355103 30323839
2021-04-02 11:51:00 AM : ChibiOS: 1ed2b2e9
2021-04-02 11:51:00 AM : ArduCopter V4.0.0 (49693540)
2021-04-02 11:51:00 AM : Initialising APM
2021-04-02 11:50:58 AM : Frame: UNKNOWN
2021-04-02 11:50:58 AM : CubeBlack 00340041 31355103 30323839
2021-04-02 11:50:58 AM : ChibiOS: 1ed2b2e9
2021-04-02 11:50:58 AM : ArduCopter V4.0.0 (49693540)
2021-04-02 11:50:58 AM : Check BRD_TYPE: Failed to init CubeBlack - sensor

I'm also still getting the green lights on the copter, but at least I can talk to the cube again.
It lives! I was accidentally using the CubeBlack firmware instead of the CubeSolo, and loading CubeSolo 4.0.3 has made it live again! I'm back to the pairing and update stage now, will update if anything changes.

EDIT: Just had my first flight today with it fully working, so this can definitely be considered resolved now. Thank you @just_bruce for the help!
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