Where to get a gimbal for the Solo NOW?

You have a "team" aBe do pro work, and one drone... The Iris, to do it. And it crashed but you forgot some parts you need. And you bought a Solo off the shelf. And you are looking for help regarding whether you should buy a Phantom, all of a sudden here.

Ummmm.... I'm sorry, I am having trouble hearing the rest. BS alerts are going off all around me.

This thread is about buying the Phantom?
Who ever said we rely on drones for our livelihood? It is but one component of our business but we don't want the drone issue to affect the select customers who have ordered it from us.
And you have no backup... I have a backup of every last thing I own. From lights to cameras to cables. In the field. It MUST work. You can't make people wait based on technical problems. The only way to do that is backups.

Curious: What is the name of your business?
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You could look into lumoid.com

I believe they rent phantoms amongst other great camera gear

Sent from my SM-G860P using Tapatalk
I use GoPro Studio which can remove lens "barrel" distortion with 2 mouse clicks. It works really well!
Looks like the Frys in Tempe, AZ have gimbals available. At least according to their item availability checker online.

Wow is all I got today, so heard back from my very own customer advocate tonight and guess what my gimbals coming! In just two or three more weeks that is, wow guess I'm wasting my time checking all day. Guess I also have 400 bucks tied up for no reason and will end up at Best Buy yet again, putting another 450 bucks up to finally get a gimbal. That is if they get them, oh but my customer advocate says hel do all he can to get my gimbal shipped, SMH.

God knows what order their going in now, reverse abc or the darts method but whatever it is it's not working very well. Good luck folks looks like the p2 has a bit more time to shine.
Looks like the Frys in Tempe, AZ have gimbals available. At least according to their item availability checker online.
I talked to a frys representative today, he said the one they had available at AZ was marked as defective and wasn't being sold by the store but they left it on the system? Honestly I don't know it's totally confusing. My best guess is some one bought it and then returned it.
I talked to a frys representative today, he said the one they had available at AZ was marked as defective and wasn't being sold by the store but they left it on the system? Honestly I don't know it's totally confusing. My best guess is some one bought it and then returned it.

There're is more mis-information than fact floating around.
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I talked to a frys representative today, he said the one they had available at AZ was marked as defective and wasn't being sold by the store but they left it on the system? Honestly I don't know it's totally confusing. My best guess is some one bought it and then returned it.
That is odd, maybe the one that came in the display, I'd assume they wouldn't take back one from other retailers and they haven't sold any yet, have they?
That is odd, maybe the one that came in the display, I'd assume they wouldn't take back one from other retailers and they haven't sold any yet, have they?
Apparently they sold some and somebody returned one who claimed it was defective that's all I really know, but if this is true this is the beginning we should start seeing them in the stores weekly probably in low quantities thought.
I have heard this multiple times, no one who had a true business (and knew what they were doing) would only buy a Solo (knowing the gimbal was delayed) and have nothing else to use. Ridiculous.

just more anti-3dr trolling I reckon
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