Unable to adjust altitude limits anymore

Jun 25, 2015
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
So I almost always am flying my Solo under 150-250 ft, occasionally going higher but never over 400 obviously.

However, when I first was testing out the Solo two months ago, I had done a test and changed the setting to "No Limit" and was able to successfully get to 450 or 550 before coming back down and landing.

Since then I never really change it and it stays set at "400 ft" limit. However the past few times I have flown, I noticed that when I <try> to set the limit to "No Limit" or "401" or anything above 400, it does not work. It pops-up the dialog telling me to obey local laws etc etc etc and I hit "OK" and it actually just stays set at 400 no matter what.

Any idea whats happening here? I had asked in another thread about it and everyone seems to still be able to set theirs to "no limit"

Why did mine stop working? Anyone else have this issue?

No, I will not be flying above 400ft anyway but I just want to know why the the app stopped working properly for me?

BTW it's been like this for a month now, so everythings been restarted and updated multiple times, and everything else works fine in the Solo and app.

Another note: I thought it was maybe the GPS thinking I was in some airport zone or whatever (since I live within an airport zone) however I took it out far away from any airports in the middle of nowhere, multiple times, and it still wouldn't let me set it above 400.

My opinion is that it should probably do this for some people anyway :) Better off not being allowed to go any higher. But technically, its really bugging me. I want to know why, and if they forced it in an update, where is that documented
Next time I fly I will see what mine does for ya. .

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Thanks - you can actually even test indoors by simply turning everything on and connecting the Solo app to see if it allows you.

NOTE: When you select "no limit" it will make you click "OK" and it doesn't give any error, but if you then look at altitude limit it will still be what it was last left at

if you try to enter a value (e.g.: "401" or "1000" etc) it will give the error that I attached in the screenshot
Took mine up to a bit over 1000 ft today with the new firmware, so I don't think it is something hard set in the firmware itself.
Yeah thats what I was thinking but others have said they have gone to no limit after both the .5 and .7 firmware updates.

I thought maybe they added in a blacklist of areas within 3 miles of airports, like DJI has, but I have gone many miles away from any airport (20 or more) and still not able to adjust it anywhere above 400
I know in the older android app you couldn't adjust over 400'. I haven't tried the latest app. The iOS app didn't have this problem. I set the ceiling height using Tower.
I'm not in the US, and made sure to be in a wide open area, away from any air traffic.
Cool. I figured. I have heard of some people getting an exemption for the day from the FAA for an event. Was just wondering what that consisted of.

Happy flying!!!
Thanks! Just got a couple filters I'm excited to try out tomorrow. Maybe I'll even try and push the height a bit more.
Upgraded the firmware for both the solo and the controller to 1.1.12, upgraded the android 3DR solo app to 1.1.0. Altitude restrictions prevent flight 400ft above the takeoff elevation. Reverted the android 3DR solo app to 1.0.2 and was able to set the altitude limit to unlimited, test flight flight in said configuration was successful.
I used Tower and adjusted the parameter 'Fence Maximum Altitude (FENCE_ALT_MAX)' to change my limit. The app update and firmware update had no impact on the change.
So - after updating to the latest Android app, it now allows "no limit" -- it appears to be the previous version that was not "applying" [No Limit]. Not sure how many versions there have been on Android but I have had 3. 1 worked, 2 didnt, 3 works again (v1.1.0).

Could have just been an issue local to my device too - YMMV

Based on some replies here it seems other folks have mixed results with all versions of the app (some say it worked on older app but not newer, some say it worked on newer app but not older, etc)

Also: In my Tower app FENCE_ALT_MAX is set to 120 meters which is about 393 feet, I wondered if maybe that was overriding the 3DR Solo app's setting in the previous version, because when I set it to 400 it would always stay at 393.7 or something. When i changed it to "no limit" or "401" like in the screenshot it would say "entered value it outside allowed range" .
tl;dr: In the end I am not 100% why it wasn't working, but since the latest Android app update it works fine now!
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