3DR Solo Performance at High Altitude, Cold, Snow and Wind


Nov 26, 2015
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I have owned my 3DR Solo since the middle of September, but this is my first time to post. I have used this site many times as resource and have found some great information that I have put to use. For example, changing the Preset A button for Manual control. That was a lifesaver for me, if you continue to read on.

I am a risk taker. That being said, I decided to test the limits on the 3DR by taking it with me to Colorado and even further, by testing it in the mountains while snowmobiling. I knew that the potential for great shots far outweighed the risk of losing or damaging the drone.

Here is what I was able to capture:

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I have a few takeaways from flying the 3DR in relatively extreme environment.

First, ALWAYS bring someone to help you manage the equipment. Operating in the snow, the biggest enemy was the moisture. In order to juggle all the equipment (backpack, batteries, viewing device, controller, drone, GoPro) you need an extra set of hands just to help manage the equipment. I had someone with me and it was a lifesaver. I know it's common sense, but not really something you think about until you actually need that other person to help manage everything.

Secondly, if you get yourself in a situation and the drone isn't responding the way you think it should, stay calm and look at all the data the controller and the app on your device are providing. 3DR gives you access to all the information for a reason, so use it. I found myself in a situation where an extremely strong gust of wind at the top of the mountain almost flew the 3DR off the mountain and I almost lost it. Looking back at this event I realize that, in addition to the strong wind it encountered, I thought the drone was facing me and my control inputs were doing opposite of what I was expecting. It took me a while to figure out what was happening and by the time I did, I would estimate the drone was probably more than a mile to two miles away and out of visual contact, rapidly facing its demise in the middle of the Colorado wilderness. I tried several inputs with the controller, but had no GPS signal and had no way to control it. I thought it was gone. The part in the video that shows the amazing footage of the trees was as it was flying away from me, and I had no control. All of this happened in a matter of probably 2 minutes or less. At some point, the drone recovered the GPS signal and I capitalized on it, knowing that it probably my only chance to get it back. My "A" preset button is set for manual control and I initiated it. Once in control, I oriented the drone to fly toward the sun using the realtime feed on the Solo app. The part that shows it flying toward the sun was as I was recovering it and flying it back against the wind. I gained as much altitude as possible and continued to fly it toward the sun using the realtime feed in my app to clear any trees and unseen terrain. Eventually, it was overhead and I was able to land it safely. If I had not set my Preset A button to Manual mode and if I would have failed to correctly understand and apply the information provided in the app, I would not have recovered my 3DR. That being said, know everything about your equipment and how to operate it before taking out in unfamiliar environments.

Although it sucked to go through the thought of losing a nearly $2,000 investment (Solo, Gimbal and GoPro) as I watched it drift further and further away, this experience was a great lesson learned and increased my confidence in the backup systems (such as Manual control) and information they give you through the app to get the drone out of potentially bad situations. The 3DR is well engineered and performs as advertised.
cant wait to try my drone out this spring snowmobiling in the alberta rockies. thanks for the post!
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nice vid. i am in toronto so this will be first cold weather testing for me haha
I'm curious, what was the highest altitude you launched the Solo from? How did it flight times?
Very nice, WCN. Beautiful scenes, and a great example of how important it is to know your equipment, and practice flying manually. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I'm curious, what was the highest altitude you launched the Solo from? How did it flight times?

Just FYI I flew mine in similar conditions in California last weekend with 22 degrees F and took off at 8000' elevation. There was little to no wind (5-8 mph) and got about 11 minutes of flight time. As we get more snow I plan to fly at other locations at 9200' and 10000'.
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I have owned my 3DR Solo since the middle of September, but

Great post and video!

I'm also a Snowmobiler in California and have planned a lot of shots of some of our riding areas to add to our Helmet cam footage. What was the temp and elevation you were flying in?
Nicely done. I'm from Canada and plan on flying in cold weather with my Solo as well. The model seems quite stable compared to my Iris+. I am heading off to do some mountaineering in Ecuador in a few weeks time and had thought about bringing it along but the altitude will be above 15,000' in most cases. The reason I bought the Solo is, in part, because the specs indicate it can do up to 20,000'. Would be great to get some confirmation as to whether anyone has flown that high.
Outside Temp.jpg G0011507.JPG

This morning, temps were -16 at location, -11 at the house.
Altitude is 6300' ASL. Used four batts, avg life was 18 mins, with gimbal.
GPS was very spotty, so ended up flying manual most of the time.
The only issue I had at all three locations we flew, was that video was not transmitting well in any mode. In 1080/p30 I had nothing but black screen, still not sure why, as it worked fine once I was back indoors.

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