whishlist for OpenSolo

I just want a gimbal that can integrate a camera that shoots raw photos.
Ability to choose your RTL location after you have already taken off.

I frequently take off in Fly:Manual in an area that does not have reliable GPS signal and then fly into an open area where I might switch to Fly. Sometimes I get GPS lock while still under trees. I'd like to be able to take off from under trees or near buildings, then after take-off and while Solo is in an open area, press an on-screen button to identify Solo's current location as the spot to return to with RTL.
Already posted on their github:

Rebase on latest arducopter 3.5+? · Issue #297 · 3drobotics/ardupilot-solo · GitHub

Some of you already know the consequence without reading :-<
You're posting in the wrong place. 3DR's github is not used by anyone anymore. 3DR is not going to be rebasing anything. The Open Solo repos are here: OpenSolo · GitHub.

We're using ArduCopter 3.5, no modifications or customizations to it required, as long as you have a Green Cube installed (3DR Solo - ArduCopter Master Upgrade — Copter documentation). If you do not want to do the green cube upgrade, you will be stuck with the old stock ArduCopter-Solo firmware for the foreseeable future. Unless someone new wants to take it on in their free time. That is the unfortunate state 3DR's management decisions left you with, it is what it is.
You're posting in the wrong place. 3DR's github is not used by anyone anymore. 3DR is not going to be rebasing anything. The Open Solo repos are here: OpenSolo · GitHub.

We're using ArduCopter 3.5, no modifications or customizations to it required, as long as you have a Green Cube installed (3DR Solo - ArduCopter Master Upgrade — Copter documentation). If you do not want to do the green cube upgrade, you will be stuck with the old stock ArduCopter-Solo firmware for the foreseeable future. Unless someone new wants to take it on in their free time. That is the unfortunate state 3DR's management decisions left you with, it is what it is.

would it be possible to use AC 3.5 on the stock cube, if you just change the PWM amplitude to 5V with 2 transistors or an small opamp ?
would it be possible to use AC 3.5 on the stock cube, if you just change the PWM amplitude to 5V with 2 transistors or an small opamp ?
Logic level converters to go from 3v to 5v on each PWM output would do the trick. In theory, as nobody has tried it yet

was toooo lazy to draw it myself, hence a 20 sec. google does the same :p

would try it out myself, but i´ve already ordered the green pill, as it has heated IMU and other improvements over the stock cube
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One thing that's missing from the Wishlist. How about a "donate" button for all the folks working so hard on the solo, solving our issues and spending their free time basically giving the solo and extended future? Doubt I could donate a billion dollars (I'm about $50 short, sorry guys...) but damn, could at least buy them a pint or a pizza!
One thing that's missing from the Wishlist. How about a "donate" button for all the folks working so hard on the solo, solving our issues and spending their free time basically giving the solo and extended future? Doubt I could donate a billion dollars (I'm about $50 short, sorry guys...) but damn, could at least buy them a pint or a pizza!

Better Hat, T-shirts, stickers and coffee mugs.... come on folks, 3DR solo has had it's moment to shine brightly, but now it's time to start proudly declaring our support for "Open Solo"....

Good ideas! How about a button to donate a t-shirt, hat, and mug?
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One wish I'd have, more likely possible now that the gimbal firmware is being open sourced, would be a mode where the gimbal would bank the camera during turns. I find the perfectly level panning turn to be somewhat unnatural. If you're doing a pan in place, or a very slow heading change, then it's fine, but when you're closer to the ground and more forward motion is apparent, banking the camera just seems more fluid. Maybe it's just the countless hours I spent flying with my Dad when I was younger, but turning without banking just seems wrong!
I should think that would be doable now with the right python code. I'm not gonna claim to look into it right now (too many other projects to look after ATM) but I feel like it isn't all that complex.
G. It'd also be nice to go dual controller every once in a great while. Yes, I know the product is called SOLO for a reason. But, there is a time or two when the sequence I wanna get requires some tricky manual flying, and being able to hand off camera control would make those shots smoother and probably better. I guess having the option would be nice.
I'm new to Solo, thanks for this forum. It has an immense amount of information. I'm still learning all this but I have an Activeon camera, wish could control like the GP...
I'm new to Solo, thanks for this forum. It has an immense amount of information. I'm still learning all this but I have an Activeon camera, wish could control like the GP...

ok, i think we can put this together to: compatibility with other cameras, as there are thousands models of them out there.....

my proposal to this issue: i think it would be possible to attach a IR Diode to the companion computer (Digital I/O) and i think i have seen some databases of camera IR Codes in the Internetz
One wish I'd have, more likely possible now that the gimbal firmware is being open sourced, would be a mode where the gimbal would bank the camera during turns. I find the perfectly level panning turn to be somewhat unnatural. If you're doing a pan in place, or a very slow heading change, then it's fine, but when you're closer to the ground and more forward motion is apparent, banking the camera just seems more fluid. Maybe it's just the countless hours I spent flying with my Dad when I was younger, but turning without banking just seems wrong!
It appears the King of Open Solo (aka @Pedals2Paddles ) was able to lock down the gimbal to fpv. He has also added more depth to the controller's buttons. Nice work P2P.

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