Tower version

Thanks... I have been using the beta but its been giving me problems by sending random commands to my in flight drones.Last time caused a major crash
That's a pretty major issue. Do you have dataflash/tlogs for those flights?
No tlogs. I use Arducopter/Mission Planner I have those logs from the flight that crashed,if you would like them let me know id be more than happy to post them.

It has happened twice now so I have stopped using the beta version
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Please post them. I think it's highly unlikely that tower sent random commands crashing your drone.
OK.. If you determine something different please keep me informed.Its above my pay grade to understand the logs. Im basing my comments on info from a retired engineer I know that doesn't make him any kind of expert in this field but I know him well and trust what he says.


  • 2018-09-01
    4.6 MB · Views: 1
It appears you were in a auto mission? Your RC input for throttle went to minimum, and your RC input for flight mode went to mode 1, which you have set for stabilize. Cut throttle in stabilize mode = crash. I'm assuming you didn't actually flip those switches on your controller. Which means you probably flew out of range and you did not properly configure your RC receiver for handling failsafes.

Nothing at all to do with the Tower app, or any other app.
Not to argue with you but im sorry your wrong.No I didn't flip any switches and your correct The copter did fly out of range BUT I have flew the same auto mission with the same craft with same configuration. Don't know how much you know about Flight controller based quadcopters but one does not configure the RX for failsafes thats handled by the FC.
You got back to me pretty quick on this so Im sure you took a quick look at the log saw the switch to stabilize and the throttle going to zero.

Don't just jump to conclusions and assure things.Dig a little deeper and if you have the proper background im sure you will come to a different ending.
Oh boy. lol. No I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. I've been around the block a just a few times with flight controllers, thank you very much. You previously stated interpreting logs are above your pay grade. I believe you are correct about that much.

Your RC receiver switched channel 5 to 1200, which is flight mode 1, which you have set for stabilize. Your RC receiver at the same time brought channel 3 (throttle) to 1000, which is minimum. This cuts the motors to the power specified in the MOT_SPIN_MIN parameter, which you have set to 15% as is typical. The log shows the motor outputs doing exactly that. This will cause the copter to fall out of the sky. The logs show the copter fall out of the sky. At which point, the log abruptly ends, presumably due to the sudden stop upon reaching 0ft. There is nothing to misunderstand here. It's what happened, and the logs show exactly that.

Presuming you didn't flip the switches, that means you have your RC receiver configured wrong. You need to configure your RC receiver to bring the throttle channel below the level set in parameter FS_THR_VALUE in order to trigger the flight controller's radio failsafe. You need to configure both the RC receiver and the flight controller for failsafe handling. One or the other does just magically do the right thing without you configuring it.

Don't know how much you know about Flight controller based quadcopters, but.... apparently it is not enough. I suggest a more thorough reading of the ArduCopter wikis regarding failsafes and RC configurations before you fly again.
Sorry but you tell on yourself when you state configure the RX. If you had the knowledge you claim you would know you DON'T configure the RX in a Quadcopter that has a flight controller
You should stick to your toy based quads you can get hurt messing with the big boys if you don't know what your doing.Your cut and pasting responses are impressive tho.
If you had the knowledge you claim you would know you DON'T configure the RX in a Quadcopter that has a flight controller
Wrong. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about. So I again suggest you actually RTFM. The wiki pages for ArduCopter clearly explain everything. Configuring the RC receiver for failsafe handling is extremely basic setup and has been around for decades, long before flight controllers existed and is still used in conjunction with the flight controllers today. SInce you are more interested in posting moronic insults than actually educating yourself, here: Radio Failsafe — Copter documentation.

You should stick to your toy based quads
Not toys. And they all have their RC receiver and failsafes configured properly.

not a toy 1.jpg

not a toy.jpg

Anyway, I have answered your question accurately. If you choose to ignore it because you're an arrogant moron, be my guest. When you hurt someone due to your reckless disregard for basic instructions, I hope the victim sees this when suing you.
Oh, BTW... How many contributions to the ArduPilot firmware have you made? Is code you've written currently in use by ArduPilot on flight controllers? Here's all my contributions and code that is currently in use in the version of ArduCopter that you are currently flying on your copter. It's amazing that I have no clue what I'm talking about, yet you're flying with my code on your flight controller.
Well he did just join, so I wouldn't expect him to personally know anyone at all. But his response would be just absurd regardless of who answered his question. Nobody here volunteering their time and effort to look at someone else's problems deserves the kind of response he gave. At this point, it's probably best he keep crashing. He can't hurt anyone if it is in pieces unable to fly.
So I'm testing tower beta for the first time tomorrow. I have a job coming up and I'm flying three waypoint missions on 3 different drones. The other two are veterans to autopilot missions but not so with the Solo. Is there something over my head that I need to configure before I put the Solo in the air and press play?
I just looked and it is Tower renamed. Everything else is the same in the app.

I have well north of 500 flights using Tower and just at a glance I wonder if the OP put it in Stabilize using the drop down menu in the app. Totally easy to do and too easy to make a mistake there. We train our pilots to never use that feature do to the possibility of crashing.
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