Where can I get New props for Solo?

Jul 11, 2015
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
I just got my solo finally after 6 weeks and was flying great today, I landed and solo flipped over on it props while motors were turning and destroyed all 4 props! No idea why yet but really don't want to wait another 6 friggin weeks for $15.00 props!
Anybody know where I can buy new ones now?
Best Buy didn't have any? If not, you can search Amazon for 1045 Propellers and choose from the options avail.
Did you do all the updates and calibrate it before flying? Was the landing hard? Did it bounce up and flip? Bounce to the left and then flip or ?????
Yes, yes and no. Not my first drone and can fly pretty good on full performance. I'm thinking WiFi interference? It was a nice soft landing. Maybe I hit a button or something to cause it to flip?
My solo did the same exact thing... During the landing it came down softly, then titled over to its right onto the props. Ruined all 4, and I didn't know how to shut down the rotors...I'm in the city, about as urban as you can get. I think it was the wifi interference....the solo acts really funny on my block. I got LOS at only 50ft away...got my props from best buy. Online and from the store
I think @Dunginhawk had same issue. They must have a certain situation that makes them easy to flip.

I don't like the fact the motors keep going until the ESC/Motor burns out. You would think there would be some way for 3DR to detect its on the ground and not moving and kill them.

I guess we should all practice the Emergency shutdown process.
Before you fly again, you should save off your log files. Start the support ticket process and either email them to yourself or save them to Dropbox at the end rather than sending to 3DR, though you could do that also.

If you arm the machine it will create new files, and it only keeps 3 as tlog files where you can easily access them, so arm too many times and you lose easy access to the files.

You can download the Mission Planner PC app, and visually see what happened with the Solo from the flight controller perspective by playing back the flight tlog file. There is a "how to" thread on reading the log files on this forum.

Or you can upload them and have others take a look. There is a reason it did it, you just have to find out what it is. Understanding that may help you stop it from doing it next time.
I'm working on a swing arm type of mod that will 'kick stand' solo just before the blades contact on a flip over situation. Chewing up too many blades, this thing gets bouncy easy.
The kickstand sounds like a cool idea.. Keep me in the loop if you sell them.


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