Broadcast Live Security Video Feed?

Feb 19, 2017
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Hello intrepid pilots,

this may be a post for the security fraternity out there but I thought I would start here. Does anybody know how to send a live video feed to an IP address? In this instance I am thinking about the "Onvif" format preferred by the security industry. Essentially I would like to send a feed to a control room.
Trust me I'm the last to offer useful advice in this area (my ignorance runs deep in networking protocol) but one place to start might be gstreamer. It is a Windows plugin that helps to manage video streams. I've got it working to grab the imbedded video stream from Solo and send it to Mission Planner for use in the HUD.
A clever person should also be able to push the stream somewhere else if needed.
Alternately, use the HDMI output from the controller into a laptop and on to your IP address.
Thanks Andrew Baker. I'm on a steep learning curve, an I have discovered a gadget that uses LTE (4G) to broadcast in hi Def. However, I'm interested in your last salvo, attach to laptop and onto the ip address. If you could point me in the direction of that documentation I'd really appreciate that.
I've about exhausted my knowledge on this topic.
One issue with the HDMI in is most laptops normally push data out of that port so I'm not sure how to get the laptop to see the video stream.
You might need some sort of USB dongle. I have one (EZcap) to capture standard def video but I have no idea how to push it to an IP address. Can't be too tough since it is done all the time (web cam).
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