Still waiting for android update

Apr 4, 2016
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Melbourne Victoria
It's absolutely disgusting that I or we that use android have not yet received the update for android. Go 3dr what awesome customer service and satisfaction your giving. STICK YOUR 3DR SOLO UP YOUR CAKE HOLE I'M OUT.....
It's absolutely disgusting that I or we that use android have not yet received the update for android. Go 3dr what awesome customer service and satisfaction your giving. STICK YOUR 3DR SOLO UP YOUR CAKE HOLE I'M OUT.....
hello bro just relax and be patience your not the only one using android but mine too as per 3dr says will release soon no need to be hurry debugging new program is not an easy task.
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This guy has been throwing an online temper tantrum about this since the release of 2.4. Some day, he'll grow up.
That's right you and your bum buddy can gang up on people who like to express their disappointment about solo. How dare I say something negative omg.
I have only just purchased one a week ago, so my solo and controller have been updated, but not the app, could this be the reason I cant stream video, if so can I go back to previous version of the software?
Download the beta if u can't wait...


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That's right you and your bum buddy can gang up on people who like to express their disappointment about solo. How dare I say something negative omg.
There is a significant difference between "expressing your disappointment", and acting like a petulant child repeatedly posting the same whining, entitled, rant over and over. You are doing the later, while most other people here are doing the former.
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There is a significant difference between "expressing your disappointment", and acting like a petulant child repeatedly posting the same whining, entitled, rant over and over. You are doing the later, while most other people here are doing the former.
Over and over again really slight exaggeration. Get a life and go drown.
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go drown.
I see your childish insults, and wishes of physical harm or death upon those you disagree with hasn't changed either. You're the only person on this entire forum that acts in this manner. You must be honored.
Not really you need 2 understand that some people get pissed when they purchase goods in good faith and the goods you purchase are not working 100% because of 1 app and to be told by 3d robotics that android will not be receiving the full capabilities that ios is getting is very annoying. Where not talking about $100 more like $2000 Australian. I then spent $700 more on a ios device to get the full potential of solo. My apologies for getting personal as you have done as well.
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