Video feed back from Solo

Jul 17, 2015
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Ok, I tried to be nice a look through the thousand posts about the feedback quality of the GoPro4 Black back to the Solo App. My video is very jumpy and not smooth at all it seems to show every five frames. There is alot of distortion and I have full bars for signal. Is it the frame rate that the GoPro is being set too? I am running it at 1080 120FPS, should i be lowering the FPS to say 80 or 60? I getting a headache watching the videos over again.
Ok, I tried to be nice a look through the thousand posts about the feedback quality of the GoPro4 Black back to the Solo App. My video is very jumpy and not smooth at all it seems to show every five frames. There is alot of distortion and I have full bars for signal. Is it the frame rate that the GoPro is being set too? I am running it at 1080 120FPS, should i be lowering the FPS to say 80 or 60? I getting a headache watching the videos over again.
Don't know what your describing with the picture your receiving,
but 3dr suggest 1080/60 to start with.
Put video up, maybe we can help?
Is it the streaming to the app? Or the recording? Or both? Streaming to app is always 720p regardless of recording. Recording is another issue, which could be on the record or playback side, or both. 120 FPS is VERY high. Just as a troubleshooting tool (as mentioned) take it down to 60 and see if that fixes it. May not be the final spot, but may tell you where the problem lies.
Sounds like he's talking about the live video feed through a tablet/phone. Hopefully when you have a high frame rate selected, it doesn't actually try to transmit all that data for the video feed.
Sounds like he's talking about the live video feed through a tablet/phone. Hopefully when you have a high frame rate selected, it doesn't actually try to transmit all that data for the video feed.
Streaming is always 720p. Need to see what is going on with recording to know if it is the camera, the signal, or the app/tablet
Same issue here. It's the video feed from the solo/GoPro to the tablet. The recorded video is fine.

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