Tower version

I just found this app called Mission Maker for Ardupilot that looks liken it is the Tower App renamed.
Since Tower is open source, Aero-Hawk forked it. They added one additional feature specific to their drone (not useful for others) and rebranded it in a new recompiled app as you see there. based on the reviews in the play store, it appears to have a few fixes and updates applicable to all. But it was last updated in January 2018, so any new problems or new features since then will still not be fixed. I don't know if it will work in Android Pie either. Someone would need to test.
Thats interesting. Will have to play with it a bit and see what I can find. I prefer to use Solex anymore but use Tower to truth the Terrain Following from Solex before flying the site.
Ya Solex is still way way way more advanced than this. I can't actually remember the last time I used Tower to begin with now.

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