Swift Nav Piksi and EMLID Reach RTK and 3DR Solo

Hi all, I'm a newbie here and new to the SOLO bird. I jumped on the bandwagon a couple of weeks ago when I saw the price of the solo dropped dramatically (please don't blame me for that) Use to fly phantom 3 professional, and love it. As I read the forum and read all the great ideas and mods you guys have made (this is totally awesome by the way) I am excited and want to start adding features to my SOLO. I am not too tech savvy, but you guys are really pushing my imagination here (thanks for that).
More into this thread post; I found a QX10 on my local craiglist and i'm going to go test it tonight. I might go ahead and buy it since the price is very appealing. Now, I understand I will loose the ability of FPV with a static mount of it, but would be possible to attach the QX10 for mapping and a gopro hero 4 black facing forward for the FPV part of it? would it be too heavy you guys think? I guess I'm looking for advise on how to accomplish this or if it's possible at all.
Many thanks in advance,

Honestly, the QX10 might only be slightly better than your Hero 4 with a non distorted lens upgrade. Zoom lens and movable parts in general don't help for mapping and that camera still has a small sensor.
If it's cheap enough, by all means test it out and report back! :)

Good luck!
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cameras like the QX10 have so much unrealized potential
all they needed to do was provide HDMI out and a Panasonic or Sony sensor fit for M43
4k With stabilization
oh and build a gimbal for it
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Does the pricey Escadrone gimbal (with computer) aid with this?

Yes the separate computer of the Escadrone is making development more open for integration of the QX1 at the moment. I have recently signed on as North American distributor and am digging into the software side. For now this has been easier than relying on the SOLO's onboard computer.

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