The Dreaded Calibration Error

Nov 10, 2016
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Well going out to do just my fourth flight I've been hit with the dreaded "Calibration Error" on my controller screen. I put in a ticket and went live chat with Tech support at 3DR. "Gio" had me do a reset of the drone and controller and try the calibration again a couple of times with no luck. So I guess this means a return? As I've tried every damn thing I can think of. Oh and by the way, thanks for the add to the forums and Hi!! My name is Mike.
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Thanks for the welcome MrNeill. I got it last Friday. I only have three flights on it. Auto take off and land. I've treated it like a piece of china. Makes me sick. 3DR is suppose to let me know something today but I got a feeling I'll have to contact them Monday. I guess it'll just depend on what the files show them. But it flat won't calibrate. From a reboot to multiple tries it just won't do it. From the other accounts I've read here in the forum it's probably the FC? Hate having a nice drone I can't fly.
It might be faster to return to store for exchange. Huge inconvenience but it'll be faster than waiting for 3DR to repair and ship.
Nope I screwed on that. Bought it on e-bay. It was brand new and sealed but it wasn't from an e-bay store, just a man that had an extra one.
Not good news unfortunately, 3DR in the past does not transfer warranty, I know because I got a good deal on one but had a problem. 3DR told me what the problem was but did not offer to fix it.
Warranty only goes to the original owner.
Hopefully 3DR will work with you to get it back in the air.
Gio got back with me just a few ago. She said that one of the three accelerometers (IMU Acc Z) failed. So they are going to replace the entire unit. Now that being known now, in the future if that happened again like after warranty could that be fixed by me? I'm new at this so bare with me but is that a plug and play item on the board or is that something internal of the board? Is that a part that could be bought? I've got a lot to learn. lol
Scratch that last. Because I purchased it from an ebay seller they won't do shit for me. I can get it repaired at that UAS center but I'm sure that will cost the hell out of me. So I asked you guys, is there any way I can repair it myself??
You may want to contact your eBay seller and ask for a refund. Also, since he is the the original owner, he may be able to get it repaired by 3DR. Definitely worth a try.
No I decided to buy a new pixhawk cube from mRobotics. I'll install it myself. I've been a maintenance technician for 25 years so except for it being a PITA I shouldn't have any problems. That way I can learn how to work on it myself and when the new Pixhawk 2.1 cube gets merged with the Solo code I'll upgrade to that.
How quick was your initial response from 3dr? I sent them log files 2 days ago and am still waiting.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
No that's true Dash at least they did tell me what was wrong with it. But as it turns out I'm okay with it. They would have just sent me a refurb and I really didn't like the idea of that either. And nightram you need to go to the website and do a live chat with tech support. You'll get things moving a lot faster doing that.
Oh for sure I will Rich. I'd film doing the replacement but you guys wouldn't want to see my ugly mug. lol
Well I hope for a good outcome too. I think once I install the new cube I'll have to bind it again with the controller? But someone on the Facebook page was telling me that that info is stored elsewhere on the board so a new calibration and I should be ready to go. I think? Right guys?? lol
I believe the boot up is from a memory card on the Solo main board. I don't recall anyone else ever having the ability to replace the PH, as it was never available stand alone...lucky you that mRo had them.

I think many here will be interested in what would be required to make the swap. If only as a record for the future....
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Thanks for the welcome MrNeill. I got it last Friday. I only have three flights on it. Auto take off and land. I've treated it like a piece of china. Makes me sick. 3DR is suppose to let me know something today but I got a feeling I'll have to contact them Monday. I guess it'll just depend on what the files show them. But it flat won't calibrate. From a reboot to multiple tries it just won't do it. From the other accounts I've read here in the forum it's probably the FC? Hate having a nice drone I can't fly.

I flew mine right about 3 times as well before I got the calibration error and had to send it in. Got a replacement back in about 10 days total.



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