Where to buy Motor Pods and what is the failure rate?

Sep 11, 2016
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I am trying to determine if I should buy a replacement motor pod for each motor direction. I am really struggling to find one on the 3DR website.

Is there a decent way to determine when a pod is starting to fail by reviewing the logs prior to it actually falling from the sky?
with the current price at bestbuy, you better get an whole replacement solo ;)
Is there a decent way to determine when a pod is starting to fail by reviewing the logs prior to it actually falling from the sky?
Typically you will notice some unusual noise first. The motor might also feel gritty or loose when you turn it by hand. When they go it is generally the bearings that wear out. The pods themselves consist of an ESC with the lights attached and a ccw or cw motor. The only difference is which motor is on it and what way the wires are soldered. Some people have just used third party motors and reused the same ESCs. If you just want the 3dr motor pod it should still be available at best buy or amazon. It would most likely cost less than the jacked up prices at 3DR anyway.
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I am trying to determine if I should buy a replacement motor pod for each motor direction. I am really struggling to find one on the 3DR website.

Is there a decent way to determine when a pod is starting to fail by reviewing the logs prior to it actually falling from the sky?
Keep this motor swap in mind as an alternative. I went this route with both of mine.
To add, the motor pods are fully maintainable. Bearings are the common wear item, which are readily available in a variety of quality levels. First time replacing the bearings is the biggest effort, but is relatively easy once understanding the processing. Several thread here cover the replacement of bearings.

Best thing you can do for your motor pods is lubricate the bearings, which includes when you receive your Solo. Tri-Flow is recommended here by others, a drop (or two) in each bearing is all that is required. Myself I prefer a dry film lube. How often thereafter is subjective. Again several threads here covering the lubrication of bearings.

But like @Jubalr said, motor swap is another option to extend the life of the Solo motor pods. If you are to that point, just buy the best available and be done. The linked motor swap thread is the best resource here on the forum for why's and what's of replacement motors.
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Two of my solo motors failed literally simultaneously with very little warning. During flight the motors seemed to struggle to rotate at normal speed, like they were bogging down. Although the solo continued to fly, I started having level control issues. After the last flight, the motors were red hot and after cooling one of the motors was impossible to rotate by hand and another was extremely difficult to rotate. I had about 200 minutes total flight time on the solo. There was an accelerometer failure that occurred as well so 3DR sent a replacement and it's been trouble free (so far) and I never resolved the issue with the motors. I'm guessing a manufacturing problem but I'll never know with certainty.

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