lost signal

Oct 5, 2016
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I took the solo up in the sky to take a sunset picture 240 ft altitude lost the signal started coming down home not on the same spot where it took off from i finally gained signal for a bit moved it about 6 ft to the left so it don't land it on top of my roof then lost signal again did an auto landing and one of my red lights was out . anyone have a clue what could have happen..
I enjoy flying a sunset or sunrise, I'm trapped in the city cover on the ground... If you take off and go relatively straight up over head, that is a weak orientation for the antennas even if oriented properly. At a minimum, try flying out a 100' and then up to your intended altitude. Ideally out same distance (or greater) as your altitude, with your controller antennas oriented properly towards your bird..

A few threads discuss antenna orientation, search the forum for those. Many new users point antennas incorrectly, knowing how and why would save a lot of oops.... fwiw, the manual discusses this as well...
I took the solo up in the sky to take a sunset picture 240 ft altitude lost the signal started coming down home not on the same spot where it took off from i finally gained signal for a bit moved it about 6 ft to the left so it don't land it on top of my roof then lost signal again did an auto landing and one of my red lights was out . anyone have a clue what could have happen..
More info please... did you lose TX signal? Sounds like you were kind of close for that, or do you mean GPS. Did RTH mode kick in, etc..

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