Return Question

Yup that's what I think got mine my whole p2 seems to be getting brittle, pieces cracking like tabs surrounding motors in the arms beside the screw threads. I hope your right and p3 is different if this same things is happening already p3 is going to be falling to pieces in no time. I've not even held one but seems like they had to go cheaper on plastic than 2 cause it took quite a while before it started cracking. Hopefully competition will force them to improve the quality of these kind of parts, they are putting high dollar stuff inside like light bridge but is it forcing them to cheap out on this stuff to make price points.

I hope both these companies are learning from each other cause seems they are both doing certain things right and others not so much, put em together and we'd have one he// of a bird.
I really don't think it is a factory torque issue. it appears Most often first in the back arms, which indicates stress. My P3p had small cracks In the back two after 30 flights, and I fly backward a lot
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I really don't think it is a factory torque issue. it appears Most often first in the back arms, which indicates stress. My P3p had small cracks In the back two after 30 flights, and I fly backward a lot

That's rough 30 flights isn't hardly anything I'd have em in a month. This also seems to be an across the board problem that's unbelievable with this being the "tested and true design" they've worked with forever. They should at least push shells out this time for a huge discount if not give them out but I'm sure they aren't likley to with their track record. Since the plastic was an issue last gen you'd think they'd throw the pennies a piece at em and upgrade not the opposite. Guess it's kinda pick your poison still today with these things but I think both companies will have to produce affordable quality birds from here since there's so many options compared to not to long ago. Hope one day we have at least a fully functional and well built sturdy platform to choose from both companies, that days just not today.

Cheap plastic.
I bought from Fry's Electronics. I had to sign a paper while checking out that the Solo was non returnable.
I bought from Fry's Electronics. I had to sign a paper while checking out that the Solo was non returnable.

Ouch that's a strong statement by frys I'd hope 3dr can't stand by that paperwork so at least you can still return it to them. Closest one to me is about a hundred miles but I'm guessing it's like best buy right?
Wonder why if they're that hesitant they don't just pull em, contract I'd assume.
I'm surprised any retailer does returns I always just assumed all electronics were non refundable unless still in plastic or maybe non working entirely, even then I thought you normally have to send it back to the company. Never worked retail but I know that's how most electronics used to be at least but I guess things have changed. I've just never had to return any electronics they usually work, I've not been satisfied always but it functioned so I kept it. Guess it's good for consumers but I'm sure taken advantage of which is likley why they have you sign something. Never really thought about all the open box items at Best Buy now makes sense.
Hmm, this must be a store rule ordering online @ Fry's you have the same return policy as other products.
Seems odd store to store would be different guess the manager there already had a run in with solo, maybe his second jobs driving a food truck and he's holding a grudge.
Looks like a 2. DONT quote me but I think the 2 series broke between the screws and the P3s cracked down inside the hole.
Looks like a 2. DONT quote me but I think the 2 series broke between the screws and the P3s cracked down inside the hole.
Lol my 2 did both it's kinda sad, I did buy it used for cheap but all the cracks have happened since I got it it's still been worth what I paid though. It was a good first quad.
Looks like a 2. DONT quote me but I think the 2 series broke between the screws and the P3s cracked down inside the hole.
I've not put my hands on a P3 so I'm not sure if the motor pod design is the same.

Someone was talking about the Solo motors getting hot..............
My solo motors have yet to get even close motor and bats been under 108 and I've checked a lot in all different weather. Battery is hotter than motors every time so far and it's just warm to the touch.
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@Raybro Caulk and ductape and it will be fine.

I used silicone tape to keep mine from opening up its good mid flight. Just took it out for a few they are definitley two entirely different animals. Just so you know pink was not my choice at least not this hello kitty pink they make this decal set.image.jpg
You dont by chance have a Galaxy Tab?
I have a new Galaxy Tab A 8" with the latest more video flicker prob.Love it before on my Samsung note 3 if I tried any of the auto flt modes like cable ect bad flicker.However on my ph it d o es not have the latest Samsung software like the Tab I am assuming it was the old software version on my ph causing the problem

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