Worst tech ever

Solo was the first UAV with two companion computers and still to date the only one capable of smart shots as smooth
Solo is now the first UAV that after two years of launch has a new flight controller available, and is now Ardupilot ready.
Lets see a two year old DJI product do that
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if 3DR would release the gimbal and the controller code, solo could be everything the drone market has to offer today
Next will NOT be a DJI. I just can't do NO-FLY ZONES. Anything but a DJI.

Yea I bought the Karma over the Mavic for that exact reason... Now I may be eating crow because I ordered the Mavic Pro a few days ago. I'm going to see how obtrusive they really are and decide which drone to keep. Karma also has "no fly zones" but they let you override them after making you aware of it. If DJI does that and let's me override any other restrictions they might put on the unit, then I'll be fine. If they don't it'll head back to the store post haste.

Unfortunately, I had to look at DJI considering Karma's shortcomings. It's cool to keep wishing someone will update Solo but in the meantime, I'm going to keep it moving. I just need something more portable and reliable.
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It's my favorite flyer right now.!
The ones complaining probably don't know how to fly.

27 flights and no issues here.

Yea, yea here we go again with the anyone that has any problems with the Solo must be a bad pilot, stupid or didn't read the manual. That's why most Solo owners have upgraded the GPS module or at the very least replaced or modified the shield. I would say most have at least purchased antennae (or are contemplating it) if they haven't replaced the entire radio system. Most long time users have replaced the props, lengthened the legs, the HDMI ribbon cable, etc, etc, etc. I mean come on, as someone that's owned 6 of these things, I'm here to tell you, there have been problems with the platform. I sometimes wonder if maybe the first adopters got better units before they started being mass produced? Most guys that claim to have never had any problems and haven't done any mods are long term guys. Then there's the I got it cheap guys who don't mind a few flaws. Leaving dudes like me who bought it initially sometime in between and had about $1000 invested with the camera, batteries, bag, etc and had a bunch of problems. Because I bailed back in the day and have come back now that it's cheap, I'm in the second category. I don't care what happens with the thing now! Hahaha! I found a action cam with an hdmi output for $40 to attach to it for FPV (I kind of miss that) I'll have $100 total invested and won't care if it flies way or crashes.
I sometimes wonder if maybe the first adopters got better units before they started being mass produced? Most guys that claim to have never had any problems and haven't done any mods are long term guys. Then there's the I got it cheap guys who don't mind a few flaws. Leaving dudes like me who bought it initially sometime in between and had about $1000 invested with the camera, batteries, bag, etc and had a bunch of problems.
Basically none of that is true. It's ironic that you complain about people making said assumptions, and justify that complaint by making a bunch of completely BS assumptions.
I have had zero problems with stock Solo's. I choose to do mods to improve on it. No different than taking a H4B ( good camera) adding an after market lens, latest firmware to better control the shutter, and a filter set. If I owned something I could not improve in some way I would be bored.
Yea, yea here we go again with the anyone that has any problems with the Solo must be a bad pilot, stupid or didn't read the manual.......I'll have $100 total invested and won't care if it flies way or crashes.

I bought a car. It didn't have any SatNav, so I bought one. That made it easier to get places. It had a radio, but I like to choose my music, so I fitted a CD player.

Doesn't mean that when I first got the car I couldn't go anywhere or listen to any music.

Absolutely none of the mods listed are required to fly Solo safely.....equally, thanks to the hard work of many people here, absolutely every one of then improves performance....the choice is yours.
I have had zero problems with stock Solo's. I choose to do mods to improve on it. No different than taking a H4B ( good camera) adding an after market lens, latest firmware to better control the shutter, and a filter set. If I owned something I could not improve in some way I would be bored.

Yea but you're not trying to pretend that the deficiency didn't exist to begin with. Besides, replacing a perfectly operating GPS module for no reason? Uhuh. Like there wasn't a problem with the gps shield. There's a difference between modifying for improvement and fixing a problem. There are a few known problems with the Solo that most of us are aware and we repair. I like the platform as a whole but it's far from perfect.

I love my motorcycle but the stock exhaust was ugly. Do I replace it or pretend that it's okay and attack anyone who says it's ugly? I admit to liking these conversations/debates, it's good for the mental muscles. Thanks.
I was not attacking you and hope it did not come across that way. Yes Solo is not perfect. No consumer sUAS is. Technology in the last two years alone has changed so much relating to these systems. At least with Solo, adapting is possible.
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I bought a car. It didn't have any SatNav, so I bought one. That made it easier to get places. It had a radio, but I like to choose my music, so I fitted a CD player.

Doesn't mean that when I first got the car I couldn't go anywhere or listen to any music.

Absolutely none of the mods listed are required to fly Solo safely.....equally, thanks to the hard work of many people here, absolutely every one of then improves performance....the choice is yours.

Ah but you aren't pretending that having a radio is as good as having a CD player and you're not attacking anyone that states that a CD player is better than a radio. Not having a sat nav doesn't keep you from getting around but you don't deny it makes it easier. I would also imagine you'll agree that a car that came with these features would be superior, all other things being equal, of course.
And that is the key. Now solo can evolve while others die
I agree. Open source was one of the reasons I picked solo. With the with the right upgrades I can make solo last a while. Solo's biggest limitation is the lack of the ability to fully use a third party gimbal or a different camera. My GoPro works fine for me. However, my GoPro will soon be completely dated (3+ black). Also, GoPro isn't making them anymore. And their new Hero 5 is not compatible with solo. (Maybe on purpose?)
I was not attacking you and hope it did not come across that way. Yes Solo is not perfect. No consumer sUAS is. Technology in the last two years alone has changed so much relating to these systems. At least with Solo, adapting is possible.

No not at all. I'm saying that as a general statement. With all the "you didn't read the manual" or "you're not a good pilot" statements being bandied about every time someone says anything negative about the platforms
No not at all. I'm saying that as a general statement. With all the "you didn't read the manual" or "you're not a good pilot" statements being bandied about every time someone says anything negative about the platforms
Again, untrue.
I agree. Open source was one of the reasons I picked solo. With the with the right upgrades I can make solo last a while. Solo's biggest limitation is the lack of the ability to fully use a third party gimbal or a different camera. My GoPro works fine for me. However, my GoPro will soon be completely dated (3+ black). Also, GoPro isn't making them anymore. And their new Hero 5 is not compatible with solo. (Maybe on purpose?)

I don't think it's "on purpose" necessarily. Go Pro built the camera to work with their new drone without regard to a platform that wasn't going to be built or "sold" anymore. With the introduction of the screen, they eliminated the plug on the back which was used....for the add on touch screen. 3DR used that slots control ability very well but the Karma doesn't need it as everything is controlled via the USB C connection.

I had both a Hero original and a Hero HD when I bought my Solo. I didn't think 3DR didn't make their drone compatible with my cameras out of spite... I haven't heard anyone complain that it doesn't work with the Phantom 2 HAHAHA!
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I agree. Open source was one of the reasons I picked solo. With the with the right upgrades I can make solo last a while. Solo's biggest limitation is the lack of the ability to fully use a third party gimbal or a different camera. My GoPro works fine for me. However, my GoPro will soon be completely dated (3+ black). Also, GoPro isn't making them anymore. And their new Hero 5 is not compatible with solo. (Maybe on purpose?)

After two years my Solo stills holds down the fort; my P4 simply sucks at autonomous flight, it's almost dangerous. I own 3 Phantom's and they all suck in autonomous flight; I don't think DJI knows or cares about how autonomous flight works. My Yuneec H is several steps above anything DJI but no Solo.

I wish we had more camera choices, it's my only complaint. After two hard years of use the image from my GP4B got pretty bad, out of focus and fisheye in 4k. Well I got a Chinese lens which removed most of the fisheye a couple weeks ago and couldn't be happier. The image is clean again and no fisheye. The IQ is still not as good as my P3 or 4 but when combined with Solo's autonomous moves nothing else comes close IMO.
the gopro hero 4 Black with a good lens is still a formidable camera. You do have to know how to use it, but I can mix video from my gopro with 3.97 lens with more expensive ground based cameras and you would not know the difference. In fact my Hero 4 3.97 is used quite a bit for B roll on the ground.
Having said that, solo will most likely never fly a heavier camera for video on gimbal. Unless someone figures out how to replace the Pods, and there are whispers about that. Canbus ESCs are in the works. Then you have to break the gimbal code that 3DR refuses to release.
There are ways to take the solo brains and put it on a bigger bird, Jublar's is a good example. I am getting ready to remove my edison off my X8 flying the solo cube equivalent and putting a solo IMX6 on it.
From what I understand, when that is done I can pair it with a solo controller and get smart shots without the gimbal function. and video feed. I am considering using it as a two person flyer. Like the Inspire. one camera operator one flyer
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I have a LCD screen I clip on my preferred H4B ( 3.97mm ) for the B Roll stuff. It does a great job for its form factor and weight.
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it does, you can get great B roll from awesome angles and it can be placed where it does not screw up your main camera shot. I have a lcd screen but never use it, I just launch the app on my phone and keep it near by so I can see and control it while operating the main camera
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