What's going on with the backpack and gimbal at BB?

Jul 7, 2015
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I've been checking the BB site for the gimbal and backpack pretty often, and now the backpack page has a big yellow bar across the top saying "This item is no longer available.", and the gimbal page is not found at all. WTF is happening?

Edit: Now the gimbal page is back up, but showing the same "This item is no longer available" yellow bar as the backpack.
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Yup just saw their both totally gone now guess I was unfortunatley right and best buy backed out of the contract cause the delays and issues. Those that cancelled pre order like me won't be seeing gimbals anytime soon and now until the gimbal it's too late to return this is the most f&$@ed up launch I've seen officially now. I'm going from huge fan to beyond pist if this is the case. We've dealt with a lot already and this could be months waiting for in stock gimbals. They better be shipping the hell out of some gimbals on release but I'm not holding my breath.
Yesterday I returned my Solo cause the gimbal delay, I was in the 15 days return period of best buy, it's a shame really because I was so happy with my Solo, any problem at all, but in my case any video its usable without gimbal. It seems I'll have to look for options.
Yesterday I returned my Solo cause the gimbal delay, I was in the 15 days return period of best buy, it's a shame really because I was so happy with my Solo, any problem at all, but in my case any video its usable without gimbal. It seems I'll have to look for options.
I'm reaching the end of my patience as well. I had a horrible experience trying to order directly from 3DR, so I cancelled my preorder and just got it from a BB (just walked in and got it without any delay while my "preorder" was nowhere near being delivered). Now, if the BB option is taken off the table, I don't want to have to hope back in line making a late preorder from another site that will be delivered god knows when. 3DR [EXPLETIVE REMOVED], plain and simple.

I'm pretty conflicted about keeping my Solo. It is way beyond the time frame for a return, but even used I could easily sell it for a profit since I shipped it to a location where they are not selling them yet, and I am probably one of the only people in the entire region here to have one. On the other hand, I really do like it, and have been very lucky to get a good bird with none of the issues that have been reported by some. But without a gimbal, to stick with the bird analogy, it's just a lame duck.

Say what you want about DJI, and their support, but at some point having horrible support on a product that actually exists becomes more appealing than better support on something that doesn't exist.
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I too, was awaiting the arrival of the gimbal at Best Buy. Now it seems like the only other option is Fry's once it's available. I was able to pick up a Solo back pack from Fry's so I'm guessing they should have some gimbals once released as well.

That being said, I'm about at the end of my patience with 3DR and the gimbal delay. Sadly, I won't be able to do much as I'm WAAAY out of return policy. I've also invested so heavily in the product (4 extra batteries, numerous spare props, the backpack, the HPRC hard case from BHP, GoPro Hero 4 Black, extra GoPro batteries and accessories, FPVLR, Alfa antennas) that if I decided to sell it used I'd lose everything I spent on accessories.
I too, was awaiting the arrival of the gimbal at Best Buy. Now it seems like the only other option is Fry's once it's available. I was able to pick up a Solo back pack from Fry's so I'm guessing they should have some gimbals once released as well.

That being said, I'm about at the end of my patience with 3DR and the gimbal delay. Sadly, I won't be able to do much as I'm WAAAY out of return policy. I've also invested so heavily in the product (4 extra batteries, numerous spare props, the backpack, the HPRC hard case from BHP, GoPro Hero 4 Black, extra GoPro batteries and accessories, FPVLR, Alfa antennas) that if I decided to sell it used I'd lose everything I spent on accessories.

Yup same boat as much if not more in accessories as solo itself, as I said a while back I'm sure they discussed this when pitching the money back guarantee. That pitch was with a half smooth release as well, we're getting a kinda crumby deal at this point it seems.
It could be that 3DR decided to fill all the pre-orders first before providing stock the Best Buy. We all know that Best Buy got the first deliveries of Solo before all the preorders which to me was not very wise.
There are other retailers that will stock the gimbal, B & H, Frys, DSLRPros.

My original order for the Solo and gimbal were from DSLRPro on June 4. The Solo arrived June 25. I expect the gimbal in a couple of weeks.
Never realized so many were tied to one retailer. Although I always thought it was a mistake to put it there in the first place, I also think they may be just redoing the site and it could be back up before the end of the day. Maybe...
I initially went through Adorama but since preorders weren't priority I got it at best buy and was lead to believe that'd be my best bet from 3dr when I asked about canceling my pre order.

I know there's other retailers but they all have large waiting lists most likely but guess I'll try another pre order and hope for the best.
LOL.. funny but not funny.. This sh*t is bullsh*t. Meanwhile, the senior execs at 3DR keep posting gimbal videos on youtube. That P3S is looking better and better every day, wouldn't you say?
Yup just saw their both totally gone now guess I was unfortunatley right and best buy backed out of the contract cause the delays and issues. Those that cancelled pre order like me won't be seeing gimbals anytime soon and now until the gimbal it's too late to return this is the most f&$@ed up launch I've seen officially now. I'm going from huge fan to beyond pist if this is the case. We've dealt with a lot already and this could be months waiting for in stock gimbals. They better be shipping the hell out of some gimbals on release but I'm not holding my breath.

What's you source for confirmation that BB has backed out of the contract ? Before everyone panics and rumors start flying around it could just be being re sku'd.
One of the above post that mentioned DSLR Pros, They also screwed up the delivery of the Solo. I ordered mine April 20th and received July 8th. They also failed at delivering to the people who pre-ordered Solos first. They lost this customer. A couple of days, I did finally get my extra battery and props, now I am hoping that I get the free battery from 3DR along with the gimbal. Wait, Wait, & and more waiting. I hope the delays are worth the wait.
I don't buy that BB has backed out of the contract either. I'm now able to order batteries again from BB, so it seems that they are still receiving 3dr inventory.

There was another post here over the weekend saying that BB would start stocking the backpacks 8/10 (today). No clue if the source was reliable or not, but this may be related. Fingers crossed we'll see the backpack on BB today with "Available in store"
No source just makes no sense their biggest buyer is last to get it now poof it's gone. I hope your right but I fear I am.
I agree with Jubiar: "I always thought it was a mistake to put it there [Best Buy] in the first place." By going with Best Buy, 3DR has screwed the small dealers that put them on the map and evangelized for 3DR. Those smaller dealers are eminently more qualified to sell and support 3DR products. They actually know what they are doing and can answer questions. I haven't seen any of them participating here or the main Solo forum at DIY.

Having said that, who can really blame them? They are running a business after all. Distribution through major retailers like Best Buy is essential.

Now as to the dreaded gimbal delay. I've said it before. I'll probably say it again. Those of you complaining about repeated delays, etc. are just being ridiculous. I sympathize with your impatience, but since NAB 2015 (the announcement) the Company has said it would start shipping them at the end of July. Last week they moved that date back a week (or 2) - and for good reason. All the repeated delays that you guys are reporting are either imagined, or from unofficial sources. There has only been 1 delay - and only for a couple weeks.

So Keep calm and carry on. Best Buy pre-orders of gimbals and backpacks have probably run through their allocation. Best Buy won't drop 3DR. All indications are that the Solo has far exceeded expected demand.
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Maybe 3DR is reacting to the outrage that BB got Solo's before people that pre-ordered elsewhere. Maybe they're trying to correct what a lot of people saw as an injustice.

Just my $.02
Never did see an option to pre order the gimbal or backpack from BB. Only the solo itself.
They did the same disappearing act with the Solo.

This is correct, same thing happened to the original solo when it was released.

it seems to be the way best-buy gets ready to add stock to the online system......this is good news.It means it will be available roughly within a week.
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