Video latency

Jan 16, 2018
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Hi...finally got a Hero 4 Silver to use with my Solo and there is considerable latency in the video feed. Read a number of posts and it still leaves me scratching my head. Have only tried it with the fixed mount plate and image is clear, however there's is quite the delay. I sure wouldn't rely on it to fly fpv no matter how slow the speed settings. I use the Solo app and tried it with 7 different Android phones and tablets i own and it's the same on all of them. I fly a DJI as well as Xiaomi Mi 4k and none of those have that kind of delay when flown wirelessly in the same locations. Am relatively new to drones and open to put the time in needed to learn, however could use a little guidance. Would really appreciate any input from the community... Thanks
The only latency problems I've had are with cheap tablets or phones that didn't have the processing power to fly the drone and do a proper video feed at the same time. However there's a couple of things you can try.

1: Make sure the Video setup on the silver is 1080P @30 fps (this will have a jello effect obviously, but the reason for doing this is to just see if it improves the video feed).
2: Make sure Protune is NOT enabled.
3: Make sure the WIFI is turned off on the camera
4: Make sure you're using the proper recommended memory card in the camera.

5: Make sure whatever device you're using to control the drone isn't set to "power save" mode, or using any type of "balanced" power plan. Make sure it's set up for "performance" mode or similar.
6: Make sure the device isn't running any apps in the background.
7: Where possible, move the app storage location to the memory card and not the phone itself.
8: Disable any display options on the device such as "theater mode" or "movie mode", these can lead to a latency lag.
9: Make sure the device is set up for "full hd" and not "UHD" or similar. Again, these other modes can lead to a latency lag.

If you still have issues, please be more specific about the android devices you are using.
Thanks Irishman...have tried several of your suggestions prior to my posting with no luck. There are a few on your list that I'll play around with. . Not a lot of Solo flyers locally to network with. Most of what i learn comes from the generosity of forum members. Appreciate you taking the time!...Aloha
Video out latency on a GP is about 300-500ms, combined with the inherent latency of the WiFi downlink, plus encode/decode time on either end... The link is going to be pretty slow. Certainly more than sufficient for lining up shots, but not for doing any fast/low flying, in my opinion. I've found that the video latency is much lower under the OEM Solo app than it is Tower. I can't speak to Solex as I don't own it. Try the Solo app and see if that feels a bit more snappy.
Thanks..i use the stock Solo app. 4 of the Android devices are dedicated for drone flight only with both quad & octa core processers and a least 2gb ram. Sd cards i use are rated for 4k write speeds. Will turn off ProTune and try moving app to sd card. No powersave modes on. Where do i check "full hd " setting? Used these devices with my other drones without near the delay, but they are proprietary cameras, not a GoPro. I'll keep looking...Thanks again
It will be under the display settings on your android device, if you don't see the option in there it's more than likely that you're using an older android device that doesn't support it. In which case said android device might be too old and slow (which would result in video lag). Quad and Octa core means nothing when it comes to these devices. I have a 2GHZ Octacore tablet that can't be used for drone work at all (it barely playes full HD video's). Also the wireless connection is as slow as heck. Even getting a gopro video off the camera (which would take 2 mins on my phone) takes up to 30 mins on said tablet due to it's incredibly slow wi-fi connection.
Thanks Irishman...3 of the devices are new models recommended online. I use them only to fly my quadcopters. May i ask what tablet you use? An Android tablet you could recommend? ...Aloha
I use a Galaxy Tab 3 now for my drone stuff, great picture during broad daylight, other tablets I've tried tend to be too dark. Phone wise I've also used an S5 and an S7 with no issues.
..assume you mean Tab S3 as Tab 3 is an older tablet. Sorry to be a pita. Last tablets i bought came from reading online. They run my other quads fine but the Solo/Go Pro combo seems to need more. I owe ya' 1,2,3!! Thanks again

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