Who owns our flight data?

Sep 28, 2015
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I think its very clear to us all that the government does not like us having a drones.

So my question, and it's particularly aimed at the open source developers, where is our flight data stored and can it be accessed without our knowledge? Can it be encrypted client side? Is anybody monitoring 3DR Apps for what information is automatically being shared or for backdoor access; if it's even possible to monitor.

Do we all agree that our data belongs to us as individuals and should not be able to be acquired without a warrant?

Please don't attack me with conspiracy theory talk, this is purely a matter of the 4th Amendment and Civil Rights.
I think we have our first "drone nut", no I kid I kid, and agree, but yeah im one of those people who always choses not to share information to "better our product"
I would think collecting more would require a privacy notice or something more. but in this age if its connected to the internet, there is no way its 100% safe anyways.
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First thing they search is google maps on yyour mobile, to find out where, when & how long you been somewhere.
Don't see any difference in them wanting access the Tlogs in our Drones, if need be.
I own my solo and radio as well as the energy in the battery which I paid which some of those electrons end up as data. I own my logs. If the Feds want then then they will need a search warrant.
I own my solo and radio as well as the energy in the battery which I paid which some of those electrons end up as data. I own my logs. If the Feds want then then they will need a search warrant.
What about the spectrum the logs are transmitted on? Isn't that owned by the government?
Also, you assume they would actually let you know, history shows us spooks don't ask before doing these things.

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