Recent content by Kalvin

  1. K

    AliExpress (china direct) prop balancer

    Oh! You're right. I should have been more specific. The Dubro one I got from Amazon is just the balancing rod, without the stand. One will need an additional rod if one will get either the Dubro kit or the AliExpress kit, because that rod can mount Solo self-tightening CW and CCW propellers.
  2. K

    Where can we post ideas for Solo and the aps?

    Thanks for a warm welcome! Glad to be part of this community. That's correct. Possibly presets to be saved in the app for buttons 1&2 on the controller or even more than two gimbal angle preset buttons in the app. I use multiple saved gimbal angles in each flight and saving each one takes...
  3. K

    Solo Gimbal - Handheld conversion

    Hey, Jesse. What's your latest update? Are you able to find out what exactly are the functions of each wire going to the 8 pin gimbal plug? Knowing those would help in developing a powered board for getting the gimbal running on a hand grip. I'd be fine with buying a gimbal from another brand...
  4. K

    FPV goggles

    Has anyone tried the Avegant Glyph as featured on 3DR's Made For Solo? According to Avegant's page: "Available to ship in US only or in China through our partners at Lian Luo. Estimated Ship Date: 8-10 weeks"
  5. K

    Photo and timelapse question..

    There is another concept that I haven't tried. It's manually changing the mode on the GoPro HERO4 to Time Lapse or Night Lapse photo before takeoff, then starting the capture with the gimbal paddle button or the Solo App capture button. I believe this can even be used with MPCC at slow cruising...
  6. K

    Where can we post ideas for Solo and the aps?

    I have some features I'd that I'd like to suggest too. I use an iPhone 6 with my Solo. 1) Gimbal tilt preset button saved settings - selectable in-app like changing GoPro settings > saves several seconds of flight time from having to save new presets each time 2) GPS map options - map options...
  7. K

    AliExpress (china direct) prop balancer

    Just get the Dubro one. The one you found on AliExpress is not compatible with self-tightening props, because it is made for props that have the motor thread mount through.