B&H solo battery

Order the used controller from B&H at $31.95 and you will be pleasantly surprised that its actually new and not used.
For folks not up on LiPo batteries, you NEVER store them fully charged or depleted. A charge of right about 3.80 volts per cell is pretty much optimal (this is just over the "nominal" 3.7 volt cell voltage). This is the charge level least distructive to the cell. As soon as a battery is fully charged (4.2 volts/cell), the internal chemical reaction accelerates, and the battery degrades more rapidly. So it's always best to minimize the time between fully charging and use... charging same day as flying is ideal, the night before is ok, but much longer than that I'd recommend discharging to the 3.80 level.

Draining beyond about 3.2 volts/cell is bad... if Solo allows the battery to drain to 3.0 volts/cell, that's not great. After use, always charge the battery back to 3.80 before putting it away since the battery degrades more quickly when below about half charge.

The internal chemical reaction essentially oxidizes, and this increases internal resistance. As this occurs, more energy goes to heat. Enough heat for long enough and cells may start to vent and swell, at which time the battery is toast and becomes dangerous.

From my experience with Solo batteries, they are stored (new) at what the battery processor calculates as 50% charged... which equates to 5 LEDs lit, just beyond 4. I'll be interested to see what Andre's analyzer reads the four cell voltages to be at this level, as well as what the calculated charge percentage is when the cell voltage hits 3.2 volts. At any rate, handling batteries as described above should get you more use from them.

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