Who flies his SOLO without any mods?

I wonder how many people in this forum, has its SOLO working perfectly without any modification? Including cables, antennas, software mods. Without gimbal vibration problems, no video latency or delay, no gps GPS or signal problems. Some lucky guy?
I haven't done any mods to mine, and no problems. Didn't even open it up to install my gimbal - just made sure cables were tucked away.

I haven't flown for a few weeks due to our wet Seattle weather and/or wind - so I hope I haven't jinxed myself.
I added a piece of cardboad between the metal shielding and the GPS antenna, and that has made a world of difference. This could have been compromised originally when I crashed my Solo twice. Now I fly without any issues with GPS or range.
Total beginner here. I've had Solo for less than 2 weeks and flown it probably 20 times (2 batteries). It works perfectly as far as I can tell. I haven't done any calibrations...just unboxed it, upgraded the app & flew it. I haven't any problems except for the Hero 4 silver locking up once.
Reading forums and watching YouTube videos has me spooked a bit but of course you hear lotsa horror stories online.
I should add that I live out in the sticks (desert/Colorado River) and fly it even farther away from potential interference so maybe it's ideal conditions. I did, however do a water tank orbit the other day and flew within 20ft of the top of a microwave tower without a hiccup. Didn't think about the possible effects until later.
The only mods I'm considering at the moment are a filter kit and a gimbal balancing gadget.
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I wonder how many people in this forum, has its SOLO working perfectly without any modification? Including cables, antennas, software mods. Without gimbal vibration problems, no video latency or delay, no gps GPS or signal problems. Some lucky guy?
Apart from fplvr antenna for range, mines unmodded and works great. I do find powering up in the correct order stops random problems like gimbal and camera communication issues. Over 60 flights in mostly coastal forest and over oceac (surf).
Opened mine yesterday to test & took it out for my first real flights today. 1200 feet out and 150 up. No issues. No gimbal yet, Hero 3+ Black 3.03, and my only mods were some mud & grass after I crashed into a tree during a tight landing.
Have had mine since the summer and have not even added the gimbal to it! Haven't flown in a month
No mods, straight out of the box. The only thing I've added are lenses to the GoPro (ND8, polorizer). Absolutely flawless, long range, best performance I've ever had and MAN is this thing smart. I'm proud of my Solo and grateful for what it's done, I've been places I never dared go before in 6 years of flight overall.
My Solo is flying perfect without any mod. All my problems are focused on video stabilization. And all due to the 5.4mm lens with which I can not take a picture without vibration until now.
'course, I say that.. I AM using Alfa antennas, a pair purchased on Amazon - those things absolutely make a difference, though you have to be careful where you point (highly focused, needs to be pointed toward the Solo especially when you can't see it..)

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