
  1. Velocity

    Looking for anyone selling wifi mods, parts, or cards.

    I am researching different wifi modifications and ultimately developing one that will, theoretically of course, extend the range well beyond line of sight, for proof of concept only.... and I have 3 new Solos specially purchased for this project. I also have several used for parts as well as an...
  2. J

    What happens if...

    Hey there, this is my first time on this thread, and I rarely ever use forums, but I have a question about solo that their website doesnt seem to answer, and maybe you good people could! Okay, 3dr says that if solo goes out of range, it uses the gps to return home. And, it also says that if the...
  3. DroneNerd702

    Just in case, flying the solo around other quads

    Yesterday, I attended my local club's drone day event, first attendance, and the first thing I noticed once my Solo was airborne along with other quads, I got intermittent outages on my iPad's video feed. So, I swapped out the stock antenna with my fplvr and that fixed it. A bit disappointed...