Worth buying now 3DR are not making the drone

Oct 29, 2016
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Hi All,

I'm considering buying a 3DR Solo, with the recent announcement that 3DR are no longer making this drone, it is now extremely cheap to purchase.

My question is, is it worth it? Any concerns with on-going support from 3DR? I think it's an absolute bargain but have concerns and would like some feedback from owners on whether it's worth picking one up.

Thanks in advance
don't ever buy anything you are that uncertain about.
having said that
The market has created a perfect storm where one of the most innovative RTF drones can be had for less than 500 bucks for a very nice rig.
I doubt you will likely ever see a better bang for your buck flyer for this price
that by the way is why many of the low price solos are being purchased by people who already owned one, or two or three
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I bought one about a month ago and I can say as a beginner, it's a great drone. I am thinking about buying a second for this price as I am getting into commercial real estate videography and maybe ag applications. I love flying this drone!

Hi All,

I'm considering buying a 3DR Solo, with the recent announcement that 3DR are no longer making this drone, it is now extremely cheap to purchase.

My question is, is it worth it? Any concerns with on-going support from 3DR? I think it's an absolute bargain but have concerns and would like some feedback from owners on whether it's worth picking one up.

Thanks in advance
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Well, I just bought a second one (After a GPS related crash I think) this evening. B&H has them under $400 with the Gimbal and with free shipping. It looks like they sold all the remaining stock to B&H and BestBuy. They must have sold the package for somewhat less than $400.00
It depends on if you want longevity in the support area and if you want modern features that other drones offer. For similar pricing you could get a modern drone that has lots of features and third party apps. It is a very personal decision and depends what you want out of your purchase.
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Hi Everyone...
Had to jump in and say, Wow, what a deal the 3dr is. Got it at Best Buy for $399, and also received extra battery, the 3 axis gimbal, a 32gb SD card, and box of props. Last July when I bought my first drone (another make) this drone was, I believe $899 with NO extras. I'm excited! Take Care all, Have a Great Day !
I did the same. Upgraded my phone, got a 250.00 gift card, sold my old phone, and got the solo for basically free. Already had a go pro for my typhoon G so i was good to go. Solo,gimbal, extra battery, props, and a case for 379.00. I'll take it. I flown a couple of times and I'm starting to feel it now. Might overtake my yuneec as my go to.
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Well i took the plunge and bought one. So far so good, amazing piece of kit *looks* well built, first maiden voyage in the garden went well!!! I just need to figure out how to fly the thing!!
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Well i took the plunge and bought one. So far so good, amazing piece of kit *looks* well built, first maiden voyage in the garden went well!!! I just need to figure out how to fly the thing!!
Pretty-much just have to press 'Fly' 2 or 3 times, and you're done... :eek:

...or not.
Been flying the Solo since it was first available. Went through all the anticipation waiting for the gimbal. Paid 1000 for Solo, 400 for the GoPro, 400 for the gimbal and have enjoyed every minute of flying since. Just bought another one yesterday for 423.00 with props, battery, mini sd card. Absolutely by far the best drone for your money. I also bought the Mavic for a trip to Europe but it will never arrive on time so I'm taking my Solo to film the castles in Scotland and Ireland and I know it will do a fantastic job. So is it worth buying? Sure is:)
Got mine in Buffalo, NY at a Best Buy shortly after the big sale began. $399 for drone/gimbal/two batteries/and extra props. Going back for the new-ish 2for$99 battery deal currently running. (I'm a Torontonian/Canadian). Shame the Canadian Best Buys are still selling them for $1200.. and lucky it's a short drive over the border

Since my original purchase I ordered the GPS V2 shield from 3DR (using a coupon code it was only $15), and was sure to do the 'advanced' gimbal install. Upgraded my antenna set with some higher db 2.4ghz rods (fpvlr is on its way!).

Without getting too carried away.. the solo is a joy. Hobbiest dream being able to open it up confidently and swap out, modify, tweak and play with the craft. The ability to have, and availability of bits and mods is pretty great still too. Check out these forums for more info but I can say too that Relish 3D, Back Bone, Polar Pro, Think Tank, GPC, FPVLR, and many others make specific parts and accessories for the Solo that you will enjoy.

My only advice is to act fast! There are a lot of deals right now because of the company changing directions. It's a wildly interesting story too (see the Forbes article for starters and drop down the rabbit hole from there). Got myself the ThinkTank helli-pack from B&H for $99, the led light set from Henrys in Toronto for $29 (Canadian bucks!).. plus the best buys deals too. It's getting a little scary to see 'discontinued' with many online shops, but keep searching! Stock up on blades.

... I did get carried away. So short story made long... everyone needs to go for the product that lends to them. The current price of the Solo makes it a phenomenal first quad, and a very viable drone even for folks that are experienced. Very advanced, and fun fun fun to fly! Sure it can be compared to the currently hot/new/cool Mavic, but why compare? You can get three full Solo drone kits for the price of a Mavic.

Hope you have enjoyed flying it gcoffline Can't wait to hear how you like out of the garden!!
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Just catching up. On this thread. I have not flown my bird since last January nor have I visited this forum until a few days back when suddenly my transmitter pack died and wont charge up fully. Now I know why i cant get batteries for my transmitter unless one of you guys can stir me in the right direction.

What I need is a place to purchase either the stock or extended battery pack for the transmitter and if anyone knows the wiring pin out for the battery harness. Failing that, I will replace the Li Ion cells instead. Thanks for any help you guys can direct my way.
I'd contact 3DR or a dealer. Smaller dealers can make you almost anything.
Just remember, you still need to buy a camera that isn't made anymore. People are starting to find replacement parts hard to get. Most people are saying buy another Solo if you have one, just for the parts.
First there is no talk of the Hero 4 series of GoPro's ending at this time.

Second, when 3DR are sold out there will be 100,000 units out there. To me, that's a lucrative market for after market parts and repair business. With all the 3D printers around, many people will make repair parts. I own a gimbal I am waiting for someone to provide a repair service for.

Costs of new drones are coming down. Manufacturers are increasing in numbers. One day you will sell your Solo parts and fund a new bird with all new technology.

Also, I just did an RMA with 3DR for a crash caused by a faulty part after 7 months. I'm expecting a new refurb in the courier next week.

This product is still worth it.
First there is no talk of the Hero 4 series of GoPro's ending at this time.

3DR is no longer replacing the Gopro's if it's damaged in a crash caused by the Solo, because they are no longer for sale. You may take that anyway you like.
I ended up ebaying mine in the end, fears of not having parts available and discontinuation of gopro's is pushing towards either the Mavic, P4 or if I want to save money...XSP

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