The "GPS glitch"

But seriously, where is my effing gimbal? :)

Its in pieces in China. Same as mine :)

What you say about the rest is valid and I personally am not concerned about them getting it fixed. If the gimbal rocks I will keep it even though I don't feel it's the product they glamorized it to be, nor do I think they can make it that in the life cycle of the Solo.

Gut instinct is it should fly around and take good shots really well.

It also has a lot of power/options at its core for those that want to tinker using archaic interfaces and methods.
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This thread was interesting.
On a note about CS -- I had an open ticket that was sent as a preventative trouble ticket, even though I had no real issue because it turned out to be a geo-fencing issue, so the Solo is working fine.
3DR got back to me since I didn't respond to their advanced log e-mail which would have me go into Terminal and extract additional logs.
Thought it was nice that they are keeping track of all their tickets, and not assuming an issue is closed due to radio silence from the user (me) since I was out of town.

But again, this just seems like another issue where the LOUDEST voices are the ones with problems.
And I would probably be in the same boat if I had an issue, and I hope to not have one, especially once my gimbal comes and I start putting it to work.

Also the folks registered here are a small fraction of users, and an even smaller fraction are having issues.
Not trying to say these are not valid, and potentially a bad omen for the future of the Solo, but what we ARE seeing is 3DR providing replacement units and squashing any major problems users may have.

I am anticipating a new WAVE of complaints and issues once the gimbal arrives, and people have to install it on their own. No matter how simple it will be, someone will have an issue and try to curse the name of the Solo to no end.
There is a lot of hyperbole going on in these problem threads, where people make grand declarations and more gullible folks (who probably don't have time to wade through every post) will take some of that info to heart.

I don't want people to stop posting about their issues, because I end up learning more about the quad from the discussion, but the hysterics are a bit much.

But seriously, where is my effing gimbal? :)

The complaints that you read about are only a fraction of what I'm sure 3DR is getting. Reason for saying so,, Before Solo hit the market you could call 3DR just about anytime to talk with tech support as I have done plenty to let them know of bugs and ideas to make pixhawk better.

Now you are lucky to talk to them at all and the only way is email.

So if you want to look at it realistically, if solo was not having issues the phones would not be busy at 3DR. IF your not having issues there is no reason to call,, Or is there,, yes there will be the two percent that can't install the props on the motors or know how to charge the battery...

And yes, many people that are new to this look to the forums for answers if they are having issues or questions.
Again for the record,, The issues with Solo are very real for some and for others it is not.
3DR KNOWS and admitted they have gps issues amongst others and I personally know that they are doing everything in there power to contain the issues. . I have a friend in house that assured me of this.

The question I have is,
Let's say it's not Solo that's the issue,well completely, ,,,

I would realy like to know if geologically there are more issues in some areas over others. For example, ,,
Don't try using a compass over a patch of iron ore and don't try calibrating Solo or any flight system that has a internal compass in that area. I know Solo is VERY sensitive to magnetic anomalys because I would get compass warnings and move Solo a few feet over and it would be OK to fly..

Again,, people that have complained about WiFi issues and that are running out to purchase new hi gain antennas to get better distances,, I personally had Zero issues and had flown my Solo close to 2 miles out and still didn't max out on range with the stock antennas...
Please explain why that is,,and I'm not talking about being in an area plastered with Wifi, some people have had range issues out in the wide open areas were there is no Wifi.

I can say this,, I feel sorry for and would not want to be the boys and girls writing code a 3DR as I'm sure there working 16 hour days and 7 days a week to make Solo the best it can be.

And yes,, when the gimbal comes out it will have its own issues,, but the gimbal is not even close to the complexity of the flight system of the Solo..

I have a better solution,, micro gopro that can be fitted on Dragonflies that we can control telepathically...
Now we have the best flying machine ever designed, , and of course is was not man made.
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Again,, people that have complained about WiFi issues and that are running out to purchase new hi gain antennas to get better distances,, I personally had Zero issues and had flown my Solo close to 2 miles out and still didn't max out on range with the stock antennas...
Please explain why that is,,and I'm not talking about being in an area plastered with Wifi, some people have had range issues out in the wide open areas were there is no Wifi..

I am not sure the range issues are issues at all. Like anything else the range is going be less than maximum spec'd on the box. It takes practice and skill to get max range. The solo is twitchy for distance as I have said before. Once you start pitching it into the wind its game over and RTH.

Not to mention when the P3 has set the bar at 8,000-10,000' (and more) its hard not to want more for the Solo.

I will be glad for all this to shake out. If there ends up being a real issue with Wifi congestion I am going to be sorely disappointed. The government is banning us from national parks and places of beauty so that's out. 3DR says to go to open places to fly and avoid WiFi congested areas like cities and neighborhoods.

Get your popcorn ready guys I am going to have a really nice cornfield video for you tonight !
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I am not sure the range issues are issues at all. Like anything else the range is going be less than maximum spec'd on the box. It takes practice and skill to get max range. The solo is twitchy for distance as I have said before. Once you start pitching it into the wind its game over and RTH.

Not to mention when the P3 has set the bar at 8,000-10,000' (and more) its hard not to want more for the Solo.

I will be glad for all this to shake out. If there ends up being a real issue with Wifi congestion I am going to be sorely disappointed. The government is banning us from national parks and places of beauty so that's out. We are supposed to go to open places to fly and avoid WiFi congested areas like cities and neighborhoods.

Get your popcorn ready guys I am going to have a really nice cornfield video for you tonight !

Yup,, we can't even fly in our back yard because the neighbors think your spying on there wife,, glad my neighbor is single I can still fly over his property.

Well boys and girls,, I called the shop today and told them I wasn't comming in today. Woke this morning to zero wind,, no clouds , sun and 60 degrees,, the winds are less the 3 MPH all day.. we don't see days like this but a few times a year.

I'm going flying all day.. got my Goblin 770, 60cc SBach, quad racer, a few Hexes and a some others loaded up and I'm headed to the field..
Wish you were all going with me.. have a great day. Just have to grab my bucket and toilet paper...☺
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Had Mine try to flip on a RTH landing. back two props toast. At this point im losing patience.

It landed bounced up tipped back and put the back two props into the grass/dirt and I had to manually kill it.
Had Mine try to flip on a RTH landing. back two props toast. At this point im losing patience.

It landed bounced up tipped back and put the back two props into the grass/dirt and I had to manually kill it.
Sorry to hear that Chris. What mode were you in? Can you post logs?
Sorry to hear that Chris. What mode were you in? Can you post logs?

Just normal gps flight did flying noticed some weird action hovered a bit flew a bit then RTH let it land and tip. Will try to post later when i get in from work.
Sounds similar to mine. It's just acts like the flight controller realizes this GPS interpretation 50' away cant be real so switch to manual. However it takes a split second and even if that split second equates to 1' horizontal it turns into a problem if you have a landing gear leg down.

My mission planner log showed the Solo had moved 50' from where it landed and flipped. But it did not really move at all.

I like the landing gear on the solo overall because it plants when it lands. Much better than Phantoms. However it cant move after planted !
Up until this point I have been landing fully manually. Trigger RTH then pause to see how far off my take off point was and land manually.
In the same location, with same winds, my RTH point was almost pin point accurate.
The second takeoff, which was about 5 feet away from my first takeoff spot: upon triggering RTH, I noticed on the descent, before hitting pause and going for the manual landing, that it was about 3 to 4 feet off.
I did find that curious given that the takeoff points were so close together, and winds stayed the same (5-10mph).
I'll be more vigilant in looking for further inaccuracies.
Are there similar issues with the P3?
I would be curious why they could not disable GPS updates for the last meter of descent?
I would be curious why they could not disable GPS updates for the last meter of descent?

Well one thing that comes to mind is they really dont know where the ground is. Only where you took off and in my experience that is not 100% accurate either.
I was unfortunate enough to crash my Iris+ due to a GPS glitch just a few days after I got it. Initially 3DR blamed it on pilot error (said the unit was facing me and I probably got the controls backwards).

After explaining to them I've been flying fixed & rotary wing RC for 20+ years (not really sure that helped much :) ), and re-reviewing the logs with them, they finally confirmed it GPSGlitched (this is an actual error code in the pixhawk software). They made good and replaced the unit for me.

After a lot of experimenting on the Iris+ (shielding, moving the GPS out - similar to the X8), I've come to the conclusion that the GPS crammed so close to other electronics is just problematic. I think the compact size of the Solo just exacerbates this. I've added some shielding, but see only minor improvement, I'm not yet willing to move the solo GPS outside on a stalk.

Here's a few tips that have helped me when flying anywhere there are trees or other obstructions that may be blocking the skyline (which is just about everywhere I fly, even larger fields in parks around me have tall pine trees around the perimeter)

1. Get the solo to altitude fast. The higher you go, the better GPS signal you'll pick up. Don't use the "fly" takeoff and let it hover at ~15 feet. Take off manually and get it above the tree line, FAST.

2. When landing, hover above the tree line for 15-30 seconds right above where you want to land it. Make sure you have double digit satellite lock. Then bring it down fast to ~15 feet and either land manually or use the "Fly" land mode. ( I like the fly land mode on the solo - it shuts down the motors quicker than holding the stick down/left and doing it manually)

these have worked for me on both the Iris+ and Solo, and have prevented the crash, and (many) close calls I had on my Iris+ when I was relying on GPS at a low altitude (under 30-40'). Hope this helps.
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hey guys I got a question if you're in manual mode and you hit fly does it switch back to GPS mode.
I hit fly three times and it stayed in manual mode.
Theyre taking mine back on RMA after viewing a video of it floating back and right on its own with me giving forward input. They wanna check the hardware out.
Pretty sure I had to hit pause first then fly......looked in the manual and it says pause only works in GPS mode. I'll check it out.

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