whishlist for OpenSolo

Sep 8, 2016
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As OpenSolo is now starting to grow, what do you expect from it in the future ?

here are my desired functions for OpenSolo:

- hook up some cheap park distance sensors for object avoidance
- new smart shot "hunting" where paddle and throttle are swapped
- fly solo without the controller, just with your mobile

what are your thoughts of the future for OpenSolo ?

please no discussions here, just be creative

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i need high capacity battery for 3dr solo, for long flight time min 30minutes lol
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A. gimbal with camera capable of zoom. (That still does smart shots)

B. gimbal with enough motor oomph/brain power to be stable in the 35mph winds I sometimes fly in. (Yes, solo can handle it) (that still does smart shots)

C. Selective shut-off/power up of accessories to conserve battery power.

D. Selectable orbit mode that you set a distance and when engaged, immediately begins orbiting at that preset distance off the 'nose' and doesn't affect camera or gimbal angle.
1) support other cameras than just the GoPro
2) easy use of the accessory bay - an accessory board with USB ports that let us connect devices using that interface directly and control them through the app
3) safety redundancy - add anti-fly away measures (e.g. more robustness against interference)
4) more gimbal options
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Individual cell voltage reporting in the logs or (ideally) in real time if Solex or other app could support it.
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Individual cell voltage reporting in the logs or (ideally) in real time if Solex or other app could support it.
Done, also including battery temperature. We got that into ArduCopter 3.5, and Solex supports it now. It is not a feature in the stock solo firmware though. It might not be terribly difficult to backport, but it is not going to be high on the list.

Cell voltage
Cell Voltage Graph 1.jpg

Pack temp
Batt Temp.jpg
Another thing, not sure if done yet. If we have more than one Solo, save different profiles for each one and then save the different flight logs associated to each profile.
Complete camera controls. Integrate fully GP 5.0 FW

eta: don't dumb down original solo PH2.0 only to force GC upgrade.
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eta: don't dumb down original solo PH2.0 only to force GC upgrade.
Not sure what you mean by this?

The stock solo ArduCopter firmware is cira 2015. It is not supported anymore, and heavily customized in manner that makes it very difficult to modify or upgrade. The stock pixhawk 2.0 is also circla 2015. And the stock motor pods have an electrical flaw because the CEO of 3DR was too cheap to do it right. That is reality.

The Pixhawk 2.1 is the current and heavily supported hardware, and will be for a long time to come. ArduCopter 3.5 is the current and heavily supported version of firmware for it that will be for a long time to come. The Green Cube mitigates the motor pod electrical flaw so you don't crash. That's reality. Nobody is trying to "force" the green cube upgrade. It is the hardware required to run the firmware required.

If someone wants to volunteer immense hours of their personal free time to try backporting some upgrades from ArduCopter 3.5 into the old stock firmware, they are more than welcome to take on that hornets nests. Are you volunteering? Nobody is stopping someone from doing that. But do not expect those of use already working on this to steer clear of reality and work backwards in addition to forwards. There are not enough hours in the day, nor gallons beer required.

That said, there are plenty of updates coming that do not involve ArduCopter in any way. Updates to the controller, applications (solex), the IMX, etc. Most of those are backwards compatible with the stock cube and FW because they have nothing to do with them. So it is likely you will see installation packages for stock hardware and installation packages for Green Cube hardware. The latter will have ArduCopter 3.5.x. The former will have the old stock version. Stock hardware simply doesn't get any of the benefits of ArduCopter 3.5.x... like boat mode for example.
Not sure what you mean by this?

The stock solo ArduCopter firmware is cira 2015. It is not supported anymore, and heavily customized in manner that makes it very difficult to modify or upgrade. The stock pixhawk 2.0 is also circla 2015. And the stock motor pods have an electrical flaw because the CEO of 3DR was too cheap to do it right. That is reality.

The Pixhawk 2.1 is the current and heavily supported hardware, and will be for a long time to come. ArduCopter 3.5 is the current and heavily supported version of firmware for it that will be for a long time to come. The Green Cube mitigates the motor pod electrical flaw so you don't crash. That's reality. Nobody is trying to "force" the green cube upgrade. It is the hardware required to run the firmware required.

If someone wants to volunteer immense hours of their personal free time to try backporting some upgrades from ArduCopter 3.5 into the old stock firmware, they are more than welcome to take on that hornets nests. Are you volunteering? Nobody is stopping someone from doing that. But do not expect those of use already working on this to steer clear of reality and work backwards in addition to forwards. There are not enough hours in the day, nor gallons beer required.

That said, there are plenty of updates coming that do not involve ArduCopter in any way. Updates to the controller, applications (solex), the IMX, etc. Most of those are backwards compatible with the stock cube and FW because they have nothing to do with them. So it is likely you will see installation packages for stock hardware and installation packages for Green Cube hardware. The latter will have ArduCopter 3.5.x. The former will have the old stock version. Stock hardware simply doesn't get any of the benefits of ArduCopter 3.5.x... like boat mode for example.
As per the OP -
please no discussions here, just be creative
As per the OP -
please no discussions here, just be creative

Cop out of the month right there. Glad you put so much thought into that response.

Considering I'm on the team actually taking these suggestions and implementing them, and most of my free time for the last several months has been dedicated to that, I really don't care if you don't want anyone to discuss it. I highly doubt the OP will be upset that I am reading and responding to people's requests. I'm proving helpful feedback on people's ideas, from the perspective of someone who will be implementing some of them, and intimately familiar with what is involved. If my answers don't fit you misguided opinion on certain matters of reality, that is frankly not my problem. So if you're volunteering to help backport features, that is great. If you're just here to make accusations that fly in the face of established reality, please move on because it's not helpful.
A. gimbal with camera capable of zoom. (That still does smart shots)
B. gimbal with enough motor oomph/brain power to be stable in the 35mph winds I sometimes fly in. (Yes, solo can handle it) (that still does smart shots)
C. Selective shut-off/power up of accessories to conserve battery power.
D. Selectable orbit mode that you set a distance and when engaged, immediately begins orbiting at that preset distance off the 'nose' and doesn't affect camera or gimbal angle.

A & B) I think the more traditional DIY gimbal route will be the road to the larger fancier cameras. For example. the Storm32 gimbal controller works over mavlink just like the Solo's gimbal. All the I/O for a traditional gimbal of pretty much any kind is there for the taking. So finding what actually works well, and making sure the firmware supports it's proper operation in smart shots is high on the list. @Jubalr is using one now but it's got some control issues to work out still. Getting close though. Once something works, we'll need motivated people like IMP Concepts or something to make easy to use kits for hooking everything up. What is not likely is a solo-specific gimbal for a specific type of camera.

(C) Would be cool but I don't think we have the I/Os to do it. The IMX doesn't have any I/O to drive relays. The Pixhawk does but (Aux servo and relay outputs) but they are not broken out. They're on the 80 pin connectors under the carrier board, which requires extremely fine precision soldering under a magnifier to tie into. This could actually be a project for someone with spare parts. If someone with that skill set could take spare carrier boards and make those connections, that would be amazing. There are probably other things on there to break out that would be useful too. Good idea!

(D) is actually already there. Check out ArduCopter Circle Mode.
E. Controller handoff mode- a safe, reliable method to transfer control of a SOLO from the initial GCS to a secondary GCS. This would allow Pt 107 pilots *lots* more flexibility in flight planning and operations.
E. Controller handoff mode- a safe, reliable method to transfer control of a SOLO from the initial GCS to a secondary GCS. This would allow Pt 107 pilots *lots* more flexibility in flight planning and operations.
Multiple GCS can already be connected simultaneously over the WiFi or, for example, with the RFD900 telemetry radio. Do you mean hand off from one controller to another?
Yes. Transfer control.

I'd like to be able to, for example, fly SOLO out to 2000' and turn towards a canyon, where my co-pilot is with a second controller. When in range of both, SOLO should be able to notify both stations and begin a handoff of control from my station to his/her station. Once they are done filming the amazing twists and turns and the stupendous waterfall at the end, they could either land on the rim of the canyon or send it back to me so we can get that super long-range pull back shot. Just for example.
Capability to swap the wifi cards for some other long range transmission system.
Yes Matt, I fully understand you're part of the team. I appreciate all the efforts YOU have put into implementing the transition to the GC for us common people. I have repeatedly acknowledged your efforts and fully realize it is not an easy task and without (much) compensation.
If you're just here to make accusations that fly in the face of established reality, please move on because it's not helpful.
I made no statement of the sort. Am I not apart of the community, do my suggestion not matter because of some pecker order? If this is how the transition and/or implementation will progress...I'm fine with my current Solo as configed.

Your belittling tone in your response was disingenuous, kind of does make me want to move on. I've never asked for appreciation for any contribution I've delivered here to the forum. I know, they are not up to par with your contributions, but a contribution all the same.

Further, berating Chris Anderson openly is not helping your cause. "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. " I'd prefer to discuss ideas...a little humility goes a long way in that discussion.

My apology to the OP, was trying to respect your request....
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That's how I took "don't dumb down original solo PH2.0 only to force GC upgrade." Numerous people have accused this team of just trying to sell hardware, and that comment came off eluding to this being a motive. If that wasn't your intent, I'm sorry. I have no stake in the manufacturer or vendors. But I do know that they sell them for cost, which makes people pushing such accusations really dumb.

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